View Full Version : New Here!

10-20-2004, 02:39 PM
Hi everyone! We are Brian & Sarah & have a 1997 Cobra Mustang (Rio Red). We were debating selling it but, in the last few days, we have officially decided to keep it! So, we are starting to work on it (when money permits). We just got new tires put on yesterday & have done a few other maintenance things. We are wanting to start to come to the meetings @ the shoppette soon...depends on the weather & what's going on around here. We live about 20 minutes from Ramstein in a village called Etschberg (near Kusel). Anyone near us? We are a true Ford family...we also own a 1993 Ford Ranger (still stateside in Iowa) & a 2004 Ford Explorer. Well, I guess that's about it. If you want to chat, feel free to e-mail @ The_Earles_Family@t-online.de or IM on Yahoo @ luvnmyairman6599 Oh yeah & Brian does detailing....e-mail for a quote! Oh yeah, our family's website is @ http://proudusaffamily.sylera.com

10-20-2004, 07:37 PM
Welcome to the club:) . This is the best thing I have done was to join the club, well besides buying my cobra.

I hope to someday get to some of the meets myself but I must now get my car ready for the Michigan winter.

10-20-2004, 08:40 PM
That was very nice of you to say that Larry. Makes me have a big smile on my face... :)

Nice to have some US/German visitors on our BB. :thumbsup:

12-09-2004, 09:16 PM
20 minutes from Ramstein in a village called Etschberg (near Kusel). Anyone near us? WHere the aitch ye double hockeysticks is 20 minutes from Ramstein in a village called Etschberg (near Kusel)? Is that in Bavaria or something?:bounce: