View Full Version : Goodyear Gatorback whistle

11-21-2004, 02:36 AM
I switched belts a couple of days ago to a Goodyear Gatorback and now have a whistling noise. I had a friend who is technician at a local Ford dealership to look at it and he said it was the belt. I was afraid at first that one of the idler bearings might have gone south. I thought the Gatorbacks were supposed to be super quiet. Has anyone else had this experience?

11-22-2004, 09:10 PM
Gatorbacks are not super quiet. If anything they are noisy and rumble when they have some where on them. it probably depends on the road you are on for the whistle to take place but I don't know of any that have had this problem.

11-22-2004, 10:06 PM
My room-mate (jackers) has the gatorback on. It started whistling as soon as he put it on. As a matter of fact, the reason he installed it is for the whistle.

11-22-2004, 10:57 PM
My room-mate (jackers) has the gatorback on. It started whistling as soon as he put it on. As a matter of fact, the reason he installed it is for the whistle.
What Cat said...heh. :cool:


11-26-2004, 06:44 AM
Not real sure I like the sound. I am about to swap to 2.93" pulley and may go to a different belt at teh same time.

Big T
11-26-2004, 08:57 PM
I have a ford motorcraft belt with my 2.8 pulley and it is 2 mos old. I noticed a whistling noise between 2500 and 3000 rpms. I looked under the hood to see if something was wrong. Belt dust all over. No slip or loss of power. I don't like the sound. Can you buy a gates at a local car store? Any other belts recommended?

12-08-2004, 02:17 AM
Well, I bought the Goodyear belt after going to their website and doing some listening on all the forums to what was being said. Never heard anything about the possiblity that it would whistle afterwards. But the Gatorback is supposed to be very strong and have better gripping power than other belts. That is why I went with it. And the whistlening noise went away after awhile.

12-17-2004, 05:12 AM
Well, I bought the Goodyear belt after going to their website and doing some listening on all the forums to what was being said. Never heard anything about the possiblity that it would whistle afterwards. But the Gatorback is supposed to be very strong and have better gripping power than other belts. That is why I went with it. And the whistlening noise went away after awhile.
If it went away, consider yourself a leadfoot ;) Your standing in it, wearing the belt. Watch it close.
