11-27-2004, 03:32 PM
:mad: OK to start off with, my father-in-law has an 03 Cobra.........exhaust, CAI, chip, pulley (upper), belt tensioner, etc, etc................Most from UPR. We put on the upper 2.80 pulley the other day. We did it correctly with an ASP pulley tool. Had no problems with the pulley coming off or new one going on. Problem we are running into is...........he has a UPR pulley tensioner bracket that bolts onto the S/C. We had a problem with the UPR bracket (the belt hung off of the tensioner about 1/8th inch). We tried to shim the bracket so that the belt wouldnt hang off. It worked but when he test drove it, it pulled the belt towards the charger and ripped the belt a little. We took the shim out and left it the way it was and it worked fine - pulled 16lbs of boost (Autometer guage). Now the problem, he took it out yesterday and the belt has "walked" a little off of the S/C 2.80 pulley (not staying completely on the 2.80 upper). The belt is on all of the pullies correctly including the alternator pulley. The pulley is on all the way and flush with the snout of the supercharger. Anybody know why this is doing this???? Tech support said to take off the pulley and put it back on just to make sure, but I know it is on completely. The belt looks like it comes out a little more on the right side (going to the tensioner), but the alternator pulley lines up the correct way. All opinions are appreciated!!! I dont know whether the belt is the problem??? It is a GATES belt, the correct size that they gave him.