View Full Version : Flames for your cobra!!

11-28-2004, 08:08 PM
Ever thought about adding flames to the front of your cobra????

Well I have and this is what I think I would do....

What do you think.......?

What color do you think would look good? I know my car is black and everything goes with black but I want something smooth..

11-28-2004, 08:18 PM
I like it. :thumbsup:

11-28-2004, 09:32 PM
:thumbsup: Looks good silver and black. I had a friend do a black chevy truck in purple ghost flames and it look real sweet.

11-28-2004, 09:46 PM
I would agree with the ghost flames.... :thumbsup:

11-28-2004, 10:17 PM
I was thinking......

3)Sliver ghost
4)or some kind of color like a redfire

Not in that order but just some ideas...

11-28-2004, 10:39 PM
I think it'd look killer in Silver Ghost Flames! Let us know what you decide and definitely post some pics when you get it done!

11-29-2004, 11:56 AM
I think the silver ghost flames or DSG would look sweet but i just wanted some more ideas...

11-29-2004, 01:53 PM
I think with the black paint some ghost flames would definately be the way to go. I personally would like silver or a deep red if it was me. Just my 0.02. I I plan on putting white pearl ghost flames on my white 01 coupe.

11-29-2004, 02:04 PM
I think a really dark purple color would look sweet, to where it almost blends in with the black... but that is just me.

11-29-2004, 05:27 PM
03KC, I prefer the ghost flames. The blue flames are of a more traditional scheme & could be done with any color - although I personally would keep the majority of your Terminator Black.
I feel like the traditional flames are more of a "in-your-face" or "look-at-me" paint scheme whereby you're certainly going to be noticed. On the other hand, the subtlety of ghost flames hooks you & reels you in to see what else is going on with the ride.

:thumbsup: whatever you decide to do be sure you can live with it everytime you get behind the wheel.

Check out some of the custom work at this link for more ideas (http://customflamepainting.com/cgi-bin/parts/classifieds.cgi?db=samples&website=&language=&session_key=&search_and_display_db_button=on&results_format=long&db_id=450&query=retrieval) & be sure to "browse jobs". There's a few hundred different paint jobs in there. Paint is paint. What's done on scooters can be done on cars... Enjoy. OK, I'm done.

11-29-2004, 11:51 PM
Thought about something like this also....... :mad:

11-30-2004, 12:08 AM
03KC, I prefer the ghost flames. The blue flames are of a more traditional scheme & could be done with any color - although I personally would keep the majority of your Terminator Black.
I feel like the traditional flames are more of a "in-your-face" or "look-at-me" paint scheme whereby you're certainly going to be noticed. On the other hand, the subtlety of ghost flames hooks you & reels you in to see what else is going on with the ride.

:thumbsup: whatever you decide to do be sure you can live with it everytime you get behind the wheel.

Check out some of the custom work at this link for more ideas (http://customflamepainting.com/cgi-bin/parts/classifieds.cgi?db=samples&website=&language=&session_key=&search_and_display_db_button=on&results_format=long&db_id=450&query=retrieval) & be sure to "browse jobs". There's a few hundred different paint jobs in there. Paint is paint. What's done on scooters can be done on cars... Enjoy. OK, I'm done.

Thanks :thumbsup: That is a good link.....I REALLY like those Candy Brandywine Ghostflames...

11-30-2004, 12:54 AM
Ever thought about adding flames to the front of your cobra????

Well I have and this is what I think I would do....

What do you think.......?

What color do you think would look good? I know my car is black and everything goes with black but I want something smooth..
On a Black Cobra? Ghost the flames with a clear/pearl. Will color shift. I say color shift, but it's not color. They'll show up hard and pretty depending on the angle of the light, otherwise, they wont show.

Subtle is beautiful... :D


11-30-2004, 01:58 PM
mystichrome flames would be interesting to see on black. This way they change colors in different light. Just my .02:D