View Full Version : Now I'm having second thoughts

01-05-2005, 02:57 PM
No sooner did I find a '97 'vert' w/22,000 mi. at $13,000 than I'm having substantial second thoughts.

Everywhere I look, like e-pinions.com, or people I talk to, like my local Ford dealer, Chuck, I hear that this Cobra is a bi*ch in the rain and a bear at the bank. I guess all Mustangs (pre-'05) slip and slide all over the place on a drop of water. My wife is going to have to drive this car to and from work, including in the rain. And the operating costs, are reported to be very high in terms of brakes, gasoline, insurance, repairs, etc. Is it this bad?

Now, also, Chuck tells me that the wholesale book on my used Cobra is around $10,000, not $13,000. I'm surprised because I don't see them available person to person anywhere near that price other than the odd e-bay fluke. My car that I found is at a dealer, but I can't take a $3,000 hit when I drive off the lot.

Am I crazy, or is it just me?

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

01-05-2005, 03:40 PM
Do you need a car like this?? No

Do you want a car like this?? Yes. If ya gotta ask how much, you can't afford it.

My son drives his 94 everyday. When I got my 99, I drove it everyday, rain or shine (but no snow)for the first two years. Yes, they need premium gas, Insurance is high, maintenance is no more than anything else, unless you drive it aggresively, then tires and brake pads.

The fact that book value is one thing and selling price is higher should tell something about the desireablity (sp).

You want a focus or a cobra????

01-05-2005, 03:41 PM
It's all relative. For example, I can have problems in the rain with any rear wheel drive car if I choose to drive like an idiot but with caution and a healthy respect for what you car can do, I don't see a problem. Insurance should not be that bad on a 97. I am 27 with a clear record and pay a little over $1600/yr for insurance. Definitely shop around and you can find better insurance deals. As far as the rest of your questions, I have one for you to answer. How bad do you want a Cobra? How important is it to you? These are the same questions I asked myself when I bought the 04. In my opinion you are gonna take at least a $3000 dollar hit as soon as you drive any car off the lot so I don't consider that unreasonable. I haven't found the operating costs to be any more expensive than any of the other cars I have owned. Does the gas mileage suck? Hell yeah but to me it is well worth it. Hope this helps a little bit. If you decide not to go with it, let me know, there is triple black convertible Terminator for sale in my city.


01-05-2005, 03:44 PM
NADA value on that car (adjusted with the mileage)

Trade In



Cobra's are hard to appraise, especially with low mileage and in good condition. Those go alot more $$$ since its a niche car.

As far as rain, if you are really that concerned, get a 99+ model since they have Traction Controls and IT WORKS.

Otherwise, there is going to be a need to drive a certain way in the rain with a Cobra. Mostly, just don't get on it. Power + RAIN = traction problem. If you give it too much gas, yeah it can slide. If you drive it right, and as long as you have wet/dry tires on it, should grip like most other cars.

Cost wise is related directly to how hard you beat on it, and how well you want it to perform. Getting work done on them is cheaper than japanese cars, parts are cheaper too. Its not really gonna cost you more than any other well performing car to maintain (unless you are comparing it to a econo box or geo metro with tiny brakes and small tires), other than the fact that you should use quallity parts instead of el cheapo brands. gas..its uses the good kind, and, well usage depends on how you drive it, you can get 17 city 23 highway easily with it. I Have a led foot and I still get 15-16mpg city/light highway. Oil-wise, most cobra owners use synthetic, but on a use Cobra, you should stick to whatever the previous owners have used (dyno vs syn) and just use a good quality oil of the same kind.

Ulitmately, like other said, its a how bad you want it vs. how much you are willing to spend ratio.

01-05-2005, 06:17 PM
I think the price is really good here in michigan that car would cost even more because they are hard to find. I own a 97 and was getting 26.5 mpg after I changed gears I went down to 24.5mpg and I do play around a bit. I agree with the others you have to repect the power. I have NO problems in the rain unless it is a heavy down pour and then I just drive a bit slower. I'm 36 and pay 1000.00 a year for full coverage. I kept running everything though my head when deciding to buy mine and I have wanted a Cobra for a long time I have had 3 other mustangs but nothing compares to the Cobra. I enjoy it everytime I get into it, I get it out now when the weather permits here in Michigan. I enjoy the thought of knowing the power that is on tap and the looks when you go driving and other people with mustangs and people on the street even give you a friendly wave. I have no regrets about buying the Cobra and would do it again. I have to say go with your dream and enjoy the chance to own a great car and also you then have the chance to join the best Cobra club believe me I have checked out the rest and the others don't even compare.

01-05-2005, 11:34 PM
I have NO problems in the rain unless it is a heavy down pour and then I just drive a bit slower. ... I have to say go with your dream and enjoy the chance to own a great car and also you then have the chance to join the best Cobra club believe me I have checked out the rest and the others don't even compare.
Good support. Do convertables hold better in the rain from the extra weight or are they just more top heavy? I wonder. I guess it's the rain that scares me most because you can't plan for it. Are Cobras any worse than any othre Mustangs so long as you're not pushing it? If all Mustangs are so bad in the rain and snow, and cramped, how did they sell so many V6s and GTs over the years?

01-06-2005, 12:04 AM
Good support. Do convertables hold better in the rain from the extra weight or are they just more top heavy? I wonder. I guess it's the rain that scares me most because you can't plan for it. Are Cobras any worse than any othre Mustangs so long as you're not pushing it? If all Mustangs are so bad in the rain and snow, and cramped, how did they sell so many V6s and GTs over the years?well its the Torque that makes em different, and you don't have to worry about that with the V6. The verts are more bottom heavy, the top is pretty light. The Cobra's aren't like the old 5.0's were one sudden blip at 1500 rpm and your sidways. The low end torque on the 4.6 DOHC is alot more tame so it makes it more manageable. Seriously.. its all in how you drive. If you drive sensible and have good wet traction tires, its like any other RWD car on the road.

Like stated before, if you really want a Cobra and are REALLY worried about rain, get a 99+ Cobra with TRACTION CONTROL. I have hit a huge puddle before where any other car would have hidroplaned, and the TC has straightened the car in a split second and kept it on the road.

01-06-2005, 12:09 AM
I drove a 91 Mustang LX 5.0 convertible (the one my son drives now) since it was new until I bought the 99 Cobra I now drive. I had far more traction problems with the 91 in the rain than I ever have in the Cobra.

Low end torque in the 91 was part of the problem, live axle and lack of the traction control option was another.

Neither car is worth a @#$% in the snow or ice.
