View Full Version : 03/04 Cobra Whipple Charger

01-12-2005, 10:59 PM
If your looking to get one of these...I know of a group purchase going on now. These are great pieces. I wish I could get one..but, just not quite there yet. Let me know and I will send you the information.

01-13-2005, 04:05 AM
Mike if you could email me the info on the GP on this please do.:D :thumbsup:

Thanks, Jason

01-13-2005, 05:40 AM
Mike if you could email me the info on the GP on this please do.:D :thumbsup:

Thanks, Jason

I'm willing to be it's the Amazon v2.0 GP going on right now ;)

That's where I got mine... give Linn a call at the shop and order ya one. Then you can be cool like me :p

Oh... and I've sent you a PM :thumbsup:


01-13-2005, 09:30 AM
Email sent Jason

Shannon it is one in the same...just wanted those to know here. I want in too..but, I don't have the cash right now. I will probably do that later or port my blower

01-13-2005, 08:31 PM
Thanks Mike, I gave them a call and the sale is going on until the end of Feb. so I'll be saving every cent until then and getting it then hopefully!

Shannon, would you be available to help install it?:D

01-15-2005, 08:09 PM
Let me in on it,,,,,,,,Don't know if I can get one now but I will if I can afford it!!

04-22-2005, 10:41 PM
Is group sell still avaliable??

04-22-2005, 11:03 PM
Is group sell still avaliable??

No not now..check your other post...I noted what to do to watch for a GP for the Whipple.