View Full Version : New Find: Brake Cooling Kit

02-06-2005, 01:04 PM
How does this look for a brake cooling kit?


If others are interested, I can help arrange a group purchase!
I'm thinking of buying Standard-Duty kits and replacing with one foot of high-temp hose only at the backing plate...

Please post up if you are interested or have located something better!

burlesonsnake - DFWsvtoa
hatsharpener - SVTtexas

02-06-2005, 08:54 PM
up to three...

02-07-2005, 12:03 AM
I am interested but I just need the spindle plates. I have ducts and everything elase already.

02-07-2005, 12:30 AM
Man, that's WAAAAAAY too pricey. I'll stick with Zip ties. That kit probably has 15 minutes and $1 in material in it.

Tell that guy to shove that price up his wazoo. :D


02-07-2005, 12:50 AM
Need-4-Speed is one of the clubs vendors (on certain products). I'm sure they would give a GP for this purchase if you got a few more involved!

I'm interested, but first want to know what kind of GP discount that's going to be offered, if any!?

~Nice looking product though~

02-07-2005, 01:07 AM
Need-4-Speed is one of the clubs vendors (on certain products). I'm sure they would give a GP for this purchase if you got a few more involved!

I'm interested, but first want to know what kind of GP discount that's going to be offered, if any!?

~Nice looking product though~

Yeah, they need to drop the price by about $200. I wouldn't give over $75.00 for those, and I'm sure they're making about $70.00 profit off of them.
I "might" spend over $200 for carbon fiber, but not for those.

02-07-2005, 01:14 AM
I emailed the guy at need4speed. I told him to drop that price to under $100 and he might make some sales on it. You would be a fool to pay that when you could make them yourself for under $10.


02-07-2005, 01:35 AM
I emailed the guy at need4speed. I told him to drop that price to under $100 and he might make some sales on it. You would be a fool to pay that when you could make them yourself for under $10.

Agreed, why pay that much money for something that doesn't even make horsepower?!
Plus like you said you can make them yourself for far less.

02-07-2005, 03:28 AM
I emailed the guy at need4speed. I told him to drop that price to under $100 and he might make some sales on it. You would be a fool to pay that when you could make them yourself for under $10.
some of us just aren't as proficient or ambitious enough to attempt it...
if you've done it, please post some pics.
i know that one could cut a 3" section out of their stock backing plates, weld in a 3" intake, and run a high-temp hose from there.

coleman racing has some inlets... and the high-temp hose.

Brake Duct, Aluminum:
http://www.colemanracing.com/catalog/images/pn1309.jpg (http://www.colemanracing.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=28_1393)

Brake Duct Bracket
http://www.colemanracing.com/catalog/images/pn410.jpg (http://www.colemanracing.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=27_494)

which one, or just cut a 3" section at an angle?!?

Brake Duct Connector:

Brake Duct Bracket: ???

Maybe we can just do this ourselves then...

Brake Duct Hose:
http://www.colemanracing.com/catalog/images/pn414.jpg (http://www.colemanracing.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=27_498)

02-07-2005, 03:31 AM
BTW, I am in no way associated with coleman racing ... just a coincidence.

Anyone care to help us make a more cost effective solution?!?

02-07-2005, 04:03 AM
Coleman, here's a previous forum about the brake cooling kits! Hope this can help you out.
I was just stating above that in my opinion that it wouldn't be worth it for me to spend that much money on a brake cooling kit! It is a nice one though and would like to have it, if the price was better fitted!;)

here's that forum link for ya;

02-07-2005, 10:42 AM
Thank you for the link...

RF Cobra
02-07-2005, 07:35 PM
To sum up the previous thread he referred you to, there were a couple of places found that supply kits. I ended up getting mine off of ebay for $30.00 and picked it up from the guy since it turned out he lives fairly close to me. He usually puts them on ebay one at a time from what I could tell. No mounting plates with his kit, just the hose and zip ties.

02-07-2005, 09:15 PM
You don't need the mounting plate for the hose. I ran open track and American Iron without all the expensive parts. Take the dust shields off and use tie wraps to hold the hose in place. Coleman, your '03 should have 3" holes in the bumper, just hook it up and find a good route for the hose. :thumbsup:

If you look closely you can see where I routed the brake duct. Craig may be able to take some pics of where he mounted his.

02-12-2005, 12:26 AM
maybe we need to just buy the brake ducting and zip tie as best we can until an exceptional backing plate comes to market at a fair price.

Regarding brake ducting, who's is the most inexpensive?

#60-020 Neoprene for standard temperatures 10' per box $49.95
#60-030 Silicone for extreme temperatures 11' per box $59.95

#900-511 Brake Duct Hose High Temp, Flexible, 3" diameter, 12' $67.60

THENN-300 3" 350 deg. F Aircraft Neoprene 10' $49.99
THESS-300 3" 600 Deg F. Aircraft Silicone 11' $64.99

02-12-2005, 01:35 AM
It depends on how much you will use them. :thumbsup:

If you are going to use them on track a couple of times go to Lowes or HD and bye dryer vent hose. Cheap and throw away. :D

03-02-2005, 09:14 PM
Ok, here it is! This is what I just purchased...
Contact TJ Motorsports if you want a set!


$160 brackets + $60 for 12' Neoprene hose + shipping

Finally, my brake cooling problems will not be a problem!

03-03-2005, 11:39 AM
So they fit inside of the rotor and just do not replace the dust shield. thanks for the picture. I am getting ready to install some brake cooling for CMP. I will use the dust sheild and fab mine own. May not be as good as what you have.:thumbsup:

03-05-2005, 11:23 AM
I think they do replace the dust shield ... I'm hoping to get mine next week :)

03-05-2005, 12:18 PM
I guess I should have said that they do not cover the rotor like the dust sheild does. the rotor stay open and the air is forced into the center of the rotor. When I saw the picture of the setup the first time I thought that they replace dust shield but after seen them installed I see that I was wrong about that.

03-08-2005, 10:23 PM
I am making a brake cooling kit now. I will have some pictures of the finished product tomorrow. The kit will include all of the brackets, hardware, and high temp hose. The kit will be $200, and the brackets and hardware only will be $130. They are made of steel and are painted black. I will have them on my car at CMP this weekend and I can bring some with me if anyone is interested. Just let me know.
Thanks, Matt

Black Horse
03-09-2005, 03:02 PM
Here is another option - I have been making these for a couple of years. I might be able to arrange a decent savings for a group purchase if anyone is interested.
