View Full Version : 411 May 21st Participant List
04-20-2005, 05:14 AM
Link to Registration Form:
1 Rick McNutt '97 Mustang Cobra
2 Jayne McNutt '04 Z06
3 Peter Claussen '01 Corvette
4 Samuel Stout '97 Mustang Cobra
5 Jason Ireland '03 Corvette
6 Terry Kehne '96 Impala SS
7 Astolf Witte '96 Caprice - not present
8 Rick Brooksbank '86 944
9 Rob Orkney '01 Corvette
10 Chris Harp '02 WRX
11 John Manners '99 Corvette
12 Tony Bolton '02 Mustnag
13 Shawn Willocks '02 Z06
14 Ron Mulig '97 Corvette
15 Russell Buckner ' 96 Corvette
16 Brian West '00 Cobra R
17 John Brown '86 MR2
18 Kelly Munsey Impala SS
John Brown 61.391
Tony Bolton 62.678
Russ Buckner 63.843
Shawn Willocks 64.295
Brian West 64.462
Jayne McNutt 64.5
Terry Kehne 65.292
Jason Ireland 65.418
Chris Harp 65.489
Peter Claussen 65.670
Rick McNutt 66.040
Kelly Munsey 68.791
Rob Orkney 69.685
Sam Stout 71.388
John Manners 72.055
Rick Brooksbank 73.541
Ron Mulig 74.368
04-23-2005, 12:57 PM
Put me down again Rick, Thanks!
04-23-2005, 02:17 PM
Rick....walking out to mailbox as we,uh type. That's : Sam Stout,Elizabethton,TN 2007 Shelby Cobra GT-500....beta vehicle. NOT! I can only dream.:cool: But,seriously folks.......can't wait........had a blast last time. Let's milk 411 in her final asphalt days...kick it's asphalt!!
04-23-2005, 08:21 PM
Form printed. Check signed. Going out in Monday's mail. :thumbsup:
04-24-2005, 12:23 PM
Form printed. Check signed. Going out in Monday's mail. :thumbsup::withstupid:
04-24-2005, 01:29 PM
:withstupid:: party:
04-27-2005, 12:56 PM
My entry will be on the way by Friday.
05-02-2005, 10:46 AM
List Updated :thumbsup:
05-04-2005, 09:01 AM
My registration will be in soon.
05-07-2005, 07:45 PM
Updated! Where are the rest of you folks????? :doubt:
Don't worry I can only take one of the top ten spots! Well actually WE can take two but who is counting!! :D
05-07-2005, 07:57 PM
Where are the rest of you folks?????
I was wondering the same thing. Did we bruise some egos last time with two taxis in the top 10? Looks like some of the Impala "regulars" will be on vacation for the event on the 21st, so maybe some new blood will get a trophy.
Don't be skeered!
05-08-2005, 03:31 PM
Mine should be on its way, just had alota stuff and money bein' thrown around here recently. :(
05-10-2005, 10:39 PM
Good grief people! Whats going on here?! 11 total people counting ME?! Is there a free cash give away on the same day somewhere that I'm not aware of?
05-10-2005, 10:49 PM
Yes, I hear you. You would think that Brett and Tony would take this opportunity to improve their odds for a top 10 finish. :D
05-10-2005, 11:40 PM
I haven't sent my money in yet, but I am planning on attending..
05-11-2005, 12:23 AM
Unfortunately, I cannot make this one as I'm sure you all can understand that I have other club obligations and I'm spread pretty thin every month plus keeping up with membership, event organization, and home duties....I just can't make every event.
My schedule for the rest of the year: (All are tentative except Gingerman)
May 14 - SCMC Gwinnett Place Show - Atlanta, GA
June 4 - SCMC Mooresville Ford Show - Mooresville, NC
July 9? - SCMC on Track at Victory Lane - Charlotte, NC
August ?? - SCMC Highway 11 Cruise (Table Rock) - Gaffney, SC
August 27 - SCMC Parkway Show - Winston Salem, NC
September 3 - SCMC Ted Russell Ford Show - Knoxville, TN
September 17-18 - SCMC on Track at Gingerman Raceway - South Haven, MI
October 1 - SCMC Car Show (TBA)
October 22 - SCMC Ghost Tour (TBA)
October 29 - SCMC on Track at Little Talladega - Munford, AL
November 5 - SCMC Drag Day - Jackson, SC
As you can see, I have to split my time up with other events and parts of the country. Don't worry, I'll make up for it if the AL event is solidified in September! :thumbsup:
05-11-2005, 11:35 AM
Unfortunately, I cannot make this one as I'm sure you all can understand that I have other club obligations and I'm spread pretty thin every month plus keeping up with membership, event organization, and home duties...and I'm skeered.
:D We'll miss you Tony.
The big brown truck brought me a set of V710s yesterday. I'll break them in at the 5/21 event.
05-11-2005, 04:12 PM
You know those tires really won't work well on stock rims. Looks like you need to order another set of Forgelines... Humm...:thumbsup:
05-11-2005, 04:41 PM
You know those tires really won't work well on stock rims. Looks like you need to order another set of Forgelines... Humm...:thumbsup:Well, they are going to have to work well enough on the stockers for now. It will be weeks before I can afford to drop $2K into yet another set of wheels. ;)
Besides, if I run both 9.5" wheels and R-compound rubber, that puts me one point over the limit for the "modified" autocross and road racing events at the ISSCA national meet in July. I would have to run the "race" class and go up against the unlimited guys like Harvey Clark with a stock motor car. I think the sticky rubber will be more beneficial than the extra 1" of wheel width.
05-11-2005, 09:17 PM
Tony :run: Autocross gang
05-12-2005, 02:53 PM
So I am so far the only ricer registered, huh?
05-12-2005, 09:39 PM
So I am so far the only ricer registered, huh?
Yep. The rep of every winged wonder with a fart can is riding on your sholders!!! :p :thumbsup:
05-12-2005, 09:41 PM
OK so what is going on?? Where is everyone?? 411 is in one week and we have 10 cars registered?? The "TONY" trophies are here. Thankfully you can only see the Rustang? :D
Get those forms in. :thumbsup:
05-12-2005, 10:35 PM
We'll see how scared I am when and if we go to AL. :rotf: You might join the rest of the crowd and call me reckless! :rolleyes:
05-13-2005, 06:44 AM
We'll see how scared I am when and if we go to AL.
Tony - Unfortunately, I'm "out" for AL. That is the same weekend as the Atlanta NASCAR race. That event is a family tradition since 1991. The tickets are already paid for.
Now if you want to show up on 5/27 at Nashville Speedway for the "High Speed Fun in Music City 5" open track event sponsored by the Music City Mustang Club, I'll be there that Friday.
05-13-2005, 05:37 PM
Just borrow a stroker from Bob.... Go ahead run with the big dogs.
05-13-2005, 10:12 PM
Hey Tony; Looks like to me you ain't got a thing going on May 21st,according to your itinerary above. Come on down.....SVTMadman is now Z06Madman,so we need a Terminator!!:fordflag:
05-13-2005, 11:38 PM
Thanks Sam but back to back events is killer for me. I fear October as I will have three events in a row to attend. I try to do them every other week.
Thanks though...
05-14-2005, 03:00 PM
Updated :thumbsup:
05-14-2005, 08:08 PM
Updated :thumbsup: I hope I do well in my "MustNAG" :rotf:
05-14-2005, 08:14 PM
Those hazardous materials cause dyslexia!
05-14-2005, 08:35 PM
I hope I do well in my "MustNAG" :rotf:
Obviously a typo. It's supposed to be "Mustrag", isn't it? :grinangel
05-14-2005, 10:06 PM
Obviously a typo. It's supposed to be "Mustrag", isn't it? :grinangelI'm just glad it's not MustSUCK! :bounce:
05-14-2005, 10:11 PM
we are thinking about coming-- Rick I will call you as soon as we know! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
05-14-2005, 10:12 PM
I'm just glad it's not MustSUCK! :bounce:
When you keep finishing in 1st place, you can call it whatever you want. :thumbsup:
05-14-2005, 10:34 PM
Tony I just could not help it. I typoed it at first and when I read it, it seemed so well YOU!! :eek:
05-17-2005, 07:13 AM
Is there a link to directions somewhere? Trying to recruit people but since it's usually 0dark:30 when we drive out, I can't remember most of the drive. :confused:
05-17-2005, 07:57 AM
Use this link to Mapquest and enter your starting location for directions.
Be patient it opens very slowly.
05-17-2005, 12:55 PM
You can also check out the 411 Dragway site (on the same property) for directions:
Hazman - Check your PMs!!!
05-18-2005, 09:57 PM
I'm in!
05-18-2005, 11:22 PM
Updated. Just what I need lots of Corevttes WooHoo a target rich environment!! :thumbsup: :bounce: :D
05-19-2005, 09:17 PM
Anyone interested in changing the direction/lines of the course? Course setup remains the same, however the way the laps are made get reconfigured.
Just a thought.......
05-19-2005, 09:23 PM
I want to be there , but I cant not be there for this one.
05-20-2005, 04:34 PM
Do you have to mail check in first to run,or just show up.....
If someone is keeping tabs of entries on line.......put me down.:thumbsup:
j. brown
05-20-2005, 06:11 PM
Do you have to mail check in first to run,or just show up.....
If someone is keeping tabs of entries on line.......put me down.:thumbsup:
j. brownJohn, you should Email Rick(Hazman), and make SURE you are able to pay at the event. With as many slots open, you should be able to participate!!! Hope to see you there!!!
05-20-2005, 09:24 PM
You do not have to mail the check, just bring it with you along with your registration form filled out and give it to Rick at the event. (Make check payable to "SCMC".) I'm guessing you work for Ted Russell Ford/Isuzu since your e-mail address indicates that? It's good that someone from the dealership comes out and sees what SCMC is all about. :)
Have fun, be safe!
05-21-2005, 10:13 PM
I can't believe that it is 10 at night, and nobody has posted anything about the second to last 411. I thought about you guys all day long, and how i wished I could be there. I worked on my car most of the day, getting her ready for the final 411. Hope today went great, see you all in less than one month.:bounce:
05-22-2005, 12:39 AM
Well...there were lots of Vettes,a couple of COBRAS,1 Cobra-R,a few Cabs and a Toyota MR-2. And I think there was one Mustnag....that's right a Mustnag. A great time was had by all and the camaraderie was definitely present. And for suspense,just wait 'til Rick gets results posted. Man this event is a real hoot. I'm sure I'll be driving the course tonight in my sleep. This stuff gets in your blood. All 115 miles on way back,I was thinking about things like suspension mods,different lines,better know what i mean. FUN.
05-22-2005, 05:56 AM
There was some good driving at this event. It was good to see everyone again, even though we were down a few entrants. I had a blast as usual, but it's still hard understand how WE ALL got beat by the car with the lowest HP there. :eek:
Ohhhhh, tha' suspense! I'd take 2nd to that guy anyday, though :thumbsup:
05-22-2005, 10:45 AM
Results are posted with the registration list.
05-22-2005, 10:57 AM
Results are posted with the registration list.
So, after declaring that the fun runs "don't count", you post Jayne's fun run in the official results. I know - it's in italics.
Me thinks someone here is just trying to get laid. :D
05-22-2005, 11:12 AM
Look like The beer was free last night Jason!:D
05-22-2005, 05:14 PM
Results are posted with the registration list.Not that it matters........but I think I had a 62.2XX run as my best. I know I had a 62.3 in there.
05-22-2005, 05:49 PM
Not that it matters........but I think I had a 62.2XX run as my best. I know I had a 62.3 in there.
Seems to me that your runs were all 65s. :D
Seriously, I don't remember anything lower than a 63.5 for you yesterday, and I think that one had a cone. I wrote down what was announced over the PA.
05-22-2005, 10:13 PM
Seems to me that your runs were all 65s. :D
Seriously, I don't remember anything lower than a 63.5 for you yesterday, and I think that one had a cone. I wrote down what was announced over the PA.
Well, this proves me not crazy I believe. Remember when you wrote down that "65" run and I was like WTF?! We laughed, you told me it was a joke and that I had a "3 second penalty" as part of the joke. If I had a 3 second penalty, that woulda put me at a 62.XXX, and I then had 3 runs in the 62.XXX range. 62.8, 62.3, and 62.2 .
05-23-2005, 09:01 AM
I said 63.5, but I was wrong, I meant 62.5. You had several 62.5 to 62.8 passes, but I don't recall anything near 62.2.
I think that when something snapped in your elbow last Saturday, something in your head snapped with it. ;) You didn't have any passes that low. At least if you did, they were not announced over the PA. Not that it really matters - still 2nd place.
05-23-2005, 11:26 AM
Look like The beer was free last night Jason!:DQuite possibly the best BudLight I've had since the end of season race last fall. :D
05-24-2005, 07:00 PM
06-05-2005, 12:49 PM
You guys do know that there is another one of these scheduled for June 18th, don't you?
It's less than 2 weeks away from this event and there are only TWO Mustangs/Cobras registered and only 10 cars overall. The May 21st event was poorly supported by the sponsor's own club - only 4 Mustangs/Cobras came out and only 16 cars overall. Rick said that you need a minimum of 22 cars to break even on the expenses so your club lost money. If these events continue to loose money, they will disappear.
I've been trying to drum up some business outside of the Mustang community, but you folks need to step up to the plate.Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves. I can't believe you are that Skeered of a bunch of Vettes and a few taxis.
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