View Full Version : Lime Rock Drivers Ed Open Track Event June 24-25 Friday & Saturday

05-01-2005, 10:24 PM
The NNJR-PCA has invited the SCMC to participate in their Drivers Ed Event at Lime Rock Park in CT :thumbsup:

Track Map and Website: http://www.limerock.com/trackinfo_maps.htm

Hotel Info: IRON MASTERS INN http://www.innatironmasters.com
Call for reservations ASAP and ask for the Lime Rock discount - not many hotels nearby and they do book up quickly!

Camping will be available thurs nite - saturday at the track $35 total....

Fee Per Day: Student $295 - Solo Driver $245 - Instructor $95

Application Form: http://www.nnjr-pca.com/downloads/driversed/de-longform.pdf
(print out and send in with your check)

Tech Form: http://www.nnjr-pca.com/downloads/driversed/de-techform.doc
(be sure to have this filled out by a mechanic - The Porsche events are known to be very safe events)

I'll need a few volunteers to help with registration, tech, instruction, etc....please advise....

This is a very fun track in a very beautiful area - I ran it last November with NASA and had a blast! :bounce:

any questions? please email me: kenw66@optonline.net

I'd like to keep a running list of participants, so please email or post if you are planning on attending....

Thanks! Hope you can make it! :bounce:


06-14-2005, 11:07 PM
OK, final notice, the cutoff to sign up is 06/18 = THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!

hope you can make it! :bounce:

post here or email me if you're going and I will hold your spot....

06-25-2005, 10:23 PM
I just got back from LRP with the NNJ region porsche club, and cannot say enough about how well they ran the event....everything was right on schedule down to the minute! five run groups of 30 cars, four sessions of 24 minutes each....I put 219 miles on over the 2 days. :bounce:

The track is a bit rough where they added some concrete patches in big bend and kind of bumpy at the end of the diving turn, but is still a fun track....They had some instructors cancel out last minute, so I instructed an intermediate student and took an occasional rookie on an as needed basis, all this in 95 degree heat! I think I drank about a case each of water and gatorade over the 2 days....I didnt even have to change tires, brakes, or anything else, so it was nice to just run for a change :D

I must admit, those porsches are very impressive....I ran well with a bunch of them in the instructor run group, but some just flat out fly, and a few didnt even need to brake except for at the end of the main straight! :eek: not quite the same with my heavy almost 4000 pound car :lol: but everyone could certainly hear my car coming around the track :lol:

two of my friends from svtperformance came by, but without cars....the porsche club is interested in having us attend other events, so stay tuned, and hopefully next time we'll get a few more members to attend :thumbsup:

06-25-2005, 10:52 PM
Sounds like you had a good time Ken! I hope we can get some more members to go the next time... :)

06-26-2005, 10:12 AM
Sounds like you had a good time Ken! I hope we can get some more members to go the next time... :) absolutely!!! The porsche club has opened its doors to us, which is quite an honor, considering their events have always been "porsche only" events....