05-01-2005, 10:24 PM
The NNJR-PCA has invited the SCMC to participate in their Drivers Ed Event at Lime Rock Park in CT :thumbsup:
Track Map and Website: http://www.limerock.com/trackinfo_maps.htm
Hotel Info: IRON MASTERS INN http://www.innatironmasters.com
Call for reservations ASAP and ask for the Lime Rock discount - not many hotels nearby and they do book up quickly!
Camping will be available thurs nite - saturday at the track $35 total....
Fee Per Day: Student $295 - Solo Driver $245 - Instructor $95
Application Form: http://www.nnjr-pca.com/downloads/driversed/de-longform.pdf
(print out and send in with your check)
Tech Form: http://www.nnjr-pca.com/downloads/driversed/de-techform.doc
(be sure to have this filled out by a mechanic - The Porsche events are known to be very safe events)
I'll need a few volunteers to help with registration, tech, instruction, etc....please advise....
This is a very fun track in a very beautiful area - I ran it last November with NASA and had a blast! :bounce:
any questions? please email me: kenw66@optonline.net
I'd like to keep a running list of participants, so please email or post if you are planning on attending....
Thanks! Hope you can make it! :bounce:
Track Map and Website: http://www.limerock.com/trackinfo_maps.htm
Hotel Info: IRON MASTERS INN http://www.innatironmasters.com
Call for reservations ASAP and ask for the Lime Rock discount - not many hotels nearby and they do book up quickly!
Camping will be available thurs nite - saturday at the track $35 total....
Fee Per Day: Student $295 - Solo Driver $245 - Instructor $95
Application Form: http://www.nnjr-pca.com/downloads/driversed/de-longform.pdf
(print out and send in with your check)
Tech Form: http://www.nnjr-pca.com/downloads/driversed/de-techform.doc
(be sure to have this filled out by a mechanic - The Porsche events are known to be very safe events)
I'll need a few volunteers to help with registration, tech, instruction, etc....please advise....
This is a very fun track in a very beautiful area - I ran it last November with NASA and had a blast! :bounce:
any questions? please email me: kenw66@optonline.net
I'd like to keep a running list of participants, so please email or post if you are planning on attending....
Thanks! Hope you can make it! :bounce: