View Full Version : Ride for Pride Video (9-11)

05-22-2005, 11:40 PM
Don't know if this video has been posted here, but it's worth a repost I believe.


RF Cobra
05-23-2005, 10:27 PM
While their intentions are good, I have a hard time applauding anyone that uses pictures of the innocent victims falling to their deaths. To me, that is inexcusable and in poor taste. :(

05-23-2005, 10:30 PM
Oh sorry.....I wasn't referring to that part of the video. I didn't mean to offend anyone, but you are correct that shouldn't have been shown.


RF Cobra
05-23-2005, 11:07 PM
Not your fault, you didn't make the video. :)

Like I said, I think what they are doing is great, just wished they had used a little better judgment when doing the video.

05-24-2005, 02:04 PM
that was a good movie it makes me rethink or what I am fighting for. :mad:

05-25-2005, 11:00 PM
I know they'll try to do this as close to 9-11 as possible, but do you guys know who to contact about getting in it?:raise:

08-22-2005, 09:41 PM
No matter how you look at this video, It still makes something hurt inside, A hurt that will never go away. To see those people fall to there death....... There are no words to describe it. This is my first time of seeing this video. We all take each day for granted, we go along with our busy schedules and run our arrons and pick up the kids from school and rush home to eat dinner. That is what these people were doing before that horrible moment that took it all away. So everyday I hug my Wife a little tighter and give her one more kiss before I leave to go to work and I make a little more time for my parents and I wake up a little earlier and I watch a little more sunsets and every chance I get I shake another Soldiers hand and thank him or her,,,,, I thank you for posting this video. United We ALL Stand. Thank you Airforce1 :thumbsup: .

99 cobra
08-24-2005, 03:25 PM
No matter how you look at this video, It still makes something hurt inside, A hurt that will never go away. To see those people fall to there death....... There are no words to describe it. This is my first time of seeing this video. We all take each day for granted, we go along with our busy schedules and run our arrons and pick up the kids from school and rush home to eat dinner. That is what these people were doing before that horrible moment that took it all away. So everyday I hug my Wife a little tighter and give her one more kiss before I leave to go to work and I make a little more time for my parents and I wake up a little earlier and I watch a little more sunsets and every chance I get I shake another Soldiers hand and thank him or her,,,,, I thank you for posting this video. United We ALL Stand. Thank you Airforce1 :thumbsup: .

That was touching man!!! i say :cheers: for that one...

UNITED WE STAND!!!!:raise: