View Full Version : 21st Annual Mustang & Ford Show - Richmond, Virginia

06-03-2005, 11:15 PM
September 24, 2005
21st Annual Mustang & Ford Show
Richmond, Virginia
Hosted by Central Virginia Mustang Club at Virginia Center Commons Mall, Richmond, Virginia. Event hours are 8am to 5pm with check-in running 8am to 11am. Registration fee is $20.00 (pre-registration $15.00 before September 1, 2005). Rain Date of October 8, 2005. A portion of the proceeds benefit Simon Youth Foundation. Dash Plaques, Goodie Bags, 50/50 Drawing, Raffle and Door Prizes. Check our website often for updates on our Show. CVMC looks forward to seeing you at our Show! For more information, call Tony Hall at 804-282-0592 or email svt95cobrava@aol.com or call Dave Dickey at 804-730-1450 or email drdickey@maxinter.net or visit the website at http://www.centralvamustang.com.

06-03-2005, 11:16 PM
I hope many of you can make it to the show :thumbsup:

:D :D :D

06-04-2005, 06:05 PM
isn't richmond like 3hrs from the outer banks? if so i will try to be there.

06-04-2005, 11:04 PM
That's great Kerry :thumbsup:

Look forward to seeing ya :D

:D :D

06-05-2005, 09:12 PM
Are you planning any huricanes this year? ;)
Sounds fun and I will attempt to make it.

06-05-2005, 10:15 PM
If you noticed we have a rain date just in case one decides to arrive unannounced :D

You can get an registration form on our website :thumbsup:

:D :D :D

08-15-2005, 10:17 PM
I'll be bringing my new '95 Hardtop/convertible

08-16-2005, 08:55 AM
I'm going if anyone wants to get together and cruise down.:thumbsup:

08-22-2005, 08:53 PM
It's great to see that ya'll are coming :D

Get that registration in and save $5 and also have a great parking spot :thumbsup:

Thanks for coming guys :D

08-23-2005, 09:03 AM
Already done :D

08-23-2005, 05:40 PM
Fantastic :thumbsup:

See you at the show :D

09-22-2005, 10:01 AM
I'll be leaving early Sat. morning around 7 ish from Woodbridge/Dale City to go to Richmond if anyone wants to cruise down. :thumbsup: I want to get there a little early so I have time clean up a bit. Just let me know.

09-22-2005, 02:14 PM
See ya Saturday Ryan :thumbsup:

09-27-2005, 09:21 AM
Here's a few of my pics from the show. I should have some more when my
sister loads her pics to the web. I'll post them whem I get them.
It was a fantastic show once again. Tony, you and the CVMC did well :D. It was nice seeing you again Jerry, even if it was for a few minutes. The day went by pretty fast. The weather was perfect for a show and I will be there next year :thumbsup:


HP has switched servers to Snapfish :mad: and they ask for name, e-mail, etc.

I just made up a name and used the e-mail nothanks@hotmail.com and password nothanks
then click on the CVMC show picture and your there.
Sorry for all the instructions

09-29-2005, 11:10 AM
Here's the rest of the pics -


just click the link that says "view my photos without signing in" and your all set.:thumbsup:

09-29-2005, 05:58 PM
Good seeing you to Ryan, great pictures. Maybe we can get the Mid-Atlantic group together again in the near future. Jerry :bounce: :bounce:

09-29-2005, 07:14 PM
Good seeing you to Ryan, great pictures. Maybe we can get the Mid-Atlantic group together again in the near future. Jerry :bounce: :bounce:

I agree with Jerry :thumbsup: I hope we can get together again also :D

I have a question Ryan. Can CVMC use some of your pics on our website in our Photo Section? If yes can you e-mail them to me at


Thanks for coming to the show :D :thumbsup: