View Full Version : Fall Drag Day?
06-05-2005, 12:16 PM
Just posting up to make sure that there is going to be a fall drag day. I will be attending this one for sure, and I'll be bringing the thunder. In a coupe this time, so I will be able to run it. Anyone else planning on attending??
06-08-2005, 10:46 PM
I will be there Josh and yes, we are having a Fall drag day. The SCMC without a Fall drag day is like commiting suicide... :rotf:
06-09-2005, 08:34 PM
I will be there Josh and yes, we are having a Fall drag day. The SCMC without a Fall drag day is like commiting suicide... :rotf:
Thank goodness!! I'm die'n to make it a drag day. Watching everyone run "nascar" style was killing me. I couldn't run. I'm so ready to be able to run that many times (if nothing breaks of course). The SCMC drag day was a drag racer's dream if you ask me! Thanks Tony!
06-09-2005, 09:36 PM
75 cars seemed to work very well at the Spring event. We'll probably limit the number of vehicles coming in so we can get a ton of runs. I'm planning on bringing the 94 for this one to see if it can break into the 13's with the mods I did to it. (Although, it is set up for open track)
We'll also be doing something different for the bracket competition. Probably have three separate races but keep the $$ pot interesting for all that are involved in each race. Who knows... we may try to get a few sponsors for the Fall event. Right now, I just take it a day at a time. :)
06-11-2005, 04:05 PM
75 cars! Were that many at the last one?? That sounds like a very successful even to me. Good job on that one Tony. Maybe we should add another drag day in there? I'm gonna try to talk with Coastal Plains Dragway when I get back and see what they charge for a track rental. They just resurfaced the track last year. They are cool people there and I think it would make a great location for a drag event in the future.
06-12-2005, 09:57 AM
I think we had as many cars as we needed in order for everyone to get ample runs. We had 75 cars and that pretty much kept everyone busy. You can talk to coastal and let me know what they say...
06-15-2005, 05:09 PM
I'll probably bring the yellow beast back down there again this Fall. Last year on the way home after running some new best times, I blew the engine in the quest for top speed in Charlotte. :mad:
We'll try the trip again minus the triple digit speeds. Should be a little less expensive this time around. :thumbsup:
06-15-2005, 06:57 PM
I'll be there with my Kenne Bell:D I finally got the parts in today, so very soon it'll be running!:thumbsup:
I'll have a couple other Mustang friends joining me again probably. I can't wait:bounce:
Shon Herron
06-16-2005, 11:36 AM
I hope I am in the 75 cars to run!
Got this bolt on car running really good for what little has been done to it!!
And it should be quicker by November!!
06-17-2005, 10:50 PM
Y'all know how I am about lists, right? ;)
Let's start a list of who is coming... (We'll start marking "paid" when we get closer to the event)
Updated list:
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange Cobra
Josh - 1997 Black Cobra Convertible
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red Cobra Coupe
Steve Shrader - 1999 Chrome Yellow Mustang GT
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro SS
Shon Herron - 1997 Z-28 Camaro
06-18-2005, 02:19 PM
what about non-members. will we still be able to attend? i had a blast at the spring event. i'd really hate to not be allowed into the fall event.
06-18-2005, 06:13 PM
I'm planning on bringing 800rwhp worth of '03 cobra there Tony. The black 97 will be the backup if for some reason I can't get the twins installed in time (shouldn't be a problem).
06-18-2005, 09:00 PM
what about non-members. will we still be able to attend? i had a blast at the spring event. i'd really hate to not be allowed into the fall event.
OF course!!!!!! We love having everyone come out to play! :thumbsup:
06-18-2005, 11:53 PM
75 cars seemed to work very well at the Spring event. We'll probably limit the number of vehicles coming in so we can get a ton of runs. :)
this is what i was talking about. why would you limit the number of cars. that doesn't seem fair.
06-19-2005, 04:08 PM
why would you limit the number of cars. that doesn't seem fair.
The point of limiting the number of cars is this: It encourages people to get their stuff filled out and sent in for one, and the most important reason is that the cars that do get in, can run so many times it's crazy. When I was there, there was a green bullit and a dark shadow gray mach 1 that ran eachother probably 30-40 times nascar style. This event isn't about sitting in line waiting to run. Most people sit in the pits and talk and hang out, then when they want to run, the jump in the car, and in less than 1 minute, they are flying down the track! With 75 cars, you may have to wait a little, but an event like this allows you to get as many runs as you want. Not just a 1-2 run evoloution. Plus, there is a bracket race. So if you have 100-150 cars there, the bracket race would take all day. This is the perfect event for beginners, as there is no pressure. There are tons of nice people there that are all going for a good time. Not to point fingers and make fun of someone if their '03 cobra only goes 14's in the 1/4 due to driver error, or just inexpirience. For the more expirienced drag racer, it gives you the chance to really dial in your car because of all the runs you get. If you start getting too many cars, it takes away from what the event has always been, and it turns into a regular, packed, test and tune night.
06-19-2005, 11:14 PM
that seems to be pretty closed minded. what about the guys that show up that could be future members but you turn them away? doesn't seem very good for the club. 75 cars is not a ton. 100-150 is not a ton for that matter. have you ever been to a national event? there's usually more than that. if the event starts to get really big, then make it a 2 day deal. have everybody run just for fun on saturday then return on sunday for a couple different bracket classes. but i don't think it will get that big anytime real soon. not picking on the event, it just takes alot more to be big, bigger payouts, more classes, etc. like i stated before, i had a blast at the spring event and would be upset if i was turned away from the fall event.
this is just my .02 so take it as you will, but i just don't think it would be good for the club to turn people away.
06-20-2005, 08:54 AM
To answer your question, yes, I have been to a national event, and this isn't at all the same. 150 cars is a lot. And with 150 cars, that will add a considerable amount of time to the wait to run. This event is something special, and to be honest, I really doubt that if someone showed up, they would be turned away, but I doubt there would be 150 cars showing up. It's something special that Tony puts together twice a year. This isn't just a test and tune day at the track, it's a day of fun, and a day at the track. It's not fun ford weekend, it's our club's drag day. Everyone is invited. If people are THAT worried that they won't get in, just pay in advance, get on the list and you're in there. I have no problems if the event it open to an unlimited number of cars, but it wouldn't be the same.
Also, I doubt this would turn into a 2-day event. Track rentals are not cheap, and a lot of people probably wouldn't stay for both days. The people that usually attend this event are just people that want to go out and have some fun. Most are not people that will load their drag car into the trailer and head across the country to attend the event. Most people come just to hang out and see everyone, and get some runs in. I'm not interested in the cash for winning a bracket race, I just want to go and have fun.
06-20-2005, 09:01 AM
We were glad to have you at the Spring event as we had the best turnout and the most fun that day. While your suggestions of a two day event is a good one there's a lot more to it then that. This event is run with a small handful of people as you probably saw in February. The reason for "capping" it is just as Jason and Josh stated, numerous runs all day long even up until 11:00 pm if you wish to stay that late. Also, you have to consider manageability of the event. It takes a lot to put on a "big" event and to be honest with you, we have always believed in quality over quantity. We want you to get the most "bang for your buck" so the limit is there. Of course if we have a few extra at the gate we wouldn't turn them away as many people travel a long way to come to this event. However, if pre registration hit 75 then we would close it just like we did our CMP event. As for a national event, we'll just leave that to Fun Ford weekend, we don't need that headache. SCMC does more then just drag racing, we have open track, cruises, multiple car shows, and that can beat down on the same group of people who are putting these events on for others to enjoy.
You had a great time at the Spring event, got plenty of runs, and felt like the entry fee was worth it. While many places charge $15.00, we charge $40.00 and that is due to the tremendous amount of runs you get at our events. I suggest just "prepaying" and putting aside the thought of not getting into the event. Let us worry about the big things, you go out and have the fun with the other Mustang/Cobra owners at the strip. Thanks for understanding! :thumbsup:
06-21-2005, 12:08 AM
i guess we'll have to just agree to disagree on some things:( . just to give ya'll a different perspective on things, i'm going to try to pre-register for the fall event but money for me is tight right now so i may not be able to. if i can't then i'll hope that i have it by the time the event roles around. if i don't have it by then... well, i guess i'll just have to read about it. granted, my situation is not your fault, just keep that in mind cause there are alot of people out there in the same situation. i appreciate the hard work by everyone involved in making this event happen and hopefully i'll see ya'll there.:)
06-21-2005, 03:35 AM
We understand the "budget" thing Jeremy. We have never had 75 people preregister. The most we ever had was 38 preregister, so I really don't think you have anything to worry about. If you show up at the gate, we won't turn you away especially since you have been to a previous event. Honestly, it's not worth worrying about, we're not hard to get along with and we understand it if you have to keep an eye on the finances. Now, let's go have some fun! :bounce:
RF Cobra
06-22-2005, 11:08 PM
There are several factors at play but the reasons already given for why the event is done the way it is are the best ones. While the club itself has a lot of members they are scattered across the country. The larger the event, the more people needed to run it. Typically from what I have seen in our area (NC/SC) the same group of people do the majority of the work when it comes to the shows and events. You have to remember that all of the people helping to run the event are doing so for free and placing an unnecessary burden on them by making the event too big for the volunteers to handle only results in a bad event, volunteers that get burned out and are unwilling to help again, and participants that go away shaking their head and telling others the club did a bad job of handling the event.
Also, most clubs would require you to be a member to participate. Other groups will let you go to an event they have but they require you to pay the event price plus the membership fee for a year. So far Tony has never done that and nonmembers have been welcome to attend club events without hesitation. If you have a Cobra then I would hope that you will join the club and be willing to volunteer to help out at the events. This is the best way to be able to influence change as it will give you a picture of what it takes to do these events and a better understanding of why quality instead of quantity is what helps make this club successful.
Even if they close registration, it is much better to make a few miss out than to ruin everyone's day by having way too many participants to keep everyone involved with plenty of runs. If I went to an event that didn't live up to my expectations I can promise you I would never attend another one and I would warn anyone that asked about the problems that were encountered. Ideally it would be great if they said no limit on cars but that would mean a lot of sitting around for people that paid to be making runs and result in a lot of unsatisfied participants. While it is fun to socialize with fellow members and nonmembers, we have other events that specifically cater to being social events so a track event should not become one.
As far as costs, I can only think of maybe 2 members that I have met that may not have any problems paying to attend all of the club events. The rest of us try to budget wisely and run the events we can afford. There may be a few that spend money with reckless abandon. However, the club members I know all fall into the former category and know their limitations and abide by them even if it means missing an event. I missed out on CMP earlier this year because I wanted to be sure I had enough money set aside to pay the bills when our daughter was born earlier this month. Besides, there will be plenty of opportunity to attend future events. :)
I hope that things work out for you and you will be able to attend! :thumbsup:
06-23-2005, 01:46 PM
Updated list:
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange Cobra
Josh - 1997 Black Cobra Convertible
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red Cobra Coupe
Steve Shrader - 1999 Chrome Yellow Mustang GT
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro SS
Shon Herron - 1997 Z-28 Camaro
Richard Arthurs - 2003 Mineral Gray Cobra Convertible
07-04-2005, 08:36 PM
Count me in again. This was a great event this year and last year!! Can't wait to see some of my SCMC friends and make some new ones!! :rotf:
07-04-2005, 08:54 PM
Updated list:
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange Cobra
Josh - 1997 Black Cobra Convertible
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red Cobra Coupe
Steve Shrader - 1999 Chrome Yellow Mustang GT
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro SS
Shon Herron - 1997 Z-28 Camaro
Richard Arthurs - 2003 Mineral Gray Cobra Convertible
Rocky Rowland - 2003 Cobra Coupe
07-17-2005, 04:27 PM
Hey Tony. I have a question. I was wondering if it was possible that we could have a passenger ride during the event. I know some tracks allow this on test and tune nights and I was wondering if it could be done here? I'm talking Tarah into possibly competing in the all ladies bracket (if there is one)and I would love to be able to give her some tips. Is there anyway this could be done?? I don't see how it would be anymore dangerous than having a passenger at an open track event.
07-28-2005, 05:22 AM
Josh, I think it would be great for you to bring your wife and have her in the women's bracket racing!
For passengers I know that in Feb. I pulled up to the line with a friend and they wouldn't let him ride.:(
Can't wait to meet ya!:thumbsup:
07-28-2005, 12:32 PM
Josh, I think it would be great for you to bring your wife and have her in the women's bracket racing!
For passengers I know that in Feb. I pulled up to the line with a friend and they wouldn't let him ride.:(
Can't wait to meet ya!:thumbsup:
She's gonna come to the event, now I just need to get her behind the wheel. She likes the 97 a lot, but she's never been a fan of the '03 (she hates white). But, I mentioned it to her and she said that she may be interested if I could help teach her. I was just asking to see if having passengers was a possibility.
07-28-2005, 07:55 PM
i dont know if jackson is NHRA or IHRA but here's what my 2003 NHRA rulebook says:
Section 16 - General Regulations
10:9 Occupants
No more than one person is permitted in any car during any run, except one co-driver permitted in 14-second and slower E.T. cars; co-driver must be a minimum of 16 years old.
so if the wife is 16 (i hope so) or older then i dont see why not as long as you run slower than 14.00. i would explain to the track officials that you are trying to instruct her on how to race and ask to make a single run.
hope this helps.
07-28-2005, 09:32 PM
Jackson is IHRA and if they give the nod then by all means, knock yourself out. :)
07-28-2005, 10:06 PM
my suggestion would be to go to a strip for a test n tune, and teach her there. Then, let her run at drag day. Just a thought.
07-28-2005, 10:45 PM
my suggestion would be to go to a strip for a test n tune, and teach her there. Then, let her run at drag day. Just a thought.
I would love to do that, but in I think she'd get nervous during a packed 100+ car test and tune night at the local track. I'd like to teach her in this enviroment where there will be no pressure, and she'll be able to run more than 1 or 2 times. I think the drag day would be the perfect place to teach her. Also, if it's a track rental, then shouldn't you be able to make the rules Tony? I can limit her on speed, that's no problem.
07-28-2005, 11:04 PM
at those test n tunes, you can make a solo pass, can't you? You should try that.
07-31-2005, 12:03 PM
We are thinking of having Pro Dyno bring their mobile dyno to this event. How many of you would be interested in dynoing your Ford or GM at this event?
Please post here, thanks.
07-31-2005, 06:57 PM
at those test n tunes, you can make a solo pass, can't you? You should try that.
I guess I don't understand what you are saying. Like make a pass by myself? Or let my wife make a pass by herself? Yeah, I could do that, but I'd like to be with her if possible. I know the first time I ever went to the track, I was really nervous. I can't imagine what she'll feel like being that she hardly ever drives the car, and is not 100% comfortable driving a manual.
07-31-2005, 07:43 PM
no, what I meant was ask the track to allow just your car to run down the strip, thus adding less pressure. You see?
08-02-2005, 09:56 AM
no, what I meant was ask the track to allow just your car to run down the strip, thus adding less pressure. You see?
yes, I believe they'd let me do that. I'll see what they say when i get back.
08-02-2005, 03:09 PM
never hurts to ask.
08-06-2005, 09:09 PM
I guess I don't understand what you are saying. Like make a pass by myself? Or let my wife make a pass by herself? Yeah, I could do that, but I'd like to be with her if possible. I know the first time I ever went to the track, I was really nervous. I can't imagine what she'll feel like being that she hardly ever drives the car, and is not 100% comfortable driving a manual.
The first time I ever drag raced for real was at the 5th anniversary. Lucky for me, Bonny and I were both "first timers". We had chatted on the boards about racing, and we both really wanted to, however, we both were a little scared. Heck, I was terrified! We did it together :D We shared our first drag race. The adrenaline was pumping, and my heart was in my throat. That was all it took :bounce: :bounce: I was ready to go again and again. It was a total blast!! Running that first time against someone else who was new was the key. HOWEVER, I drive the car all the time, and I am very comfortable driving it. Might I suggest that she just drive it around town some and get comfortable driving it? If I wouldn't have felt so comfortable driving the car, all the assistance in the world wouldn't have helped. I was able to apply other's helpful advice because I knew how to handle the car, and I got better with every run :thumbsup: Good luck!!
08-06-2005, 10:06 PM
The first time I ever drag raced for real was at the 5th anniversary. Lucky for me, Bonny and I were both "first timers". We had chatted on the boards about racing, and we both really wanted to, however, we both were a little scared. Heck, I was terrified! We did it together :D We shared our first drag race. The adrenaline was pumping, and my heart was in my throat. That was all it took :bounce: :bounce: I was ready to go again and again. It was a total blast!! Running that first time against someone else who was new was the key. HOWEVER, I drive the car all the time, and I am very comfortable driving it. Might I suggest that she just drive it around town some and get comfortable driving it? If I wouldn't have felt so comfortable driving the car, all the assistance in the world wouldn't have helped. I was able to apply other's helpful advice because I knew how to handle the car, and I got better with every run :thumbsup: Good luck!!
I think you are onto something here. :) That is definately a good idea. If I can get her to drive the '03 around for awhile, maybe she'll become comfortable with it. I think she'll be alright. I wish I had something a little slower for her to begin on. An 800 horsepower twin turbo cobra may be a little too much. LOL She really likes the 97 cobra. It's easy for her to drive with the 4.30 gears in it. She can drive a stick, but she still needs some practice. I'll set up a tune for her and run around 5-8 psi and let her race with it. This should keep the car in 13's maybe 12's with her at the wheel. I think she'd be okay with that. But, it is a new combo, so I'm gonna want to get it to the test and tunes and dial the suspension in so it tracks straight on the launch. From there, I think I can get some solo runs in there with her and get her up to speed. We'll see though. She won't let me put an automatic in it because of how much they cost. She told me I should put one in there, and I said "oh yeah! I'd love one". Then she asked how much an automatic would cost........ she never mentioned it again. LOL
08-16-2005, 02:30 PM
Tony, I'll be there in the blackfire :thumbsup: Wouldn't miss a day like this on my home track!
When we last spoke a few months back I found out (& agree with) some changes to the EOD racing format. Is that posted yet?
08-17-2005, 10:24 PM
Tony, I'll be there in the blackfire :thumbsup: Wouldn't miss a day like this on my home track!
When we last spoke a few months back I found out (& agree with) some changes to the EOD racing format. Is that posted yet?
I guess we'll have to see what the two black blower options will do for a car!:D :D
Except I've got a little less weight then you will;) ;)
08-17-2005, 11:58 PM
I guess we'll have to see what the two black blower options will do for a car!:D :D
Except I've got a little less weight then you will;) ;) Should be a fun day Jason :thumbsup: Be sure & bring your driver mod :D:D
If I go a 11oh or high 10 i'll be stoked. I was runnering 11.7s-11.8s with just a 2.85 upper, all pig heavy. Since you mentioned it, I'm in the gym & losing some of that extra weight, lol. The car remains 3565 though (Commerce scales)... What's your previous best @Jackson? What are you shooting for?
08-18-2005, 01:25 AM
Should be a fun day Jason :thumbsup: Be sure & bring your driver mod :D:D
If I go a 11oh or high 10 i'll be stoked. I was runnering 11.7s-11.8s with just a 2.85 upper, all pig heavy. Since you mentioned it, I'm in the gym & losing some of that extra weight, lol. The car remains 3565 though (Commerce scales)... What's your previous best @Jackson? What are you shooting for?
Oh he definitely needs a lot of that "driver mod" ;);)
I'd like to come play at the track as well with the rest of everybody else... but I sure would hate to drive about four hours to run, make one pass and then "kindly" be shown the gate out :doubt: I'm fairly confident that even with my cars excessive tonnage and my "mediocre" driving skills it should whip off a high 10 second pass. I got it to run 7.0's at 102 on drag radials and a stock clutch in the 1/8th... DFX should go in next week and I now have a set of "track only" wheels to help in the traction department :D
New wheels are a set of "old skewl" Centerline AutoDrags (front and rear) with a 26 X 10.50 X 15 in the rear. Convertible weighs 4040 lbs with me in it, full weight with 1/2 tank of gas. Man this thing is a pig!
08-18-2005, 01:26 AM
My current best is a 12.45 on street tires with a 2.76 upper, CAI, and full exhaust!
That was the Feb. Dragday and it was my first time ever driver a car at the strip. This time I'm going to shoot for high 10's and get them I hope. I will have some dragradials this time.
BTW, the weight reduction I was referring to is that I'm going with a Built Solid Axle, so the car should weigh about 125lbs. less then yours ;)
I definitely need the driver mod, but I can't seem to find it :rotf:
08-18-2005, 08:13 AM
Shannon - I don't recall you having a light bar... get one. You'll play all day. Be advised that others have ;).
Jason - staying 3.55s or you gonna go steeper? The reduction in weight alone is worth a wee more than a tenth. :thumbsup: 100lbs/tenth or there abouts...
Who's up for some half-shaft CARNAGE?!?!?!?! :firedevil
08-18-2005, 01:45 PM
Looks like there will be some fast cars there this year. I'm trying to talk the old lady into letting me buy some big 'n littles for the drag day but I don't know if I can budge her. I currently have 4.30's in the rear that I will be installing so I'll need to get them changed, and some traction for I'll be running some less than steller times.
08-18-2005, 08:52 PM
Jason - staying 3.55s or you gonna go steeper? The reduction in weight alone is worth a wee more than a tenth. :thumbsup: 100lbs/tenth or there abouts...
I've actually stepped it up to the 3.73 gears. I was thinking about going with the 4:10's, but I just wanted the 3.73 so that I was in 4th crossing the 1/4 rather then at the 3/4 shift.
Should be fun.........I wish I had the extra coin to purchase some Drag only wheels, but that will have to wait until the Feb. Drag day!:D I'm getting the new clutch soon, so that will put a little hole in my pocket;)
08-18-2005, 10:04 PM
I think 3.73 will be very nice for ya. I was thinking I may be able to keep the 4.30's if I bought a set of 28'' slicks. I don't want to make my wife upset though by picking up a set of these wheels/tires.
08-29-2005, 02:39 AM
I think 3.73 will be very nice for ya. I was thinking I may be able to keep the 4.30's if I bought a set of 28'' slicks. I don't want to make my wife upset though by picking up a set of these wheels/tires.Yeah, that would be nice, 4:30's with the 28" tire! I was actually thinking about picking up a set of Centerline's for the car. 15x4 up front with some 15x10's in the rear. I've looked at Summit and they've got them for around $550 shipped for the set. I'd like a set of the Bogart's, but as much as I'd use them it ain't worth the money for me, even the Centerline's will save me a good bit of weight for the track though ;)
As for the car a few things came up, so I'm not sure what will be on the car and what won't :mad:
But the solid axle is beautiful, nice as hell and rides great! No more worrying about breaking the IRS :D A huge thanks to Ronnie (ScreamMachine) for doing such a great job on it. Can't wait to put it through hell and back:thumbsup:
09-02-2005, 09:14 AM
Yeah, that would be nice, 4:30's with the 28" tire! I was actually thinking about picking up a set of Centerline's for the car. 15x4 up front with some 15x10's in the rear. I've looked at Summit and they've got them for around $550 shipped for the set. I'd like a set of the Bogart's, but as much as I'd use them it ain't worth the money for me, even the Centerline's will save me a good bit of weight for the track though ;)
As for the car a few things came up, so I'm not sure what will be on the car and what won't :mad:
But the solid axle is beautiful, nice as hell and rides great! No more worrying about breaking the IRS :D A huge thanks to Ronnie (ScreamMachine) for doing such a great job on it. Can't wait to put it through hell and back:thumbsup:
That's awesome! My old room-mate has a solid axle and he's coming down today. We are going to put mine in and I'll use the Pro Racer package and compensate for the gears. So I'll play with some new stuff a little bit today and tomarrow. And I've been eyeballin them centerline telstars for awhile, but I need something with a 5.5 inch backspace if I go 15x10. But I think the 5'' should be close enough. But that and a 28'' slick may not work as well for me. I don't know.
09-15-2005, 01:53 AM
I'd like to come play at the track as well with the rest of everybody else... but I sure would hate to drive about four hours to run, make one pass and then "kindly" be shown the gate out
Shannon - I don't recall you having a light bar... get one. You'll play all day. Be advised that others have ;).
So Shannon you going to come down and play with the big boys or what? :spoke:
The car is put back together and the new clutch is going in by the end of the month! Now, I'm going to see if I can scrape up enough money for the big/littles with some tires and I'll be good! :D
BTW, will it be a problem driving on these? (referring to the big and littles)
09-21-2005, 11:51 PM
Shaun Fisher - Black 1993 Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - Rio Red 1994 Cobra
09-21-2005, 11:54 PM
I'll be sending mine in next week Tony! :thumbsup:
I've got a couple others that may want to come and play too :D
09-23-2005, 08:56 PM
75 cars! Were that many at the last one?? That sounds like a very successful even to me. Good job on that one Tony. Maybe we should add another drag day in there? I'm gonna try to talk with Coastal Plains Dragway when I get back and see what they charge for a track rental. They just resurfaced the track last year. They are cool people there and I think it would make a great location for a drag event in the future.
I knew there were a good bit of cars but we were told to pre-register early because they were only letting 60 in?
Great event and we haven't missed one since we have known about them and we will be there for this one and the one in Feb. too! :D
I still say that bracket racing sux!!! But we will be there for the TNT. ;)
PS. Tony I will have my 6-7 sent in by next week Sir! Just printed the forms out. :thumbsup:
09-25-2005, 11:55 PM
~ and the new clutch is going in by the end of the month!Doing my best to scrape up the $ for the clutch. If I don't - I won't be able to run :banghead:
Infamous, If'n ya get (ET Street/Drag) Bias Plys for the bigs... be prepared for the wiggle. If runnin DRs, should feel normal.
09-26-2005, 12:05 AM
I plan on running a ET Street Drag Radial, that way I can drive down on them and don't have to worry about the wiggle on the high car and a wall don't mix :D
09-26-2005, 11:06 AM
I've really got to get cracking on my car. I'm going up to Indiana on wednesday, so when I get back, I'll have to tear into it or I won't have the car ready in time. :eek:
Shon Herron
09-26-2005, 11:09 AM
I am sending in my 'stuff' this week!!
Got the bolt on car almost ready, you willl get to see it run a blistering low 13 second 1/4mile pass!! what would you expect from a Camaro anyway?
09-26-2005, 09:50 PM
Doing my best to scrape up the $ for the clutch. If I don't - I won't be able to run :banghead:
Infamous, If'n ya get (ET Street/Drag) Bias Plys for the bigs... be prepared for the wiggle. If runnin DRs, should feel normal.
Hey James are you doing the clutch yourself or paying someone to do it? If you want to do it yourself I will be glad to help ya and I have pretty much a full service shop here if your interested so let me know if we can help.
You know the wife is gonna rag your azz regardless of your reason/excuse if you don't race. :D
I also replied on the forums. :thumbsup:
09-26-2005, 11:01 PM
I've really got to get cracking on my car. I'm going up to Indiana on wednesday, so when I get back, I'll have to tear into it or I won't have the car ready in time. :eek:
You had better get cracking on that thing.......I can't wait to see it run! :D
I'm still waiting on one last thing for my clutch (26-spline) input shaft and then I'll be home free. I'm getting a gt style cat-back for it and then I need to get a good dyno tune from Amazon (I hope the dyno is going to be finished soon). :thumbsup:
09-28-2005, 09:10 AM
Hey James are you doing the clutch yourself or paying someone to do it? If you want to do it yourself I will be glad to help ya and I have pretty much a full service shop here if your interested so let me know if we can help.
You know the wife is gonna rag your azz regardless of your reason/excuse if you don't race. :D
I also replied on the forums. :thumbsup:Chris, I will try to do it locally first. If time tables do not allow for it- I may take you up on the offer! Thanks for that!
I get the feeling she'll ride my hide either way - but you know I'd hate to give anything up without a scrap ;).
09-28-2005, 10:09 PM
Chris, I will try to do it locally first. If time tables do not allow for it- I may take you up on the offer! Thanks for that!
I get the feeling she'll ride my hide either way - but you know I'd hate to give anything up without a scrap ;).
Ah she is slow and you know it... Since your upgrades I am sure you will be faster now.
Have you had the opportunity to run yours since the Screwing went on? What are you hoping for at Carolina? I myself would like to see some 10's from the snake and I don't for see that being too much of a problem. :thumbsup:
09-29-2005, 05:11 PM
With the unported eaton (& little else) I was 11.78 Nov & a slew of 11.82's in Feb so I'm certainly hoping for a low 11/high 10 at the "House of Hook".
I haven't been to the track yet cuz within a 10 days I'd glazed the clutch over and need to get it replaced. Sticky track + more power = a tow home :cool:
09-30-2005, 12:55 AM
Kilroy, give Lethal Performance a call and get the DFX set-up :thumbsup:
09-30-2005, 03:33 PM
Kilroy, give Lethal Performance a call and get the DFX set-up :thumbsup:Jason - I spoke with Will Baty about what would be best for my daily driver on Monday. DFX doesn't offer stock-like street manners according to Will - but he gave me a few options that may work better for my needs.
09-30-2005, 07:00 PM
I am hoping to have the Amazon surprize on by then :bounce: and have it tuned. If not then my current set-up should yield some impressive results as compared to last year.
10-01-2005, 01:04 AM
Killer <img>
10-08-2005, 06:37 PM
Updated Paid List:
Shaun Fisher - Black 1993 Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - Rio Red 1994 Cobra
Tanya Calhoun - 1986 Mustang
Tanya Calhoun - 1985 Mustang GT
Nicole Calhoun - 1990 Mustang GT
Austin Calhoun - Jr Dragster
10-09-2005, 04:17 AM
Now that's a racin' family, right there :thumbsup:
Shon Herron
10-14-2005, 09:14 AM
Sent mine in yesterday. :bounce:
10-16-2005, 11:53 AM
Updated Paid List:
Shaun Fisher - 1993 Black Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red Cobra
Tanya Calhoun - 1986 Mustang
Tanya Calhoun - 1985 Mustang GT
Nicole Calhoun - 1990 Mustang GT
Austin Calhoun - Jr Dragster
Shon Herron - 1997 Camaro
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange Cobra
10-16-2005, 08:21 PM
:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:
I'm ready!! :D
Got the clutch installed Saturday and I'm ready to go :thumbsup:
10-17-2005, 07:43 AM
that's awesome Jason...turbo kit shipped out Friday, but I dont think i'll have it tuned before Nov. guys have fun :thumbsup:
10-18-2005, 12:01 AM
that's awesome Jason...turbo kit shipped out Friday, but I dont think i'll have it tuned before Nov. guys have fun :thumbsup:
Hate to hear that you won't have it ready for dragday, but that'll give you a few months to get it ready for the next event........Good luck with it!
10-18-2005, 08:39 AM
maybe we can have a little get together at the end of November, if the weather is still nice...maybe a shop dyno day or something?
10-18-2005, 10:01 PM
Now that's a racin' family, right there :thumbsup:
Woot Woot!!! We are not really sure what all we are bringing so the 85 may change to a 91 with my name on it by race day but we wanted to send in the funds to show our support for these guys asap since they do such a great job every year!
We are all looking forward to another great day at the track... ;)
James is your clutch in yet or are you still trying to get time?
10-18-2005, 10:05 PM
With the unported eaton (& little else) I was 11.78 Nov & a slew of 11.82's in Feb so I'm certainly hoping for a low 11/high 10 at the "House of Hook".
I haven't been to the track yet cuz within a 10 days I'd glazed the clutch over and need to get it replaced. Sticky track + more power = a tow home :cool:
Would you like me to bring my spare 1/2 shafts Sir? My Cobra has the GKN axles and it doesn't take much to swap them out if you break yours. Heck man we will have all Saturday night and Sunday to get it fixed before we have to be home. :D
10-18-2005, 11:14 PM
Would you like me to bring my spare 1/2 shafts Sir? My Cobra has the GKN axles and it doesn't take much to swap them out if you break yours. Heck man we will have all Saturday night and Sunday to get it fixed before we have to be home. :DChris, it'd be much appreciated! The half-shafts have to wait until tax time for me, and I'm rollin' the dice right now. :thumbsup: Thanks for offering!
The Valeo King Cobra clutch/flywheel went in today over @ATS with Rick Erdman doing the honors :cheers:. Valeo is our OEM - it's a bit stronger than OEM w/ lighter pedal (like a DF) & I'll be taking it easy for a few days with a lot of city driving & hammer it a little on Saturday.
10-19-2005, 01:40 AM
Chris, it'd be much appreciated! The half-shafts have to wait until tax time for me, and I'm rollin' the dice right now. :thumbsup: Thanks for offering!
The Valeo King Cobra clutch/flywheel went in today over @ATS with Rick Erdman doing the honors :cheers:. Valeo is our OEM - it's a bit stronger than OEM w/ lighter pedal (like a DF) & I'll be taking it easy for a few days with a lot of city driving & hammer it a little on Saturday.
Yo James...
It would be well advised to have a spare half shaft at the track when you go down to Jackson next month. At the power you're making on the stock halfshafts its not a matter of "if" it will break but "when." I thought I could get away with "one more time" at the strip on the stockers making a tad over 600 at the tires... first pass out I didn't make it through the sixty foot beams and my day was done. Now that I've had the halfshafts out of my car about three or four times now it's not really all that hard to swap them out :P
Glad to hear you got a new clutch in your car... mine currently is up on jackstands in my garage getting a DFX disc, CFT pressure plate, Centerforce 0-balance aluminum flywheel, LDC cooling mod and Liberty 26 spline input shaft at the moment. All honors of this being done by ME :)
10-19-2005, 01:45 AM
So Shannon are you going to be at dragday???
I guess not................................
10-19-2005, 07:22 AM
All honors of this being done by ME :)
ShannonYou need to know that my garage's toolbox is less than impressive - will work on rectifying that. Need to expand the garage first. :cool:
10-19-2005, 08:47 PM
Updated Paid List:
Shaun Fisher - 1993 Black SVT Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Tanya Calhoun - 1986 Mustang
Tanya Calhoun - 1985 Mustang GT
Nicole Calhoun - 1990 Mustang GT
Austin Calhoun - Jr Dragster
Shon Herron - 1997 Camaro
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange SVT Cobra
Greg Derrick - 1967 Blue Mustang
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro
Bill Johnson - 1993 Red Mustang
Ken Jett - 1966 Red Chevelle
10-20-2005, 12:08 AM
If I can talk one of my guys into pulling my car then we will be adding another Calhoun to the list. :D
If not then you guys are gonna just have to get your butts kicked by my girls. :eek:
James on the 1/2 shaft thing... I have seen Cobras run low 10's on factory ones and I have seen 12 second Cobras break coming out of the burnout box. Either way I will bring mine and a few air tools just in case we run into a little bad luck. And they are not that hard to replace... Just bring some rear end dope. :doubt:
10-20-2005, 01:50 AM
So Shannon are you going to be at dragday???
I guess not................................
And just what in the world is this supposed to mean? I'd almost think of it as saying I was slow or something. Drag day isn't even for another three weeks almost... I could have my car back together by as early as this weekend if I wanted to. It really doesn't matter too much if it's running by this weekend or not... so I'd say it will definitely be done by next week. Still plenty enough time to get to Jackson.
You're right that I probably won't be there... as I really don't want to drive almost four hours to make maybe one single pass. If I were to "let it ride" on the first pass I'm sure I could get it close to a 10 second pass... any convertible at Jackson running 13.99 or quicker would need a cage of some sort. Don't really see the point in going for that and in trying to stay "legit" make a bunch of 1/2 track passes and hit the brakes. I can run 1/8th mile all day long that's much closer.
To each his own I guess.
10-20-2005, 01:53 AM
I saw that you were on here yesterday when I posted that. I guess you didn't see it...............that's why it says I guess not. Just wondering who all is going to dragday. And yes there is 3 weeks until then and I've still got to get a few things done on my car too. :D
10-20-2005, 07:57 AM
my kit will be here on Tuesday :bounce: , but not sure if we'll be able to get her tuned by the 5th...but on the 12th, we are having some grudge matches at Rockingham during T&T if anyone wants to come :thumbsup:
10-20-2005, 10:03 AM
Here's my progress. It's a little further along than the pics show, but not much. I had some problems getting the spindles off the ctrl arms, but I'm past that now. Ended up getting a pickle fork to get them seperated. Now, just need to drop the k-member and start putting it back together with the new goodies.
10-20-2005, 12:10 PM
If I can talk one of my guys into pulling my car then we will be adding another Calhoun to the list. :D
If not then you guys are gonna just have to get your butts kicked by my girls. :eek:
James on the 1/2 shaft thing... I have seen Cobras run low 10's on factory ones and I have seen 12 second Cobras break coming out of the burnout box. Either way I will bring mine and a few air tools just in case we run into a little bad luck. And they are not that hard to replace... Just bring some rear end dope. :doubt:Chris - thanks again & I'll have some "dope" :cool: Let's hope mine last 'til the Spring, eh... Gonna test the waters at Ware Shoals (1/8th) this Saturday. Our local club, UMC, is hosting a drag day there from 1pm -oh dark:30 & it'll be the shakedown for the new setup.
Shannon- you have PM. I better see that vert @Jackson... If you're close to the number now I bet you'll have a 10.80 at least on that surface. Taint labeled 'the House of Hook" for nothin'...
10-20-2005, 06:05 PM
Chris - thanks again & I'll have some "dope" :cool: Let's hope mine last 'til the Spring, eh... Gonna test the waters at Ware Shoals (1/8th) this Saturday. Our local club, UMC, is hosting a drag day there from 1pm -oh dark:30 & it'll be the shakedown for the new setup.
Shannon- you have PM. I better see that vert @Jackson... If you're close to the number now I bet you'll have a 10.80 at least on that surface. Taint labeled 'the House of Hook" for nothin'...
NP.... Hey if you see Kevin Smith up there let him know that the BUGMAN thinkS he is a Pus for not coming to track day... ;)
10-20-2005, 08:23 PM
Updated Paid List:
Shaun Fisher - 1993 Black SVT Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Tanya Calhoun - 1986 Mustang
Tanya Calhoun - 1985 Mustang GT
Nicole Calhoun - 1990 Mustang GT
Austin Calhoun - Jr Dragster
Shon Herron - 1997 Camaro
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange SVT Cobra
Greg Derrick - 1967 Blue Mustang
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro
Bill Johnson - 1993 Red Mustang
Ken Jett - 1966 Red Chevelle
Ronnie Stokes - 2004 Screaming Yellow SVT Cobra
10-21-2005, 12:02 AM
NP.... Hey if you see Kevin Smith up there let him know that the BUGMAN thinkS he is a Pus for not coming to track day... ;)I"ll quote you on that :spimpin:
Tony - you have incoming snail mail...
10-21-2005, 08:36 AM
By the end of the weekend, I'll know where I stand and I should be sending the money to ya shortly after Tony.
10-24-2005, 02:52 AM
By the end of the weekend, I'll know where I stand and I should be sending the money to ya shortly after Tony.
I hope everything works out for you man............I really want to see that beast fly down the track. :thumbsup:
10-24-2005, 03:07 PM
Updated Paid List:
Shaun Fisher - 1993 Black SVT Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Tanya Calhoun - 1986 Mustang
Tanya Calhoun - 1985 Mustang GT
Nicole Calhoun - 1990 Mustang GT
Austin Calhoun - Jr Dragster
Shon Herron - 1997 Camaro
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange SVT Cobra
Greg Derrick - 1967 Blue Mustang
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro
Bill Johnson - 1993 Red Mustang
Ken Jett - 1966 Red Chevelle
Ronnie Stokes - 2004 Screaming Yellow SVT Cobra
Todd Frailey - 2003 Azure Blue Mach 1
Renee Frailey - 1989 White Mustang LX
James Cook - 2003 Redfire SVT Cobra
DeWayne Brooks - 1993 Teal SVT Cobra
Shon Herron
10-24-2005, 03:13 PM
is there a possible extension on some prepaids? Since it dont look like there is 75 cars yet!?!?
10-24-2005, 05:44 PM
If they have their money here by the end of this week (October 29, 2005), then that is fine. However, it is not fair to the people that prepay regardless of weather than it is for those that want to see what the weather will be like before they decide to mail in their entry fee. We cap at 75 and just because we don't have 75 preregistered that doesn't mean we won't hit that the day of the event. We had 20 prepaid at the Spring event and 75 showed up!
To insure yourself a spot, preregister. If you don't then we don't guarantee you anything or getting in to run. I know you are preregistered Shon so it doesn't apply to you. It is totally unfair to the event organizers for people to wait till the last minute, so if they wait, they pay more. If they want to see what the weather is like, they pay more. If they forget, they pay more. If their schedule clears at the last minute, they pay more. About 4 people run this event, it's not fair to us so I feel no shame about charging the full entry fee. Actually, the event cost $50.00 to run, you get a $15.00 discount for preregistering for the event, not the other way around.
You know as well as I do, this event is a ton of fun! More track time then any other drag event. We want everyone, regardless of what type car they drive, to feel like family. I hope everyone will treat the event organizers like family, and take care of business the way it should be taken care of.
Shon Herron
10-24-2005, 06:27 PM
I understand and agree.
Thanks for the 'extension'.
If they have their money here by the end of this week (October 29, 2005), then that is fine. However, it is not fair to the people that prepay regardless of weather than it is for those that want to see what the weather will be like before they decide to mail in their entry fee. We cap at 75 and just because we don't have 75 preregistered that doesn't mean we won't hit that the day of the event. We had 20 prepaid at the Spring event and 75 showed up!
To insure yourself a spot, preregister. If you don't then we don't guarantee you anything or getting in to run. I know you are preregistered Shon so it doesn't apply to you. It is totally unfair to the event organizers for people to wait till the last minute, so if they wait, they pay more. If they want to see what the weather is like, they pay more. If they forget, they pay more. If their schedule clears at the last minute, they pay more. About 4 people run this event, it's not fair to us so I feel no shame about charging the full entry fee. Actually, the event cost $50.00 to run, you get a $15.00 discount for preregistering for the event, not the other way around.
You know as well as I do, this event is a ton of fun! More track time then any other drag event. We want everyone, regardless of what type car they drive, to feel like family. I hope everyone will treat the event organizers like family, and take care of business the way it should be taken care of.
10-25-2005, 10:59 AM
I understand and agree.
Thanks for the 'extension'.Question is - will the silver car be ready?:spoke: j/k Shon. I look forward to the hoops high attitude :thumbsup:
Shon Herron
10-25-2005, 01:43 PM
Question is - will the silver car be ready?:spoke: j/k Shon. I look forward to the hoops high attitude :thumbsup:
IT will!!
Putting the rear sway bar on tonight.
Should be interesting, Hope there are some cameras flashing when the shop car hits the track!!! Bolt on car hangin the hoops, even if we have to preload the wrong side and sit some bricks in the rear, we need the cool pic!!
10-26-2005, 01:02 PM
Hi guys, this is my first post here.
I'm planning on making your event on the 5th. I attended the last one and had a great time. You guys put on great events and I appreciate the fact you let us GM guys attend.
I intend to pre-register and I have a question. Can you take PayPal for this? It would save all concerned from having to deal with checks, MOs and the US Mail. I'd be willing to cover the PP charge for receiving money for this convenience.
I also think it might get you some more pre-regs as it would be easier for alot of people.
But you may not be setup for it, and that I can understand.
Thanks again for allowing me to attend and I hope to see you all there.
I'll be driving a slow Trans Am with cowl hood. This is from the spring event.
10-26-2005, 01:39 PM
I hear you on the Paypal but unfortunately, we don't take paypal at the current moment. We usually do MC/Visa but sometimes we just don't have the time to get it up on the site and in the store with all of the other activity going on in the club. We will try to have it up for the Spring event next year! :thumbsup:
Thanks for understanding!
10-26-2005, 01:50 PM
I hear you on the Paypal but unfortunately, we don't take paypal at the current moment. We usually do MC/Visa but sometimes we just don't have the time to get it up on the site and in the store with all of the other activity going on in the club. We will try to have it up for the Spring event next year! :thumbsup:
Thanks for understanding! No problem, do you prefer a check or money order?
10-26-2005, 03:06 PM
Check is fine...
If you attended in the Spring, you pay $35.00 instead of the $40.00 listed. Your entry must be postmarked by the 29th.
10-26-2005, 03:44 PM
Check is fine...
If you attended in the Spring, you pay $35.00 instead of the $40.00 listed. Your entry must be postmarked by the 29th.
TonyIt's on the way, made out to S.C.M.C.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
10-27-2005, 03:52 PM
Updated Paid List:
Shaun Fisher - 1993 Black SVT Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Tanya Calhoun - 1986 Mustang
Tanya Calhoun - 1985 Mustang GT
Nicole Calhoun - 1990 Mustang GT
Austin Calhoun - Jr Dragster
Shon Herron - 1997 Camaro
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange SVT Cobra
Greg Derrick - 1967 Blue Mustang
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro
Bill Johnson - 1993 Red Mustang
Ken Jett - 1966 Red Chevelle
Ronnie Stokes - 2004 Screaming Yellow SVT Cobra
Todd Frailey - 2003 Azure Blue Mach 1
Renee Frailey - 1989 White Mustang LX
James Cook - 2003 Redfire SVT Cobra
DeWayne Brooks - 1993 Teal SVT Cobra
Dave Stanfield - 1999 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Jeff Goodell - 1997 Chameleon Trans Am
10-27-2005, 04:03 PM
Hi guys, this is my first post here. Welcome aboard, Ken :thumbsup:
10-27-2005, 04:59 PM
If someone would contact me about this event please.. I need to know if you are expecting us as vendors. If not we will be there to support our GitRDone Gang and anyone else who might be interested in benefitting from Ricks expertise.
10-27-2005, 09:19 PM
I'll be glad to talk with you about our drag day. I hope you are bringing some sort of car with you to run on the track?
Do you have a number I can reach you at tomorrow or this weekend?
10-27-2005, 10:30 PM
864 332 0955 best to call between 11-5
we dont have anything to race right now but several of our customers will be there and we will be there to support them...and just hang out and have a good time...
10-28-2005, 12:04 AM
Welcome aboard, Ken :thumbsup: Thanks for the Welcome Kilroy, look me up at the event if you have time. I should present a very easy to follow image going down the track, you won't have to pan very fast to see me... :)
I'm wondering and I've looked for the main "announcement" about the event, what time will the gates open? I know some people from Chas who are planning to arrive at 9AM and if I'm not mistaken that's when the gates opened at the spring event but for some reason I have it in my head that this time it's 10AM.
10-28-2005, 12:38 AM
There is no need to be there before 9:30 a.m. They will not let anyone in till Lisa and I get there and by getting in the gate before we do (if that should happen in error), everyone will have to come back to the front and sign in with the club causing delayed track time. Best to be there by 10:00 a.m.
10-28-2005, 05:12 AM
There is no need to be there before 9:30 a.m. They will not let anyone in till Lisa and I get there and by getting in the gate before we do (if that should happen in error), everyone will have to come back to the front and sign in with the club causing delayed track time. Best to be there by 10:00 a.m.
Tony 10 - 4 Tony, thanks. My registration is in the mail, see you there!
10-30-2005, 08:37 PM
We are setting up a caravan from the Greenville area Sat. Morning. We are meeting at the Hot Spot on Hwy 25 at around 8 or 8:30 a.m. and leaving from there. Everyone that is local is invited to cruise down with us. We are also gonna make a pit stop at the Shoneys in Greenwood on the way. :thumbsup: If anyone needs directions, just drop me a line, or you can contact Kilroy. Ought to be veryyyyyy interesting. :rotf:
Shon Herron
10-31-2005, 10:48 PM
We are meeting at the Hot Spot on Hwy 25 at around 8 or 8:30 a.m. and leaving from there.
That sounds like a good idea, will see how our plans shake out and might can meet up there wich ya!
10-31-2005, 10:50 PM
we have been kicking around getting a new video camera..think that is going to be a must now...we might just have a little sumthin sumthin for the track after all:bounce:
10-31-2005, 10:55 PM
Hey Tony...give me a call at the shop tomorrow...I wanted to discuss further what we were talking about when I lost your call the other day...
10-31-2005, 11:59 PM
Updated Paid List:
Shaun Fisher - 1993 Black SVT Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Tanya Calhoun - 1986 Mustang
Tanya Calhoun - 1985 Mustang GT
Nicole Calhoun - 1990 Mustang GT
Austin Calhoun - Jr Dragster
Shon Herron - 1997 Camaro
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange SVT Cobra
Greg Derrick - 1967 Blue Mustang
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro
Bill Johnson - 1993 Red Mustang
Ken Jett - 1966 Red Chevelle
Ronnie Stokes - 2004 Screaming Yellow SVT Cobra
Todd Frailey - 2003 Azure Blue Mach 1
Renee Frailey - 1989 White Mustang LX
James Cook - 2003 Redfire SVT Cobra
DeWayne Brooks - 1993 Teal SVT Cobra
Dave Stanfield - 1999 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Jeff Goodell - 1997 Chameleon Trans Am
Ken Vaughn - 1995 Camaro Coupe
11-01-2005, 12:21 AM
Okay, we are going to have a few changes for this event but nothing major. We will still have the same awards with bracket classes but the "Terminator King" will be the last Cobra standing even if it isn't first place. There will also be a first place award and a Terminator Queen award just like we had at the Spring event. The 12 awards will be as follows:
1. Bracket Winner - First Place = Last Car standing (open)
2. Terminator King = Last Cobra Standing by a club member.
3. Terminator Queen = Last Cobra standing driven by a female driver and must be a club member.
4. Best Burnout - open
5. Longest Distance Driven to the event - keep track of your mileage (open)
6. Best Reaction Time (open)
7. 14.0 and up
8. 13.5 - 13.99
9. 13.0 - 13.49
10. 12.5 - 12.99
11. 12.0 - 12.49
12. 12.0 and under
Please remember that MGW supplies the trophies so be sure to thank George for supporting our club, year in and year out. The cash payout depends on the number of people coming in to spectate. Only two cash payouts, Terminator King (club member) and Bracket Winner (open).
We want to fill this event so we can give out more $$ to the Bracket winner and Terminator King so please spread the word and invite fellow drag racers. Payouts will be equal to both winners. If we get $500.00 then it is split $250.00 each, if we get $600.00 then it's $300.00 each and so on and so on.
If the last car standing is a Cobra and is a member then the bracket winner will be the next man down and will be entitled to the 50/50 split.
Remember, this event is to let you have some fun and plenty of track time. The limit is still 75 cars so we can keep this thing manageable. It's a time for you to invite friends to come run against you or to watch you run down the strip.
Note: Payout depends on spectators, no $$ is guaranteed so invite friends to watch and help add to the fun of the event. All Cobras must be manual transmissions to be eligible.
If you have questions please post here, thanks.
11-01-2005, 12:53 AM
Sweet can't wait! :woot:
11-01-2005, 03:14 AM
Ken Vaughn - 1995 Camaro CoupeNot that it's a big deal, I mucked up the form and only put the year and "coupe", thought there was a reason make and model weren't on the form, duh. It's a 95 Green Trans Am. My bad..just in case any of you guys want to identify the easy pickins... :)
11-01-2005, 09:30 AM
Okay, we are going to have a few changes for this event but nothing major. We will still have the same awards with bracket classes but the "Terminator King" will be the last Cobra standing even if it isn't first place. There will also be a first place award and a Terminator Queen award just like we had at the Spring event. The 12 awards will be as follows:
1. Bracket Winner - First Place = Last Car standing (open)
2. Terminator King = Last Cobra Standing by a club member.
3. Terminator Queen = Last Cobra standing driven by a female driver and must be a club member.
4. Best Burnout - open
5. Longest Distance Driven to the event - keep track of your mileage (open)
6. Best Reaction Time (open)
Hmmm kinda odd on the Terminator Queen rules got changed from last year since the only 2 that ran last year were not members and neither one were Cobras so that eliminates the repeat competition for this year kinda smoothly. Do you guy's have a female member with a Cobra that is going to be there or something? Just curious why all of a sudden the rule changes for that class.
And was the Terminator King a Cobra last year? Was that a rule? I wish I would have known of all the rule changes a little sooner. :rolleyes:
Robbie '96
11-01-2005, 10:12 PM
Tony; Burke and I will be there saturday to help if you need it we do not plan on running :thumbsup:
11-01-2005, 10:50 PM
Same here... My daughter decided not to go and I don't think I am gonna bring anything either.
My wife may bring one of her cars still and my son in his Jr. Dragster but I will be free to help out also if need be.
11-01-2005, 10:55 PM
I see what you are saying and what we will do in order to be fair is break the women's category out too. We'll add another trophy for the women's bracket by adding a "first place" award. Therefore any woman racer that wants to compete against other woman racers can do so. They will still be eligible to run in the main bracket race with the other participants for any $$ awards. If there are two female racers like there was in the Spring who do not own Cobras then they can compete for the first place award. Members can not win the first place award, they can only win the Terminator award.
The problem is that automatics with line locks have an unfair advantage over the manual drive Cobras. There is no easy solution as someone is going to get upset over any changes that are made and I want to make this as fair as possible. If you can think of a better solution, please share that.
"Terminator King" has been replaced with "first place" bracket winner or is the same as.... This award, Terminator King, is just to give our members a chance to win something for their support. The bracket first place award is to give to the other participants who support the event an opportunity to win something, too. Members cannot win the first place award but just the Terminator award. I hope this explains it a little better and you will feel this is fair?
11-01-2005, 11:04 PM
I ain't trying to be a pain by any means... Last year I thought it was street legal, tagged and insured and without any electronics, no trans brake, etc. I may be wrong but I remember it being limited to street cars.
I agree with you on the line locs, etc. No way would their be any fairness to that. I am just babbling to make sure she will have some kind of class to run in.
Do you know of anyone else heading out Friday night? We will be up there around 8-9pm in case anyone else will be in the area the night before.
11-01-2005, 11:10 PM
I enjoy seeing you all go out and run and we do want to be fair to everyone and it's not easy but now you can tell Tanya she has a class to run in! :thumbsup:
If no one else runs in that class against her then she wins by default! ;)
11-01-2005, 11:13 PM
Updated Paid List:
Shaun Fisher - 1993 Black SVT Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 1994 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Tanya Calhoun - 1986 Mustang
Tanya Calhoun - 1985 Mustang GT
Nicole Calhoun - 1990 Mustang GT
Austin Calhoun - Jr Dragster
Shon Herron - 1997 Camaro
Jason Herd - 2004 Competition Orange SVT Cobra
Greg Derrick - 1967 Blue Mustang
Gordon Warren - 1967 Red Camaro
Bill Johnson - 1993 Red Mustang
Ken Jett - 1966 Red Chevelle
Ronnie Stokes - 2004 Screaming Yellow SVT Cobra
Todd Frailey - 2003 Azure Blue Mach 1
Renee Frailey - 1989 White Mustang LX
James Cook - 2003 Redfire SVT Cobra
DeWayne Brooks - 1993 Teal SVT Cobra
Dave Stanfield - 1999 Rio Red SVT Cobra
Jeff Goodell - 1997 Chameleon Trans Am
Ken Vaughn - 1995 Camaro Coupe
David Moore - 2004 Screaming Yellow SVT Cobra
Linn, I will call you tomorrow........
11-01-2005, 11:13 PM
Ah she doesn't really care but I wanted to be up to date for once instead of looking dumb. I have been good at looking dumb lately and felt like being different for once. :D
We should be at the gates by 10-10:30 Sir.
11-02-2005, 12:49 AM
Are we gathering at the Rock Hill McDonald's again? What time to be there?
11-02-2005, 12:52 AM
Are we gathering at the Rock Hill McDonald's again? What time to be there?
I hope so cause that's were I plan on meeting Tony :D
I believe we meet around 6:30am and leaving around 7am sharp........hopefully Tony will chime in, to let us know for sure. :thumbsup:
Big Daddy
11-02-2005, 09:36 AM
Tony, what time should I be at the track to help with registration and such?? I was planning on being there between 9:30 and 10:00 is that good??
11-02-2005, 02:15 PM
What's the official "start" time of the event? Just for spectators and what not who don't care about watching everyone register, change tires, prep, etc..... just want to watch cars run down the 1/4.
I and some friends may come but kids soccer games are going on that morning until noon.
11-02-2005, 05:18 PM
Therefore any woman racer that wants to compete against other woman racers can do so.
what if a woman wants to race against the guys?:rolleyes:
Shon Herron
11-02-2005, 05:53 PM
what if a woman wants to race against the guys?:rolleyes:
The car will need to be 100#s heavier, you gals can drive and are alot smaller than most of the guys I have seen!!
(that is a compliment, hope it came across that way!!)
11-02-2005, 09:09 PM
what if a woman wants to race against the guys?:rolleyes:
I would say that you will have some company. My wife is gonna try and run against them in her coupe if everything works out right.
Please come by and intorduce yourself. She enjoys meeting/knowing other female racers. :D
11-02-2005, 09:11 PM
On the list we will have the 85Gt T-Top, 86 Coupe, the Jr. Dragster and a 91 Gt Cobra Clone with us so our reserved spots will be reserved.
Hey James do you want to make the very first pass off the trailer for that dbl or nothing or are you gonna need some getting used to passes with the new setup??? :D
11-02-2005, 09:37 PM
Why do my words get twisted around? ;) There are 2 bracket races, a woman's race with 2 awards and a main race with 10 awards. The women in the ladies race can also compete in the main race where there are men running the race too. So you get to enter two races while the men only get one.
Start time will be 9:30 a.m. and will go to 5:00 p.m. The track let's you stay for grudge night free so you get a full day of track for one fee. (Yes, you can still run on the track Saturday night). Our rental is officially over at 5:00 p.m.
I would suggest showing up around 11:00 a.m. if all you want to do is spectate. There is a spectator fee of $5.00 per person and children 12 and under get in free.
The meet time at McDonald's in Rock Hill, SC, is 6:30 a.m. and we will leave at 7:00 a.m. sharp as Jason stated. If you are not there by 7:00 a.m. then you will have to catch the caravan at the next stop, Exit 5 on I20 (Hwy 25). We will leave there at 9:00 a.m. and arrive at the track at 9:30 a.m. Please do not try to get in the gate as they will not let you in anyway. It is best to start arriving a little after 9:30 a.m. so we can get set up and delays will be minimal. If you are already registered for the event then all you have to do is sign a waiver form. If you are not registered for the event yet then we ask that you print out a form and bring it with you completely filled out along with the event fee of $50.00.
You will get your money's worth as this is why we have had repeat racers coming all of the time to our event. It's fun, you get your money's worth, and it's a great time to make new friends or bring current ones with you.
Don't forget we will have a portable dyno at the event in case you want to see how much hp you have at the rear wheels.
Amazon Racing and Pro Dyno will both be providing something for the event! :thumbsup:
Let's go have some fun!
11-03-2005, 01:05 AM
Let's go have some fun!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
11-03-2005, 12:15 PM
Hey James do you want to make the very first pass off the trailer for that dbl or nothing or are you gonna need some getting used to passes with the new setup??? :DChris, we're rolling dice here so you better get your shots in early - sides, you'll not know what to expect fresh outa the gate :D. Double or nothing. Can I get a Pro-Tree here, brother?:rotf:
Scream Machine
11-03-2005, 10:00 PM
Ya'll better watch out! Ronnie says he's gonna teach me to drive! (Might Better clear the track!!!LOL:rotf: ) Wooohoooo!!:p
Shon Herron
11-03-2005, 10:17 PM
Camera's there? Anyone going to be there with a lense or more to catch the stock LT1 hangin the hoops!!
11-04-2005, 09:48 AM
Don't like the pro tree, not good for beginners or amateurs like most of us.
Weather looks great. Hoping nobody breaks their car.
11-04-2005, 11:08 AM
Weather looks great. Hoping nobody breaks their car.
11-04-2005, 11:20 AM
Don't like the pro tree, not good for beginners or amateurs like most of us.
Weather looks great. Hoping nobody breaks their car.
:D I'll need any advantage I can against Chris' ringer which is why I mentioned a Pro tree. With my luck Tanya would likely tattoo me arse anyways, so I'm saving up for two coldCokes ratch now...
But then you hadda go & jinx us :rolleyes: ! j/k, but I'll be wearing my lucky underwear (yes, they're clean) just to be sure...
DA for tomorrow should be decent- we all know the track will be in great shape
11-04-2005, 02:24 PM
looking forward to meeting everyone...
11-06-2005, 12:52 AM
We had a great day at the track and a very good turnout. It wasn't quite as good as the Spring event but we had 65 cars running. (75 in the Spring event).
The competition was fierce and I think the new rules worked out very good. The only tweak I can find will be implemented at the Spring event. There were a lot of new faces and considering we were competing with a car show in Charleston, SC, I thought we had an excellent turnout. We did get to see a jet propelled motorcycle run down the track and that was freaking awesome. It did 5.83 @ 122 mph in the 1/8 mile. Wow! :jawdrop: I didn't have my camera with me at the time but it was fun to watch.
Wish some of you could have made it out but maybe in the Spring. BTW, for the main bracket race we had the following winners.
Bracket Winner "First Place" - Ken Jett - 1966 Chevelle
Terminator King (Last SVT Cobra Club member standing) - David Moore of Sumter, SC
They each won $300.00, a very cool trophy, and some tuning certificates!
Ladies Bracket Winner "First Place" - Sheila Rogers
Terminator Queen - Lisa Milstead
Official "winner's list to be posted later!
Thanks to all that helped at the event...Robbie Helton, Dave Stanfield, Burke Dawson, Lisa Milstead, and Clarence Milstead. Y'all did a bang up job! :thumbsup:
Thanks to the following sponsors:
MGW - George is number one! :thumbsup:
Amazon Racing Tuning Solutions - Linn and Rick are great people and customer oriented
Pro-Dyno - Dan's a very nice knowledgeable tuner
Big Daddy
11-06-2005, 08:42 AM
I'm glad everyone had a good time. Sorry I couldn't be there but pulled the muscles in my back on Friday. I went to the Valvoline place to get my fluids topped off and noticed my back drivers side tire was flat (long story). I limped the car back home and went to change the wheels to my back up set of rims and tires. While I was doing it I must of pulled the muscles in my lower back. I went to get up on Saturday morning and I couldn't get out of bed. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand up all day at the track let alone drive 6 hours round trip. My back is feeling better today (I'm able to walk up and down the steps now), but it's still hurting.
SO who ran the fastest time of the day??
Shon Herron
11-06-2005, 10:51 AM
Thanks once again for an awesome day!! I always have intentions of speaking to folks but get engrossed into running the car. It was worth it though, we came down to get the LT1 M6 bolt on record and we did it!!
12.20 with a 1.63 at 111 and backed that up with a 12.21 with a 1.60 at 113!
11-06-2005, 12:00 PM
Thanks once again for an awesome day!!....snip...Thanks!Mega Dittos! Thanks so much to all who put on this event and all who came. I'd have liked to see more of the Lowcountry crowd show but some of the more ardent racers are actually "broke" (car-wise) now but I guarantee a better showing in the spring. I talked to quite a few people during the evening telling them what a great opportunity the SVT Day is, getting to come out and spend the day, running as much as you want pretty much and not having to deal with the long waits in the lanes etc.
And as Shon said, you get engrossed in the car and don't meet as many people as you'd like but it's all good and this GM guy gives the SVT Cobra/Mustang Club high marks for putting on a great event and allowing us to attend.
Looking forward to the spring event and maybe I'll have something a little more competitive to bring with me next time.
Thanks again,
11-06-2005, 12:32 PM
A big "Thank you!" to Tony & his crew (Carolina Dragway officials, too) that ran the show. For my shakedown pass I ran my best to date of 11.312 @ 124.71 granny shifting.
Congratulations on the record, Shon! :cool:
11-06-2005, 01:00 PM
A big "Thank you!" to Tony & his crew (Carolina Dragway officials, too) that ran the show. For my shakedown pass I ran my best to date of 11.312 @ 124.71 granny shifting.
Congratulations on the record, Shon! :cool:I was hoping to run into you yesterday but as with alot of other things, it got lost in the shuffle..Great time on your best, I can only hope to do that well. Take care,
11-06-2005, 01:05 PM
Rick and I want to thank you all for allowing us to be part of Drag Day...the track is awesome and the whole complex very impressive..the event was well coordinated...great job guys :thumbsup: we want to be more actively involved for the Spring event and the club in let us know what you are needing...
we both had a great time..hanging out with old friends and meeting new ones.. it was cool to put faces with screen names..
11-06-2005, 02:29 PM
Big Thanks to the SVT Cobra Club for hosting what is clearly one of the best events of the year! The Southern Mustang and Ford Club had a great time!!
See you there next year!! :thumbsup:
Scream Machine
11-06-2005, 08:43 PM
Wanna toot our horn here!!! Ronnie ran the Cobra's best time so far yesterday, 11.15 @128mph in the 1/4 and backed it up with an 11.20 at 124mph. Oh yeah, also cut his first .000 light ever!!!:D The announcer at the track said "that's one for the website"!! Not to bad for a heavy vert. huh??!! :thumbsup: He tried for 10's but maybe next time!
Great to see eveybody.
Big Daddy
11-06-2005, 09:36 PM
Wow! Great times, looks like he's close to the 10's the mph says he can do it! Congrats!! :thumbsup: :bounce:
11-06-2005, 10:49 PM
Wanna toot our horn here!!! Ronnie ran the Cobra's best time so far yesterday, 11.15 @128mph in the 1/4 and backed it up with an 11.20 at 124mph. Oh yeah, also cut his first .000 light ever!!!:D The announcer at the track said "that's one for the website"!! Not to bad for a heavy vert. huh??!! :thumbsup: He tried for 10's but maybe next time!
Great to see eveybody.
Well you guys got to it first........
Ronnie did a great job with the car and did a hell of a job driving the beast with the new set-up. That car has 10.8x's written all over it :thumbsup:
Had a great time at the event watching everyone run.
Richard (Paratrooper82d) had a great run of 12.2 with his vert, not bad for a vert and his first time at the strip.
Great job everyone and it was nice to have the Dyno there along with 2 tuners.
................maybe I'll be able to run next time, fuel pump = :blast:
11-06-2005, 10:56 PM
11.15? damn that is awesome, did y'all put a roll bar in the car? If not, how did you run that?
11-06-2005, 11:06 PM
I was hoping to run into you yesterday but as with alot of other things, it got lost in the shuffle..Great time on your best, I can only hope to do that well. Take care,
KenThanks, Ken & I know just what you mean. I arrived a few hours late & some things I wanted to do just didn't happen. If not sooner, plan on being at the Spring Drag Day & we'll hook up :thumbsup:
If you frequent, I hang out in the Upstate forum there & there's a couple of GM fanatics in there that I'm sure could help you out. Don't forget Rick (ATS) can tune GM as well...
Shon Herron
11-06-2005, 11:13 PM
Thanks, Ken & I know just what you mean. I arrived a few hours late & some things I wanted to do just didn't happen. If not sooner, plan on being at the Spring Drag Day & we'll hook up :thumbsup:
If you frequent, I hang out in the Upstate forum there & there's a couple of GM fanatics in there that I'm sure could help you out. Don't forget Rick (ATS) can tune GM as well...
Kenzilla frequents
Would I be considered a fanatic?
And it is alot of fun to be next to the race cars late at night down there and they come over and say, wow, that car is stripped.....that is funny if you ask me....
11-07-2005, 09:13 AM
sounds like you guys had a good time...sorry we missed it...we'll be there in the spring with (hopefully) 3 turbo cars :thumbsup:
11-07-2005, 09:42 AM
Kenzilla frequents
Would I be considered a fanatic?Died in the wool, fanatic :thumbsup:
And it is alot of fun to be next to the race cars late at night down there and they come over and say, wow, that car is stripped.....that is funny if you ask me....Imagine if you hadda cage in it, lol :rotf:
11-07-2005, 11:13 AM
We had a great time as usuall. Thanks for putting on such a cool event. :thumbsup:
Shon Herron
11-07-2005, 12:15 PM
Died in the wool, fanatic :thumbsup:
Imagine if you hadda cage in it, lol :rotf:
The cage is luckily a few tenths away :mrgreen:
Where are the pix of the event!?!?!
11-07-2005, 05:58 PM
I do have some pics from the event...wish I could have gotten that jet propelled motorcycle though. :edmond: Anyway, I'll try to post some later tonight. :)
11-07-2005, 07:55 PM
I do have some pics from the event...wish I could have gotten that jet propelled motorcycle though. :edmond: Anyway, I'll try to post some later tonight. :)
I'm pretty sure I have pics of it :)... I'm actually saving them right now and I will post the link to the pics when I am done! :)
11-07-2005, 08:56 PM
As promised... here are the pics from the meet :D
And the rest of the pics at the link below! Enjoy!!! :)
11-07-2005, 09:25 PM
Can you e-mail me the picture of David Moore, Terminator King, standing in front of his car for the front page of the website? Please take it down to 100kb or less, thanks.
e-mail it to
Thanks! ;)
11-07-2005, 09:44 PM
Can you e-mail me the picture of David Moore, Terminator King, standing in front of his car for the front page of the website? Please take it down to 100kb or less, thanks.
e-mail it to
Thanks! ;) You have mail :cool:
11-07-2005, 09:52 PM
You got two shots of me, thanks a bunch.
If you don't mind I saved them and I will upload to my server so I can link to them and not use your bandwidth.
If this is a problem, let me know.
Thanks again for the great pics, you did a great job!
11-07-2005, 09:57 PM
You got two shots of me, thanks a bunch.
If you don't mind I saved them and I will upload to my server so I can link to them and not use your bandwidth.
If this is a problem, let me know.
Thanks again for the great pics, you did a great job!
It's my camera that really makes the pics great! I have a Canon Rebel XT DSLR... good stuff :D
As I raced, Chad took pics of the cars and then I took some. And sure no problem... it is your car after all :thumbsup:
- Brian
11-07-2005, 10:02 PM
Thanks To every one that attended Rob and I had a great time we really appreciate every one having us out like always it was a spectacular event and congrats to David Moore for wining the Terminator King :thumbsup:
11-07-2005, 10:03 PM
Thanks To every one that attended Rob and I had a great time we really appreciate every one having us out like always it was a spectacular event and congrats to David Moore for wining the Terminator King :thumbsup:
So this must be Dan? :) ... I sent you an email bro :cool: :thumbsup:
11-07-2005, 10:14 PM
Here come the pics... (I will post the winners by name in another thread so we can link it to the main page of the website.)
11-07-2005, 10:16 PM
11-07-2005, 10:21 PM
Shon Herron
11-07-2005, 10:22 PM
No pics of my heap :mad:
I really like that Black stang with the big cowl, what did it run? I ended up spending way too much time in the pits and not watching any runs.....
11-07-2005, 10:23 PM
Had a great time. It was great to meet all of the ones that I talked to :thumbsup: Well organized and professional! Can't wait for the spring meet!! Hope to be playing with ya'll !
11-07-2005, 10:28 PM
Amazon and Pro Dyno...check out the TX plate!
11-07-2005, 10:32 PM
A few more...
11-07-2005, 10:32 PM
It's my camera that really makes the pics great! I have a Canon Rebel XT DSLR... good stuff :D
As I raced, Chad took pics of the cars and then I took some. And sure no problem... it is your car after all :thumbsup:
- BrianWell having worked as a professional photographer ( I know that good equipment is important, but I have yet to see a camera at any price compose photographs by itself or "automatically". You did well on this count. Not the usual "target shooting" composition you often see. Job well done by everyone who produced these shots.
Scream Machine
11-07-2005, 10:52 PM
Thanks Mike!! Ronnie fabricated the Roll bar. Worked out Great and is removable. That way we can put the sport bar back in too!!:D Missed Ya'll Sat!! Tell Tina we said HI!!
Thanks too Big Daddy!!! Hope you're back to youself again soon!!!
See ya!
11-07-2005, 10:58 PM
Well having worked as a professional photographer ( I know that good equipment is important, but I have yet to see a camera at any price compose photographs by itself or "automatically". You did well on this count. Not the usual "target shooting" composition you often see. Job well done by everyone who produced these shots.
Ken LOL good point ;)... thanks! If you want to see more of our photography skills, check the XFOA Photo Gallery ( :)
By the way.. I created all of the graphics on the XFOA website ( :D
11-08-2005, 09:25 PM
LOL good point ;)... thanks! If you want to see more of our photography skills, check the XFOA Photo Gallery ( :)
By the way.. I created all of the graphics on the XFOA website ( :DGreat job on the shots and the graphics. The graphics aren't too "heavy" or overly loaded with slick effects which is a thing alot of people fall into. I have a friend in California who is really good with digital graphics but he's a drop shadow freak, he put thems on everything....often it's more about knowing what to leave out than what to put in. If you want to improve both your photography and your graphics, don't study "technical" stuff, study design, I mean basic design. Just forms, shades and colors. It's the bedrock of good visual art and some principles carry through no matter what visual medium you are working with. Do this and it will serve you well in all your work.
(Sorry for getting so far off topic)
11-10-2005, 11:08 AM
It looks like it was a ton of fun guys! I wish I would have been able to get out there and run with y'all!
11-10-2005, 01:39 PM
Saturday, 05nov05 13:28 hours, Carolina Dragway
In the waterbox for the first pass of the day (time trials) I had unset the TC as I always do - but I was too quick on the button & didn't notice the TC remained active. About 1-2 seconds into the burnout I noticed the "green light" & dove down onto the TC button which would not turn off - so I clutched it. I depressed the TC off & *staying where I was proceeded to re-do my 2nd gear burn out. Being frazzled from my n00b mistake - I didn't think the tires wouldn't turn over & I was rewarded with a stall. *explitive*. I re-fired Ginger, turned off TC, put it in 2nd, STALL. *explitive x2* Now realizing the tires were too hot/dry I roll back into the waterbox, turn off TC AGAIN, pull forward & life is good.
While embarrassing, I salvaged what could have been a far worse pass. It always helps to have your buds looking on to keep you honest & on days when nothing is going wrong & you're walking on water - to remind you how bad you really are.
In my two appearances in the bracket race I managed to win the Best Burnout award. I did nothing special - nothing longer than a 4-5 second burn on the ET Streets. Some will speculate that the judges were still recalling my first pass that day & that I won by default :D as there was not a Most Improved category...
The in-car fubar'ed burnout - not dial-up friendly @23M
GettinITwrong (
Two angles of the same pass. Cripes, what a bog! 10M
11.31 (
Shift lite was set for 6k & as I was granny shifting it was ignored... will definately need to work on the launch. Third time I'd launched on the new clutch & with the FRPP upgrade...
11-10-2005, 02:38 PM
You sure got 'er down the strip though :eek:
11-10-2005, 02:45 PM
I have a few more shots on our point and shoot that i haven't posted yet ..
11-10-2005, 06:43 PM
Definitely a 10 second car!! Looks like the front wheels almost came off the ground! Nice run ! What kind of clutch do you have? I'm looking for a good one at the moment.
11-10-2005, 10:36 PM
he is using a recently installed King Cobra set up..for now
11-10-2005, 10:47 PM
oh damn that burnout video is hilarious:rotf: The sound effects made me laugh.:thumbsup:
11-10-2005, 11:39 PM
Looking good James :D
I'm hoping to have everything ready by Feb Dragday. Should be fun :thumbsup:
11-11-2005, 12:14 AM
We had an awesome time and looking forward to the next SCMC event.
James you did an awesome job driving and I see some 10's in the near future.
Just don't forget that we have the track rented for Nov. 26th (Sat) coming up in just a few week's. We have a 28.5 stock suspension class, female shoot out, hard tire class and a DOT class for anyone that wants to do it again before the years end.
Again thanks SCMC for an awesome day at the track!!! :thumbsup:
11-11-2005, 03:18 AM
Thanks everyone - for the kind words & a laugh.
Scotty - My car is my daily driver. The KC (Valeo) clutch's pedal effort is less than stock & is holding up quite well so far for street & strip.
11-12-2005, 01:02 AM
Hey all,
Being that the Dragday was my first event in the SCMC, I had a good time. Didn't really get to meet a whole lot of you, but I like the seremony for the participants at the end. I didn't get to run sadfully, cause I was having a bad day. I found while looking over my Cobra before going to the strip that one of the 3 bolts mounting my driver's side engine mount to the engine block was missing and I didn't want to chance it. Plus on the way there I managed to pick up a $180 dollar ticket in New Ellenton through one of those speed traps. No points on my record though, thankfully. I look forward to the upcoming events.:thumbsup:
11-23-2005, 03:59 AM
Hey all,
Being that the Dragday was my first event in the SCMC, I had a good time. Didn't really get to meet a whole lot of you, but I like the seremony for the participants at the end. I didn't get to run sadfully, cause I was having a bad day. I found while looking over my Cobra before going to the strip that one of the 3 bolts mounting my driver's side engine mount to the engine block was missing and I didn't want to chance it. Plus on the way there I managed to pick up a $180 dollar ticket in New Ellenton through one of those speed traps. No points on my record though, thankfully. I look forward to the upcoming events.:thumbsup:
Glad you had a good time, hope to see you at the Feb. Drag event! :)
Shon Herron
11-23-2005, 08:40 AM
Glad you had a good time, hope to see you at the Feb. Drag event! :)
When is this scheduled? Feb is a busy month so I got to see if I can work it in....thanks!
11-23-2005, 10:23 AM
Feb. 18th :thumbsup:
Shon Herron
11-23-2005, 10:29 AM
Feb. 18th :thumbsup:
:explitive: Kid's 1st B-day is the 16th, I bet we have a B-day party for him on the 18th. Guess the Rattletrap might have to be brought by another Team Member to see if we can set the Bolt On record a little further out of reach, :D
11-23-2005, 06:44 PM
:explitive: Kid's 1st B-day is the 16th, I bet we have a B-day party for him on the 18th. Guess the Rattletrap might have to be brought by another Team Member to see if we can set the Bolt On record a little further out of reach, :D
Wouldn't it be great for the kids first B-day to be at a drag strip though :rotf:
j/k Hope it works out so that you can make it, if not then have a great B-day party! :)
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