View Full Version : New member

06-30-2005, 03:47 PM
Wee! Just registered on the forums, going to do my scmc registration tonight after work.

I'm happy to joining, but slightly disappointed, I think I live too far away from all of the good events, all the way over here in south eastern washington :(

So far I was just impressed with the forums, but hopefully I will be able to get some time to drive over the country to some of the events :D

Later after I register with scmc, I'll post a couple pics of my car, just bought it a couple months ago, been having a blast driving it. Cannot wait until I get some money to start investing :D

06-30-2005, 05:28 PM
welcome welcome glad to have you here!! glad you found us! :thumbsup:

06-30-2005, 06:53 PM

06-30-2005, 09:53 PM
Welcome to the boards!:thumbsup:

06-30-2005, 10:14 PM
Welcome to the club "officially" Chris! We do have some left coast members. At one time we had about 10 members in the Seattle area but they just couldn't keep it together. :)

06-30-2005, 11:49 PM
Thanks :D

Will post some more pics in the pics forum after I get some things added to the car. Heres a couple for now, just so I can say I put some on here! :D


My cobra with my modded v6 in the back.

07-01-2005, 09:43 AM
Welcome to the Club. Nice ride you have there.

07-01-2005, 10:10 AM
Welcome to the club!

07-06-2005, 01:17 PM
Got my stuff, with this nice new member number :D
Was wondering if I could get access to the members only forum, I tired to send a private message to you cobrabitn, but the forum didn't seem to like that.

Big Daddy
07-06-2005, 01:22 PM
Got my stuff, with this nice new member number :D
Was wondering if I could get access to the members only forum, I tired to send a private message to you cobrabitn, but the forum didn't seem to like that.

Welcome aboard!! To get access to the members only forum PM Firme and he'll hook you up! :thumbsup: