View Full Version : New B In Ausitn Adn San Antoni Hiiiii

07-03-2005, 12:22 PM
Hi there, I'm new to this site but pretty much on all the others lol. I'm 23 i'm a pd firefighter/emt but in paramedic class. I work in San Antonio but live close to austin.(outside of marble falls). I own a 97 cobra blk./ on tan. I have done many upgrades to the car i think my signature is attached. This was my first real motor build from block up.(besides the simple chevys) I did everyhting except the machine work. I also learned alot from doing this. 1. 4 cams and 4 timing chain= pain in the @ss. 2. modulars are very very expensive to build.But other than that Hi. Hope to meet everyone and have some fun. GREAT SITE :thumbsup: TRAVIS

07-04-2005, 06:37 PM
Welcome to the site Travis :hello:

Hope you can make our next Austin Cruise. :thumbsup:

Most of the Texas folks hang out in the South Central Forum found here:

07-04-2005, 09:21 PM
Hello Travis and welcome to the boards!:thumbsup:

You'll find some good info here and a even better bunch of people to hang out with........since you've done quite a bit of work of your own you should be able to give some insight and provide some info as well!

When you get a chance post some pictures of you beast!:thumbsup: