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TonyBolton 04-07-2006 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Tyler H
So, how many runs do you think we'll get in? I'm looking forward to cording this set of r-compounds. :D

6+ easy

budjrfan 04-07-2006 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tyler H
So, how many runs do you think we'll get in? I'm looking forward to cording this set of r-compounds. :D

the great thing about 411 events...nobody has ever complained about not getting enough runs. :thumbsup:

CathDoc 04-07-2006 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by 03Ragtop
1st step in any plan: Designate a scapegoat :thumbsup:

Why do you think we kepp letting Chad come to the Cruise-In's? :D

BenS 04-08-2006 04:55 PM


I will be there tomorrow hoping to get one of the remaining slots. I've ran the last two events and its been a blast. I've been unemployed for the last four months or so, and just last week started working again. I wasn't sure if I'd have the extra money to come, so I didn't register early like I usually do.

If I don't get a spot, that's OK too. :)

Ben Spradlin (2001 Mustang GT)

CathDoc 04-08-2006 07:15 PM

:side: Is it time yet is it time yet is it time yet is it time yet

LeadSSled 04-08-2006 08:54 PM

Let's get ready to rumble!!!.....

OvenMitts 04-08-2006 10:29 PM

Wish I could make it to this one, but $45 is too steep for me right now, and my car needs some attention before going around the oval again. Maybe a student discount for future events? :D

Have fun out there guys.

TonyBolton 04-09-2006 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by OvenMitts
Wish I could make it to this one, but $45 is too steep for me right now, and my car needs some attention before going around the oval again. Maybe a student discount for future events? :D

Have fun out there guys.

It's actually only 30$ if you get all 3 ;) Thats a 15$ discount right there for EACH event! Damn, next you'll be wantin' us to top your gas tank off, too! :baby:


Hey wait...........aren't you one of the brave one's that travels out of state to just autox? I can assure you 30$ is ALOT cheaper than doin' that too. :thumbsup:

Tyler H 04-09-2006 06:53 PM

Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for a great time. It was great to come and get beaten by the taxi cabs. We are planning to be at the future events.

I probably woulda won, too if it weren't for that cursed Tony Bolton. :rolleyes: ;)

budjrfan 04-09-2006 07:16 PM

same ole, same ole......... HAD A FRICKIN BLAST!!! :thumbsup:

same ole, same ole......... tony get's top honors. congrats man you are a machine behind the wheel.

not the same ole.... guess it was my turn to take first loser behind tony. but hey, i'll take it. :D

(note to self, forget tryin to mess with tony's car at the track. just go by his house the night before and let the air out of all the truck tires and the trailor queen won't show.... :vampsmile )

Tyler H 04-09-2006 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by budjrfan
(note to self, forget tryin to mess with tony's car at the track. just go by his house the night before and let the air out of all the truck tires and the trailor queen won't show.... :vampsmile )

Or rearrange a couple of wires on the distributor :mad:

Good job Tony. You should be a professional autoxer because you're not afraid to scrape your front spoiler. :thumbsup:

OvenMitts 04-09-2006 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by TonyBolton
Hey wait...........aren't you one of the brave one's that travels out of state to just autox?

nope... just a few times to nashville. I know you missed me, but I'll probably be at the next one. Besides, ETR gives out T-shirts to da winnerz :cool:

budjrfan 04-09-2006 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by OvenMitts
Besides, ETR gives out T-shirts to da winnerz :cool:

well, the SVT club used to give out trophies but since the taxi cabs started taking home more of the hardware they quit doing that. :spoke:

TonyBolton 04-09-2006 08:52 PM

Always a great bunch to be around. A small group at 30, opposed to what i'm used to in the ETR SCCA, but it's great that you can talk to alota people there and get to see them run too!

From what I remember from gazing over the scoreboard's, it looked like most people were getting shorter times as the day progressed, and thats really what it's all about. Since there are no classes for cars, or modifaction to the cars, you really need to just worry about competing with yourself and not the guy behind you, in front of you, or in the other group. If you can collect yourself enough to drop your time through-out the day, then it's you that won, not the guy with the fastest time of the day.

It's always fun to get out there and let the car BREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAATHE out there on the track, as opposed to normal autox type events. I like the parking lot autox's, but every dog likes a dessert now and then. ;)

Thanks again to all that stopped and congratulated me, talked to me or even acknowledged my existence. Special thanks goes to Rick McNutt that didn't even run a car today, but was gracious enough to put this whole event on.

I'm reminded of a saying I heard from an old car show I watched when I was a kid........... "In a world where crimanals operate above and beyond the man.....CAN......make a difference."---Knight Rider ;)

TonyBolton 04-09-2006 08:56 PM

Thread location for pictures of todays event:

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