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Playtme 09-15-2006 08:05 PM

Question on the car show end....

Although I have been talking about this with the wife for four weeks she has made some other plans for the family sat night. I can be there all day on saturday but may have to leave about 5pm just after judging. Do you need to be present to win for the car show? It woud be no problem to come back on sunday if by chance I did win anything.

Thanks, Joe

cobrabitn 09-15-2006 09:34 PM

Y'all need to think positive as it is way too early to tell what is going to happen. Our event should have been this weekend with perfect weather. It'll be changed back to the second week next year like it was in previous years.

Joe, if you win, we can give your plaque to Larry for ya! :thumbsup:

tazzracing1 09-15-2006 10:07 PM

Joe and Tony
I will make sure that the trophey gets to the right person.

Playtme 09-15-2006 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by cobrabitn
Y'all need to think positive as it is way too early to tell what is going to happen. Our event should have been this weekend with perfect weather. It'll be changed back to the second week next year like it was in previous years.

Joe, if you win, we can give your plaque to Larry for ya! :thumbsup:

IF, if, if. I dont want to get ahead of myself cause the car is nothing special. Thanks

Lumpydogs 09-16-2006 01:55 PM

Tony & All,

I have 24 brand new items to donate to the SCMC Raffle at Gingerman.
The items range from $1-$15. Hopefully everyone can win something. :D

See ya'll in about 150 hours. :bounce:

cobrabitn 09-16-2006 11:19 PM


Excellent job! That's what we need...a little help from the local members. We're going to have to chat when I get up there so next year, our MI members are putting the event on and the Carolina people can come up and enjoy a stress free weekend. We have three four or five willing people, now we just need to channel that energy! :thumbsup:

We're also bringing some prizes we saved from the Parkway show...detailer, sponges, and towels. My 94 is going to need a good cleaning when I get up there!

Thanks again! :thumbsup:

mojosvt 09-17-2006 11:39 AM

Well as of this morning the has us at a 40% chance sat and sun. I might have to re-think the camping idea.

ac427cobra 09-17-2006 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by mojosvt
Well as of this morning the has us at a 40% chance sat and sun. I might have to re-think the camping idea.

It will change five times in the next five days. Rest assured!

mojosvt 09-17-2006 06:35 PM

Well the tent and caming gear are still packed and ready to go...trying to keep the camping god's pleased!

sn8kbit 09-18-2006 09:45 PM

The wife and I will see ya'll up there Friday afternoon. Soley spectating this weekend. Need to catch up with old friends. Plan on showing the wife's car.

bolt-on 09-18-2006 10:06 PM

Oh my gosh Steve, we are so excited you are planning on being there. Did not think you would get Michele back after the first event at Gingerman in the snow!!!!!!!! Even with a chance of not so good weather this weekend, it should not be as bad as the first year.
Looks like you have a new addition also (or is that Aaron?).
Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Mrs. bolt-on

tgentry 09-19-2006 09:09 AM

Steve! It's been a long time and it will be good to see you. This is going to be a great weekend.

sn8kbit 09-19-2006 11:11 AM

Janice, that's Aaron, a while back...LOL. No new rugrats here!

Tom, it has been a while.

Other than not towing the car up, we figured it'd be a good weekend to catch up, and having to maintain the car all weekend might cut into that. It's a social "catch-up" for us.

beezer 09-19-2006 01:34 PM

car show question
I see the car show costs $20 to enter. Is there any additional charges for passangers (spouse, kids)?

bolt-on 09-20-2006 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by tgentry
GingerMan is just a few weeks away, and there seems to be an amazing lack of trash talk in here. Have we all become "mature"? :eek:

It is a little difficult to trash talk when the Cobra is still a pushmobile (broken cam chain at Barber) and only a 50/50 chance of being ready for GingerMan. Then again you can be pretty brave with the trash talk when you have the perfect excuse for not being able to back it up. So here goes. White Cobras are the fastest Cobras. They are much faster than red Cobras, especially red Cobras with those antique pushrods ;) .

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