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Playtme 09-22-2006 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by 97whitevert
can't wait to see everyone again!! damn- have to come all the way to MI to see my neighbors!! I am in Kalamazoo tonight, and will be at the track tomorrow!!! :D :bounce: :bounce:

Hello Lisa
What time are you going to head out to the track? I live on the west side of kalamazoo and can show you how to get out there if you would like. I am a stay-at- home dad (fancy name for a house husband) and if you need any help around town let me know.
Kalamazoo is about 45-50 min from the track. I'm thinking of heading out about 1pm just to take a look at the other club.

There is construction on I94 starting at exit 66 westbound one lane. I dont know where it start coming from the east bound.

if anyone else needs any help call and I will do my best.
269 217 5101

97whitevert 09-22-2006 08:05 AM

Joe- Hi! I am also on the west side- pretty close to the university. Not sure when I will head over. Depending on the weather, I may go into so. haven to do some shopping.

my ph is 704 450 2582 I'll give you a call later!

NJ2000R 09-22-2006 08:42 AM

greetings from halfway there from NJ (ohio rest stop #2)

see ya this afternoon! :thumbsup:

97whitevert 09-22-2006 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by NJ2000R
greetings from halfway there from NJ (ohio rest stop #2)

see ya this afternoon! :thumbsup:

I can't wait!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

CobraSusie 09-22-2006 01:37 PM

I will be coming down in the morning on Saturday, and will be staying at the Hampton Inn, doesn't look like my husband has to work, so he will be coming along too :D

CobraSusie 09-22-2006 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by cobrabitn

If you enter the car show then the entire family gets in without any additional cost. If you enter the "on track" portion then the entire family gets in without extra cost. If you are coming to spectate and are not entering the show or driving on the track then there is a $10.00 gate fee per person.

If you are an SCMC member then all you have to do is show them your membership card to get in to the event at no charge.



I am going to look back through the threads, I am not a member yet, but would like to be, I plan on entering the car show, if I can get there early enough :thumbsup:

Can you Pm me some info on prices etc. ?

97whitevert 09-22-2006 02:14 PM

Susie- the show is $20 to enter; Registration starts at 10.

Hope to see you there!! :thumbsup:

PS- I have a sonic blue escape as a daily driver too!! Great minds! :bounce:

CobraSusie 09-23-2006 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by 97whitevert
Susie- the show is $20 to enter; Registration starts at 10.

Hope to see you there!! :thumbsup:

PS- I have a sonic blue escape as a daily driver too!! Great minds! :bounce:

Thanks a Bunch! Getting ready to leave now :D

tazzracing1 09-23-2006 07:34 AM

I wanted to let everyone that so far everyone has made it in tact. I live in Paw Paw which is also about 30min. if help is needed call 269-720-3276

NJ2000R 09-23-2006 05:42 PM

all is well, we survived some heavy rain friday evening, saturday went well, barely a few drops fell, and held off til the end of the day....we got lucky! hoping it will head out tonight, and a nice day (well ok, we'll settle for cloudy but no rain) :thumbsup:

johnbasf 09-23-2006 07:03 PM

How many race cars showed up?

cobrabitn 09-23-2006 10:21 PM

About 60 cars plus instructors so around 75 total with about 10 racers! Having a really good time with a dry track and cloudy day. We had some rain but no torrential downpours till after 5:00 p.m. My phone got water in it so I couldn't call you back John! I'm hoping it will be dried out by tomorrow.

We had 14 cars registered for the car show even with the rain! I thought that was pretty good but I'll be requesting our normal track week for next year even if they have the NASA Nationals on the same weekend. They really did not affect our event at all! :thumbsup:

drudis 09-25-2006 01:07 PM

Video of the race weekend 4:56minutes and 20Meg. Standing on Rehagen motorhome in turn#1. Thanks Rehagen.

Bummer I didnt have the CF card in the camera for race#2. Shooting photos... realized no film! Would have had awesome photos of the start...

Had a great time opentracking with SCMC club. Weather was drizzly/rainy all weekend, but track dried up enough to salvage a decent weekend.
Had a worn tire showing threads on left rear (looped it coming outta 3), so I put tire on right-rear (looped it again in #6). DOH! Never left the track, just pointed backwards, and got to watch ScottW laugh/waive as he went by. :o

Pitted right next door to Darkhorse Racing, with the "old school boys" from SAAC-MotorCityRegion (1986, 1989, 1990, 1991 Mustangs). Sleeping in the truck (cheap b*stard) got a wee bit chilly saturday night as it went into the 40's 'F with rain.

Favorite quote of weekend was Cindy commenting about Cliff's driving:
Cliff, you were going really fast... right up until the point where everyone else turned!!!:D Cliff went off DEEEEP into the sand on #3. Probably got that on video too, as I was right behind him. Have to digitize that too, so I can share... :p

Cliff, thanks for the hospitality and the Kentucky Moonshine, all 3 mason jars worth!

NJ2000R 09-25-2006 08:04 PM

cool! thanks for sharing....did you get any photos on the weekend? or were they all on the empty card? :rotf:

97whitevert 09-25-2006 10:02 PM

It was so wonderful to see everyone! both friends that I have already met, and new friends as well!!

It is way too difficult to say how much everyone here ( and not here, I guess) means to me! this was a very bittersweet week for me and I absolutley loved every single second of it!!- despite the uncomfortable couch!! :rolleyes: ;)

It was one that I will always remember! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :bounce: :bounce: and very little that I would change!

A top notch event!
Much Thanks to Brian who pulled off a terrific weekend!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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