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jimmysidecarr 11-09-2006 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by UFO
OK, I appear to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I moved a few months back and have still not fully unpacked. I haven't seen my helmet for a while and thought it might be in one of the unpacked boxes in the garage. It isn't.

Obviously, I have no time to order one on line so need a local place to pick one up. I would rather purchase a SA rated helmet so want to steer clear of the motorcycle shops. Where in this great city of Houston can I buy a helmet?

Yep I used these guys---> <------- because I wanted to be able to try on the helmet... I was unsure of sizing.

I got a pretty good price and walked out that day with one in hand!!!

bluethunder 11-09-2006 07:28 PM

David, Give me a call @ 281-667-5566, I got a couple helmets from this year, and you are welcome to use one. Just let me know.

UFO 11-09-2006 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by bluethunder
David, Give me a call @ 281-667-5566, I got a couple helmets from this year, and you are welcome to use one. Just let me know.

Thanks bro, but I'm going to need a permanant replacement so will just head over to Pro Am tomorrow and grab one. Plus, I have a HUGE head!

jimmysidecarr 11-09-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by UFO
Thanks bro, but I'm going to need a permanant replacement so will just head over to Pro Am tomorrow and grab one. Plus, I have a HUGE head!

You may need an even bigger one after this weekend... :D :p

I saw some of your driving last year and you were rocking pretty damn good out there!!!

Looking forward to hanging out and talking some more... if you get bumped into my run group... please be gentle.... ;) :D :thumbsup:

Twice Bitten 11-09-2006 11:01 PM

The Gt will probalbly not make this event :( , as I do not have enough time to get it ready :mad:

97CasperCobra 11-09-2006 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Twice Bitten
The Gt will probalbly not make this event :( , as I do not have enough time to get it ready :mad:

:baby:......shouldn't have gone down to the deer should know what's more important.... :p

Twice Bitten 11-09-2006 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by 97CasperCobra should know what's more important...

Yes, like going tonight and looking at a large house on 2+ acres of land that has a an extra large 3 car garage and a shed in the back with 3 large bay door and a lift already installed. Oh yeah, did I mention that it has a 1200 foot guest house/game room/ mother in law quarters with an elevator :p :p :p

Now get your a$$ over here and bleed the brakes, change the oil and install the short throw shifter :doubt: :doubt:

UFO 11-10-2006 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by jimmysidecarr
You may need an even bigger one after this weekend... :D :p

I saw some of your driving last year and you were rocking pretty damn good out there!!!

Looking forward to hanging out and talking some more... if you get bumped into my run group... please be gentle.... ;) :D :thumbsup:

You're too kind. The truth of the matter is that I bought a car that even an idiot (like me) could drive competantly. It's a very easy car to drive fast and it's one of the most communicative cars I have ever driven so you almost always aren't surprised by how it reacts. The AWD and electronics also get you out of the **** 99% of the time :D. I also have more experience than most others in my run group.

I'll be starting at the bottom again this DE so I doubt our paths will cross on track and, besides, I have something like 250 to the wheels in a 4 door grocery getter that had trouble with a supercharged Mustang GT on the straights at the last DE.

97CasperCobra 11-10-2006 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Twice Bitten
Now get your a$$ over here and bleed the brakes, change the oil and install the short throw shifter :doubt: :doubt:

we BOTH know you don't want me doing tech work on your precious Ford GT. I'm only good at wiping the dirt off and between my photography and car detailing skillz....i may not be your "monkey boy" for very much longer. :p

SuperG 11-10-2006 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Blue
Hey Gary
I assume the SS line fit?????

They sure did...and they don't leak!! Got some new copper washers to go with them...can't wait to try them out!!

Firme 11-10-2006 11:32 AM

Everyone, make sure you go over the event packet, and get to the track with plenty of time to get situated and attend the drivers meeting at 7:30.


Originally Posted by UFO
I'll be starting at the bottom again this DE so I doubt our paths will cross on track and, besides, I have something like 250 to the wheels in a 4 door grocery getter that had trouble with a supercharged Mustang GT on the straights at the last DE.

You won't be starting at the bottom, you will be one run group below Jimmy.
You might have had trouble with the sc'd gt, but you held your own with plenty of other nice cars.

Sonic Blue 11-10-2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by SuperG
They sure did...and they don't leak!! Got some new copper washers to go with them...can't wait to try them out!!

Outstanding! Have a great time and be safe. I can't wait for the next one so I can attend.

bluethunder 11-10-2006 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by 97CasperCobra
we BOTH know you don't want me doing tech work on your precious Ford GT. I'm only good at wiping the dirt off and between my photography and car detailing skillz....i may not be your "monkey boy" for very much longer. :p

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :doubt: :doubt: :doubt: :doubt:

cobrapace94 11-10-2006 09:07 PM

Have a good time out there guys & be safe out there. I was planning on stopping by, but I have to work sat & sun, so busy at work.
Hope you car is right Phil, good seeing you at Slaters.

Hazman 11-10-2006 09:09 PM

OH Miikkkeee
This is that certain Sapphire Blue 95 GT!!! I am sitting out here at MSR all by myself tonight:vampsmile It sure would be NICE to have my old master come play with me tomorrow. :D We could have some real FUN!!!:eek: :bounce: :burnout:


Originally Posted by Admiral
As much as I'd love to be out there I've already achieved a full Saturday schedule - wife is good at that! Will try and swing by the track sometime this weekend to say "Howdy" but can't promise much. You guys stay dry and have a ton of fun! Lotsa pics, mmkay?? :thumbsup:

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