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NJ2000R 06-27-2006 03:49 PM

Tony, you can put me on the list....I need to register through Dan for the R race....

Hazman 06-27-2006 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by tgentry
We'll be there! :bounce: :thumbsup: :bounce:

We'll be sleeping in the tent-mahal, and I plan to bring my Honey/GingerMan beer for Saturday night. Lets here it from you campers! :cool:

So we get to see Lancelot!!:D We will be bringing the tent and camping this time. What can we bring for the Saturay night feastivities?? Tom I am looking forward to one of those special beers but one only I am a cheap drunk!:drunk:

OH are we still going to have that midnight moonlight bike race on the track!!!!:bounce: :woooah: :surprise: :woot: :hatparty: :banana: :headbang:

NJ2000R 06-27-2006 05:14 PM

we hope to be staying at the track as well....if all goes well, we'll be sleeping in style! :cool:

just please don't ask which brand! :rolleyes: :p ;)

tgentry 06-27-2006 05:36 PM

Lance had some cold start issues that turned out to be low compression. He's someone else's problem now. I am a poorer but wiser man, having had a crash course in diesel mechanics.

Our towing adventures will have to wait another season.

cobrabitn 06-27-2006 10:01 PM

That sucks Tom...maybe you can get another "meat wagon" next year?

List Updated!

tgentry 06-28-2006 10:08 AM

We'll see what's available. You never know what we'll come up with.

Eric_red94 06-28-2006 10:51 AM

maybe for me
downloaded the info. Maybe get some more local Indiana people to caravan up there. Someone, anyone?


cobrabitn 06-28-2006 10:53 PM


I'm going to put you down as the IN connection for other IN members to caravan up there. :thumbsup:

Eric_red94 06-29-2006 08:58 AM

I am definately going to try to make it up there for the sat. show and meet everyone. Don't know yet if I will have the brakes and tires I need for the track, although I am going to try to put some slotted rotors on and get some fresh Nitto's.


tgentry 06-29-2006 09:03 AM

Hey Eric,
Do you have braided lines for the front brakes? Those are a necessity for the track. Slotted rotors are fine for bling, but definitley not necessary. Put some Performance Friction Z Rated pads from Autozone on there and you're good to go. :thumbsup:

Either way, see you there! :bounce:

Eric_red94 06-29-2006 10:41 AM

got it
Braided front brake lines, got it. Thanks. You're right about the rotors, my stock ones could probably be surfaced (only 50,000 mi.) and put on some new pads. Probably time to re-do the fluid also. Thanks for the info. One day on that track (if I do it) will probably get me a new pair of rotors anyway.


SVT_KY 07-07-2006 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by cobrabitn
List Updated!

Tony, I'm from KY ... < grin > 2002 Fire Engine, Arrest Me Red Lightning

Cliff Hemstock

tgentry 07-07-2006 09:31 AM

While we're carping about details you can move me to the instructor list. Hey Cliff, my Cobra is stock too... still has the original paint. :thumbsup: :rotf:

Hazman 07-07-2006 01:34 PM

OK I was going to let it go but since Cliff started it and Tom continued it....:p

Jayne will be driving her '04 Corvette Z06 not my stock '97 Cobra (still has the original convertible top).:rolleyes: Yes we are a mixed marriage Ford and Chebby.:D

mojosvt 07-14-2006 11:17 AM

Rick, I see that you will be tent camping? Do you need to reserve a spot, or is it first come first serve. Will they run out of camping spots? Camping sounds like fun, colleen and I have not got out this year, combine the best of 2 worlds.

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