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winddy1 03-04-2002 05:09 PM


Originally posted by STU
Good idea Bonny. We'll go with the flow.

Or we could do the "What's white and black and red all over" thing. :D


Yup, sounds good! :thumbsup:

At this current moment,
I am definitely black and blue all over ..

long stressful weekend ....

phew ....

stickboy96 03-06-2002 06:50 PM

Maybe I'll bring up the rear behind Dean & Dave, try to keep them out of trouble...:)

STU 03-06-2002 07:38 PM


Originally posted by stickboy96
Maybe I'll bring up the rear behind Dean & Dave, try to keep them out of trouble...:)
Cool! We got ourselves a CONVOY....:thumbsup:

winddy1 03-06-2002 07:50 PM


Originally posted by STU

Cool! We got ourselves a CONVOY....:thumbsup:


we will probably be getting a block of rooms at a hotel just like we always do -

everybody could meet there on Sunday morning, and then we'll really have a convoy !!!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Dean95CobraR 03-06-2002 10:34 PM


Originally posted by stickboy96
Maybe I'll bring up the rear behind Dean & Dave, try to keep them out of trouble...:)

Hi Rob. That would be great if you could make it. :thumbsup:

Dean95CobraR 03-06-2002 10:35 PM


Originally posted by STU

Cool! We got ourselves a CONVOY....:thumbsup:

10-4 Rubber Ducky! :D :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

winddy1 03-27-2002 04:45 PM

anybody else coming???

tgentry 03-27-2002 05:50 PM

Christa and I plan to attend. So far the only year we missed was last year, when it conflicted with my annual bike ride across Iowa.

It's one event we really hate to miss! :thumbsup:

winddy1 03-29-2002 11:35 AM


Originally posted by tgentry
Christa and I plan to attend. So far the only year we missed was last year, when it conflicted with my annual bike ride across Iowa.

It's one event we really hate to miss! :thumbsup:


the heat index was over 100 degrees that day ...

how was your bike ride?:confused: :eek:

tgentry 03-29-2002 12:58 PM

Bonny, it was HOT! Last year we had heat and headwinds for most of the week. Still, a bad day on the bike (or in the Cobra) is better than a good day at work.:D

winddy1 03-29-2002 01:17 PM


Originally posted by tgentry
Bonny, it was HOT! Last year we had heat and headwinds for most of the week. Still, a bad day on the bike (or in the Cobra) is better than a good day at work.:D


all I know is I had a problem with the heat.
I was sick for two days afterward. If it is that hot this year - I'm stayin' inside.
:( :(

I'd rather be by the cars and the people, but I tried roughing it out there and that didn't work for me. I just can't take the heat anymore. At least - not that type of heat !!

You know what I thought was absolutely ridiculous?
Heat index approx. 105 degrees, and there were still people crazy enough to pull out onto the highway and give the poor car all it's got ....

Tim and I didn't do that with our engines. We don't like the heat, and neither do they. Pushing your engine to extremes on a day like that is asking for trouble...

oh well.

Hopefully, this year will be 80 degrees instead:thumbsup: :bounce:

well, 75 would be better ...:rolleyes:

tgentry 03-29-2002 01:26 PM

The heat was probably harder to take standing around in a parking lot than moving on a bike. At least we create our own breeze.

As for punishing the car in the heat, I've often wondered if my engine problems are related to running at Tulsa in the heat. The car never overheated but it was getting close a couple of times.

Forged internals now, I just need to sell my TR6 and buy a blower :burnout:

winddy1 03-29-2002 01:33 PM


Originally posted by tgentry
buy a blower :burnout: [/B]


yup definitely !!

You need to buy a blower ..

I just love it on Trigger - at first, I was a little nervous about it, but we didn't go overboard with it. We just did what was necessary and no more. We are very careful with it - and I have allot to learn in driving it ...

but WOW !!!!!

what a car !!

what a difference !!

winddy1 05-11-2002 04:44 PM

Victor Ford Show
1 Attachment(s)
Here is the flyer for the Victor Ford show ..

I will be calling hotels to see if we can block some room's for us ...

any suggestions ..??

definitely not the hotel we chose last year, right Dean?

Dean95CobraR 05-12-2002 09:02 AM

Re: Victor Ford Show

Originally posted by winddy1
Here is the flyer for the Victor Ford show ..

I will be calling hotels to see if we can block some room's for us ...

any suggestions ..??

definitely not the hotel we chose last year, right Dean?

:eek: :eek: You got that right.

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