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winddysvt 01-30-2003 11:50 AM


Originally posted by Dean95CobraR
I like the close your eyes and hit the gas method. :D
(not necessarily in that order)


hey -
I thought I had that patented??????


winddysvt 01-30-2003 11:52 AM


Originally posted by Big Daddy
AHHH the spin dr's secret is out! :D ;) :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:


and a good secret it is!


1-QIK-SNK 02-03-2003 09:31 AM

Did you get any times on the go kart racing?

I have not been getting any updates through the forums. I just happend to check this am and there has been allot of postings.

If you can get some times during the day say 12:00- 5:00 give a few count Tina & I in on the go Karts.

Are we meeting up at K.B. then Sat. am? If so whats the time. I can be there any time for I am staying down town and it would be minutes to get there.

As far as dinner it will have to depend on the go karts times because of the racing at the dome we are going to.

Just let me know, Thanks Kerry

Black Horse 02-03-2003 10:40 AM

I may have to work Sat. morning....will high tail it for Indy as soon as I can. What time is everyone meeting at KB's?

winddysvt 02-03-2003 11:13 AM


Originally posted by 1-QIK-SNK
Did you get any times on the go kart racing?

I have not been getting any updates through the forums. I just happend to check this am and there has been allot of postings.

If you can get some times during the day say 12:00- 5:00 give a few count Tina & I in on the go Karts.

Are we meeting up at K.B. then Sat. am? If so whats the time. I can be there any time for I am staying down town and it would be minutes to get there.

As far as dinner it will have to depend on the go karts times because of the racing at the dome we are going to.

Just let me know, Thanks Kerry


Kerry -

I believe the Go-Karting starts at 6:00 --

were gonna have to figure out on where we are meeting up at..

does anyone know how late KB is open on Saturday?
We will be talking to Rich in the next few days - if you don't know, I will find out.

Or maybe we could have some suggestions on where and what time to meet?

I'm not familiar with the area.

looking forward to seeing all of you!

I will email you our cell phone #'s

winddysvt 02-03-2003 11:16 AM


Originally posted by Black Horse
I may have to work Sat. morning....will high tail it for Indy as soon as I can. What time is everyone meeting at KB's?

Sir Pent --

we'll get some final plans going ...

any suggestions will be highly appreciated...

looking forward to seeing you!

If worse comes to worse -- any of us that don't meet up ahead of time, we will end up meeting at the Go-Kart track - say about 5:30?

1-QIK-SNK 02-03-2003 02:56 PM

I just talked to Mike Allen at K.B. to see if my cage was ready( it is ready) and they open @ 8:00 or 9:00(not sure) but they close at 12:00.

I would say for those who will be there in the am(some time) we can just meet at K.B. I think that would be the easy for everyone to find. Email me direct and I can give you directions to K.B.

As far as the go kart races I don't think Tina and I will be able to do it since we are going to the sprint cars races at the dome. They start at 7:00pm

Thanks Kerry

98RSNK 02-03-2003 03:21 PM

Since KB closes at noon can't we do the karts a little earlier? Not sure what time it opens but it could be a long afternoon till 6:00 or 7:00 from noon.

Dave, what time do you get off work? We can try to plan around your arrival time.

Plus, if we could start at say 3:00 we'd have Kerry and Tina along too!! The more there the more fun!

1-QIK-SNK 02-03-2003 03:28 PM

That would be nice if we could do it around 3:00 or so. We want to do the karts, but want to goto the sprint races later for sure.

Dean95CobraR 02-06-2003 09:02 AM

So when are we all meeting and where?

I don't believe we can move up the kart time because it is scheduled with the local SVTOA.

We could meet at KB around 10 or 11, go down town to eat after KB(Kerry knows of a good place), hit circle center and then find the kart place.

Here is my cell 574 527-8155.

What do you think?

EDIT - I changed my cell phone to my correct number. I guess I was a little dyslexic. :(

98RSNK 02-06-2003 09:10 AM

Sounds like a plan Dean, we'll probably hit K.B. around 11:00 am.

C-U guys then!!

1-QIK-SNK 02-06-2003 10:06 AM

I can be there at 11:00 not a problem. I am going to leave my cell # if anything comes up and any one can't make it.
See ya all then.


winddysvt 02-06-2003 05:50 PM


Originally posted by Dean95CobraR
So when are we all meeting and where?

I don't believe we can move up the kart time because it is scheduled with the local SVTOA.

We could meet at KB around 10 or 11, go down town to eat after KB(Kerry knows of a good place), hit circle center and then find the kart place.

Here is my cell 574 572-8155.

What do you think?


sorry I didn't get back to you guys --
I had a rough couple of days.... hopefully that means I'll be fine for the weekend!

Here is Tim's cell # 630 514 0520

I don't think our Cobra will be ready yet -- they are waiting on the Koni's. Everything else is done...
If the car is done we will be there before noon.

If it isn't done (we will know by tomorrow) then we will probably get out there around 2:00 or 3:00 --

maybe we could call and meet you somewhere?

let us know ...

winddysvt 02-06-2003 05:52 PM


Originally posted by Black Horse
I may have to work Sat. morning....will high tail it for Indy as soon as I can. What time is everyone meeting at KB's?

take down our cell phone #'s and give us a call when you get close !!

ours is
630 514 -0520

looking forward to seeing all of you!

Especially my 'Flushy sister.....

(you too Borla brother!)

wait til you see Tommy - he's taller than we are now.....

he is looking forward to seeing you again!:thumbsup: :bounce:

Black Horse 02-07-2003 11:32 AM

I have managed to swap with someone else for work Tomorrow....pending the snow is less than a foot deep, I plan to be a Kenny's around 10. See you guys there!
My cell is: 513-505-5335

- Dave

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