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cobrabitn 06-08-2005 10:52 PM

Okay, you can throw rocks at me now but I don't think we want to go the bike route. Nothing against motorcycle drivers but I'm not so sure our insurance would cover motorcycles and if we come close to breaking even then that's all that really matters. I appreciate you all trying to help "fill the field" and I wish I could be there but I should be good to go in the Fall in Birmingham! :thumbsup:

I especially want you all to have a fun, safe event. Remember, helmets on when running the course and no passing in the turns! :)

LeadSSled 06-09-2005 06:38 AM

Cobrabitn - Well, that is what I expected the "official" answer to be, but I said that I'd ask. Of course, I expected that Yeller would say "hell yeah" too.:D

So Hazman is AWOL - been living in that house for a month and doesn't have an internet connection. If anyone see's Rick tell him that there is a new invention out - it's called a "dial up modem". He might want to check it out. I guess he doesn't have a phone line either. :doh2:

Hazman 06-09-2005 01:21 PM

As a matter of fact I don't have a phone line! OK so I did not get the cable or the phone in!! Big deal I did get my two post asymmetric lift installed and working in my 12 foot ceiling garage!! Priorities :thumbsup: :bounce:

Hazman 06-09-2005 01:23 PM

List updated

budjrfan 06-09-2005 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Hazman
As a matter.... I did get my two post asymmetric lift installed and working in my 12 foot ceiling garage!! Priorities :thumbsup: :bounce:

hot dang....mod day @ rick's house!!!! :thumbsup:

LeadSSled 06-10-2005 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Hazman
OK so I did not get the cable or the phone in!! Big deal I did get my two post asymmetric lift installed and working in my 12 foot ceiling garage!! Priorities :thumbsup: :bounce:

Well, since your car breaks down more often than you need to make a phone call, I understand. ;)

FYI - Looks like I was successful in recruiting some folks from Nashville on the Tennesspeed Forum to come over for this event. Somebody has to drum up some business. :D At least three have said that their money and registration info is on the way. Quotes from the Tennesspeed Forum:

"RoX0r, BenS and I will be there!"

"LeadSSled, so I just read the thread over at SCMC and apparently Hazman's email access is limited. Just know that we are coming (I just now put the check in the mailbox) and we plan to represent Nashvegas baby!!!"

Jason 06-10-2005 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by LeadSSled
So Hazman is AWOL - been living in that house for a month and doesn't have an internet connection. If anyone see's Rick tell him that there is a new invention out - it's called a "dial up modem". He might want to check it out. I guess he doesn't have a phone line either. :doh2:

East TN modem:

5oh 06-13-2005 08:40 AM

I don't think I have enough time to get a check in, so can I pay at the gate or use paypal?

LeadSSled 06-13-2005 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by 5oh
I don't think I have enough time to get a check in, so can I pay at the gate or use paypal?

Just show up early and pay and the gate. The field is nowhere near full, so there whould be plenty of room left. But remember that "at the gate" registrants are 1st come, 1st served until the field of 32 is full, so the earlier you come, the less risk there is of not having an open slot.

TonyBolton 06-14-2005 06:08 AM

Check went in the mail yesterditty..... [Tenn. voice]See you'unz'z own Suterdee![/Tenn. voice]

BTTBSS 06-14-2005 01:37 PM

Glad to ssee Tony's gonna make it. Tire rack just delivered my new VR710's so I'm gonna be stickin...good. Now I just have to find my way to the track on Saturday...


Hazman 06-14-2005 04:08 PM

List updated.

TonyBolton 06-15-2005 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by BTTBSS
Glad to ssee Tony's gonna make it. Tire rack just delivered my new VR710's so I'm gonna be stickin...good. Now I just have to find my way to the track on Saturday...


I think you'll like the 710's. I'm still on the same set from about a year or so ago, and they have held up great with as many autox's/411 events that I've done on them. May take some "Damn these things really F'n grip" time, but I think you'll pick it up real good. :thumbsup:

LOHAN 06-15-2005 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by TonyBolton
May take some "Damn these things really F'n grip" time,

I agree. I spun pretty good on my first run with them because they still had some mold release on them. I thought I had them scrubbed in good, but I guess I didn't. It took me about two events to figger 'em out, but at the end of the second event I was putting the hurting on several cars.

volZfrk 06-15-2005 08:16 PM

Looks like I can make this one. Can I get my name on the list and bring the money to the event? (since it would be quicker than mailing it at this point)

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