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Stavesacre21 02-23-2006 12:58 PM

Dropped my registration in the mail today...Chalk me down for the 9th. :bounce:

See everyone there!! :cool:

Now I need to finish brainwashin the rest of my buckeyes to get'um down there! ;)

LeadSSled 02-23-2006 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Hazman
It is not just the deceptive look of those cabs that will fool you it is also the mild mannered nice quiet spoken grey haired gentlemen that drive them.

Yep! That pretty much describes me to a Tee.

mojosvt 02-23-2006 03:35 PM

Here's anther Buckeye making the Trip. Registration in the mail. And I believe Mark P 2001 mineral grey drop top will be sending his registartion in as well, for a total of 3 buckeyes so far.

tones688 02-24-2006 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by mojosvt
Here's anther Buckeye making the Trip. Registration in the mail. And I believe Mark P 2001 mineral grey drop top will be sending his registartion in as well, for a total of 3 buckeyes so far.

Make that four buckeyes, registration sent in today :bounce:

Wht03Mach1 02-25-2006 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by LeadSSled

If you would still like to make a wager, just let me know. ;)

Hope to see you at the show. This is just about as much fun that you can have with your car for $35. The SCMC folks are terrific hosts and these 411 autocrosses are my favorite racing events of the year.

Thanks for posting the vid! Awesome run! Will we have access to the dragstrip on the same day? I'll be there on June 25th.

LeadSSled 02-25-2006 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Wht03Mach1
Will we have access to the dragstrip on the same day? I'll be there on June 25th.

Well, sorta. The strip is open only during the afternoon on Sundays. Since these are all Sunday events this year, the dragstrip will be running the same time we are running. So, in order to run there, you would be not able to run the autocross.

If there was a Saturday date, you could autocross in the afternoon and go next door to run the dragstrip in the evening. But, there are no Saturday dates this year. However, you could run at the strip the night before the event.

Wht03Mach1 02-28-2006 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by LeadSSled
However, you could run at the strip the night before the event.

Thank you for the answer! I don't want to hijack this thread, but is it a "show and go", or do I have to pre-register for the dragstrip? I only live 2 hours away, but I was thinking of coming in Saturday anyway.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!!:D

LeadSSled 02-28-2006 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Wht03Mach1
Do I have to pre-register for the dragstrip? I only live 2 hours away, but I was thinking of coming in Saturday anyway.

No pre-registration is required for the dragstrip. It's just a normal Saturday for them. They open at Noon on Saturdays and run till dark. They will stay open later after it warms up, but will close early for the April date. $12 to run test and tune on Saturday.

budjrfan 03-01-2006 11:20 PM

who's the dude with the 58 vette?.........that will be nice to see running the course......:thumbsup:

Jason 03-02-2006 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by budjrfan
who's the dude with the 58 vette?.........that will be nice to see running the course......:thumbsup:

Hell yeah. :cool:

Hazman 03-02-2006 08:32 PM

Yep I hope the fellow with the original Shelby Cobra comes back again too!! It is awesome to see these legendary cars still out on the track doing what they were really built to do!!!!:thumbsup:

Wht03Mach1 03-03-2006 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by LeadSSled
No pre-registration is required for the dragstrip. It's just a normal Saturday for them. They open at Noon on Saturdays and run till dark. They will stay open later after it warms up, but will close early for the April date. $12 to run test and tune on Saturday.

Thanks for the info!:thumbsup:

Tyler H 03-08-2006 07:35 PM

Registration in the mail. Some more white rice for those taxi cabs to chew on. :D

My apologies if this was you. :rotf:

Can't wait....looks like a blast! I look forward to meeting you guys.

--Tyler H.

fasst94impala 03-08-2006 09:49 PM

Awesome...smoked snake and toasted pony go well with rice :D

Stavesacre21 03-08-2006 10:04 PM with hand)....

78th and Grand please

and could you step on runnin kinda late


LeadSSled 03-08-2006 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Stavesacre21
and could you step on runnin kinda late

Of course you're late - your in a Slowbra. I guess you need a taxi 'cause it broke down again. But we can get you there in time, even early. :D

Is it too early for trash talk? :grinangel

mojosvt 03-08-2006 10:23 PM

Laugh it up now Andrew, but the first time that Terry (LeadSSled) fires up his cab, it will make you think twice before ever racing another SS Taxi:D

Stavesacre21 03-08-2006 10:29 PM

I'm just messin with all you taxis....i've seen the video of you all runnin the 411. I know yur not a force to be messed with, much less by someone who's never did any type of organized car ANYTHING.

And yes, I know i set myself up for the running late part. I even contemplated not typing it, because I figured anyone else would be keen enough to slap me in the wrist for that one :rolleyes:


cobrabitn 03-08-2006 10:57 PM


You go ahead and tease because these guys can take it and they know it is all in fun. You're going to have a blast and that's what these events ae all about... a little smack talk and a little ribbing. I wish I could be there but I'm putting the 25th on my schedule. :thumbsup:

Terry, try to be easy on these guys...they're from the Buckeye and don't know how we do things down in the south. :D

sambo300 03-09-2006 02:14 AM

Oh c'mon Tony...come down in April. Really like to see you blow your horn at the cones,again!! Plus you could see me possibly get lost another 5 or 6 times!! Look for my fee and form soon Hazman. Could be a '97 CobraFest.

tones688 03-09-2006 09:50 AM


Terry, try to be easy on these guys...they're from the Buckeye and don't know how we do things down in the south. :D
I think I resemble this remark :p

Stavesacre21 03-09-2006 09:53 AM

I think I do too! I'm not really sure why...but i'm sure i do! grrr! :stupid: :rotf:

cobrabitn 03-09-2006 10:46 AM

Nothing like a little regional (north vs south) ribbing! :rotf: Wish y'all could be here this weekend at CMP though! Check this weather out:

Mar 9

Partly Cloudy
75°/56° 20%

Mar 10

Few Showers
74°/54° 30%
Mar 11

Partly Cloudy
80°/57° 10%
Mar 12

Mostly Sunny
82°/57° 20%

Woo Hoo! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

CathDoc 03-14-2006 10:47 PM

Never too early for smacktalk - Terry, could you snag me a moccachino on your lap? I know you won't spill it :spoke:

Yeller' 03-15-2006 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Stavesacre21
...much less by someone who's never did any type of organized car ANYTHING.

Ehh, everybody has to start somewhere, by the end of the day you'll be spanking Tony like the rest of us. :p

Hey I noticed from your sig you're an Xray tech [RT(R)]. I am an Xray tech. as well as a Nuclear Med. tech. "CathDoc" that just posted above me is a cardiac? catheterization doctor.

Good to see some fellow Radiation hounds on the board. :)

LeadSSled 03-15-2006 09:43 AM

I lost track of this thread - back on board now. You know that kindof thing happens with this AARP crowd.


Originally Posted by CathDoc
Terry, could you snag me a moccachino on your lap?

Moccachio? What's that - an Italian/Latino halfbreed hairdresser? What do you want one of those for? :eek:

Stavesacre21 03-15-2006 09:45 AM

Ya know yeller, there is another nuc med tech in this forum too! I'm not sure of his SN anymore, but I know he drives a yellow 98 Cobra, or so did last year!

I'm rather surprised to see so many x-ray techs around all these forums! It's seeminly turnin out to be a pretty commen occurance.

Biggest irony of all is that my GF is gettin ready to start the nuc med program here in Findlay, Ohio. She's pretty pumped, and I sure am too...can't wait to be DINKS for a short while! :bounce: :D

Yeller' 03-15-2006 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Stavesacre21
but I know he drives a yellow 98 Cobra, or so did last year!

Yeah that would be me. Haha. ;)


Originally Posted by Stavesacre21
my GF is gettin ready to start the nuc med program

Nuclear Physics, Radiopharmacy, Nuclear Physiology & Biology.
Fun stuff indeed. :doubt:

budjrfan 03-15-2006 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Stavesacre21
Ya know yeller, there is another nuc med tech in this forum too! I'm not sure of his SN anymore, but I know he drives a yellow 98 Cobra, or so did last year!

I'm rather surprised to see so many x-ray techs around all these forums! It's seeminly turnin out to be a pretty commen occurance.

Biggest irony of all is that my GF is gettin ready to start the nuc med program here in Findlay, Ohio. She's pretty pumped, and I sure am too...can't wait to be DINKS for a short while! :bounce: :D


Originally Posted by Yeller'
Yeah that would be me. Haha. ;)

Nuclear Physics, Radiopharmacy, Nuclear Physiology & Biology.
Fun stuff indeed. :doubt:

thread hijack.......... :lurk:

Yeller' 03-15-2006 03:26 PM

Sorry, back on track...
Cobrabitn is slow and uses womens deoderant. :D

budjrfan 03-15-2006 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Yeller'
Cobrabitn is slow and uses womens deoderant. :D

:rotf: ......................................................................................:thumbsup:

CathDoc 03-15-2006 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by LeadSSled

Moccachio? What's that - an Italian/Latino halfbreed hairdresser? What do you want one of those for? :eek:

Figured you could slip a Starbucks run in there for me - Thanks bud :D

CathDoc 03-15-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Yeller'
Sorry, back on track...
Cobrabitn is slow and uses womens deoderant. :D

:rotf: :rotf:

And 03Ragtop takes orders form his navigator and likes it :D

Hazman 03-15-2006 08:35 PM

If all goes well I will have my car running again by the end of next week. So FEAR the little white vert.:eek:

sambo300 03-15-2006 10:59 PM

Val-------An '06 z06? Can't wait to see it. 7 liter? Man....I'm just gonna go and watch!....Just kidding.

cobrabitn 03-15-2006 11:07 PM


Cobrabitn is slow and uses womens deoderant
Hmm? Seems to me I ate some nanners :banana: :banana: at CMP and added the peanut butter afterwards. :bawling: Unfortunately, I cannot make the April 9th event. :( I will be at Talladega though while you're doing the flower girl thing! :rotf:

LeadSSled 03-16-2006 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by sambo300
Val-------An '06 z06? Can't wait to see it. 7 liter? Man....I'm just gonna go and watch!....Just kidding.

Not me...this taxi will put the Z on the trailer. :thumbsup:

Yeller' 03-16-2006 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by cobrabitn
Seems to me I ate some nanners at CMP

HaHa... "ate some nanners"
Good one.

I gave you the "point by", but you have to admit, I stayed right on your bumper for the 2-3 laps afterwards. :)

I wanted to run with you a little more, but by that point Sunday my tires were as slick as glass with big chunks of rubber missing from the outside edges. I figured I'd better save a morsel of tread or two for the drive home.

Jason 03-16-2006 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by CathDoc
:rotf: :rotf:

And 03Ragtop takes orders form his navigator and likes it :D

:whipit: The crewchief is always right.

Stavesacre21 03-16-2006 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by 03Ragtop
:whipit: The crewchief is always right.


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