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03 cobra toy 11-05-2006 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by SuperG
Anyone else struggling to get their car ready for next weekend?

Yep.... I'm working on my car today ;)

shomurph 11-05-2006 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by SuperG
Anyone else struggling to get their car ready for next weekend?

Gotta unload all of Grandma's choir books and stuff out of the car. Rotate the touring tires. Fill the windshield washer fluid up and put my chrome hubcaps on.

Found some extra clothes dryer exhaust tubing. Gonna fab up a cold air intake.


Hazman 11-05-2006 07:32 PM

Try getting two cars ready and a tow vehicle and loading up for a 15 hour drive!!:baby: Put Vette on the lift change pads and rotors, bleed and change oil. Take Vette off lift put Mustang on and repeat. Take Mustang off the lift put truck on and change oil. Oh well almost ready now!:D

shomurph 11-05-2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Hazman
Try getting two cars ready and a tow vehicle and loading up for a 15 hour drive!!:baby: Put Vette on the lift change pads and rotors, bleed and change oil. Take Vette off lift put Mustang on and repeat. Take Mustang off the lift put truck on and change oil. Oh well almost ready now!:D

Holy crap thats alot of oil. No wonder why gas prices went up today. :)

Hazman 11-05-2006 08:11 PM

7 quarts for the Mustang
7.5 quarts for the Vette
14 quarts for the truck

03 cobra toy 11-05-2006 09:00 PM

Weather @ Angleton, TX

Looks good :thumbsup:

aggie97 11-05-2006 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by SuperG

Anyone else struggling to get their car ready for next weekend?

Vacuumed out the dirt and marbles from the NASA event a couple weeks ago after finally getting the car out of the trailer two weeks later. Will be loading up Thursday night and plan on camping friday and saturday night at the track. running the instructor group? If so, I can drag you around if you want! Just tuck in and the vortex will pull you along.

As for the AWD contigent...during the rain at the NASA event, I will have you know all but one of the many AWD cars ended up in the mud....and didn't make it out on their own. There was one STi owner that went off fast sideways...had the driver window down and the inside of the car was caked with mud!!! Beware of the rice paddies boys!!!

See you in 5 days!

shomurph 11-06-2006 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by aggie97 running the instructor group? If so, I can drag you around if you want! Just tuck in and the vortex will pull you along.

naw my slow family car will be putting around in the intermediate group (requested.) With all the horse power on the track my little bull will be puttering around like a tricycle racing on the Tour de France.

I might as well get a mannequin arm, strap it to the driver's side mirror and have it point out so people will see a permanent ok to pass signal. :)

Boys be gentle!

93KingCobra 11-06-2006 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by 03 cobra toy
Weather @ Angleton, TX

Looks good :thumbsup:

Look's like scattered shower's for the weekend now.... :( :(

Levi 11-06-2006 10:11 AM

Due to a really great friend, that has hooked me up with an awesome mechanic. I am ready to Rock and Roll.

:D :cool: :thumbsup: :bounce: :woot:

UFO 11-06-2006 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by aggie97
As for the AWD contigent...during the rain at the NASA event, I will have you know all but one of the many AWD cars ended up in the mud....and didn't make it out on their own. There was one STi owner that went off fast sideways...had the driver window down and the inside of the car was caked with mud!!! Beware of the rice paddies boys!!!

Rice paddies huh?

It's not like I'm there to race, or brag about how many cars I passed. I go the these events because I have the most fun I've had in months and I get to better myself as a driver. I have never done an auto-x or a DE event in the wet. I have even been on a skidpan but that was in the dry too (they have a hydraulic frame on the car that lifts whichever wheels the instructor sees fit). So, basically, I have never pushed my car in the wet and have no idea of its limits in those weather conditions and would like the oppurtunity to do so in a safe environement; I am well aware that AWD cars will go off track in poor weather conditions just as easily as any other drivetrain configuration.

I'm not looking forward to the interior of my car getting soaking wet, or caked in mud, but the experience I gain will be worth it. Plus: if it's raining then I'll be on my daily driver wheels/tyres and they're not exactly stellar in wet or dry driving conditions.

aggie97 11-06-2006 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by UFO
Rice paddies huh?

Wasn't meant to scare you...just to warn you that the AWD cars from Japan like to return to their 'roots' in the rice paddies! ;)

What we found at MSRH is that the track is actually not bad in the wet, the concrete patches actually have traction and the worst enemies are the standing puddles at track out over "the Launch".....also, the sealed asphalt going into 15/16 is FREAKING slick wet or dry!

See you guys soon! bring tarps!

03 cobra toy 11-06-2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by 03 cobra toy
Weather @ Angleton, TX

Looks good :thumbsup:

10% Sat 79/57

0% Sun 77/58

11/16/06 @10:30 AM


SuperG 11-06-2006 05:07 PM

Oh please don't rain...PPLLLEEEEEAAAASSSEE don't rain!OK...almost done with the Cobra. Now #6 and #7 have a misfire.

UFO 11-06-2006 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Firme
Safety: To build upon our safety emphasis at last year's event, our first concern is the safety of the drivers. We ask that everyone follow the proper guidelines for safety equipment. Your car will need to be inspected prior to the event, and there will be tech inspection before your car is allowed on the track. More details to come in the driver packet provided after registration.

I realise I only signed up this weekend but I don't have the driver's packet yet and have but 4 days to get my car ready. Can someone send me one please?

Firme 11-06-2006 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by UFO
I realise I only signed up this weekend but I don't have the driver's packet yet and have but 4 days to get my car ready. Can someone send me one please?

Keep an eye on your email in the next hour or so. :thumbsup:

97CasperCobra 11-06-2006 11:14 PM

Hope the weather is great for you guys!!! :thumbsup:

Admiral 11-07-2006 10:54 AM

I'm gonna have to bail out guys, CMC motor all apart and I don't feel comfy with my 06' Mustang on the track. Sorry to miss a great event, everyone have fun and stay on the pavement!! :thumbsup:

Levi 11-07-2006 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral
I don't feel comfy with my 06' Mustang on the track.

If it will help, we could assign an instructor and put you in the green run group. :p

Admiral 11-07-2006 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Levi
If it will help, we could assign an instructor and put you in the green run group. :p

Hmmm, you got someone in mind??? :D

97CasperCobra 11-08-2006 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Admiral
I'm gonna have to bail out guys

the Mike's are bailing one by one.... :(

aggie97 11-08-2006 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Admiral
I'm gonna have to bail out guys, CMC motor all apart and I don't feel comfy with my 06' Mustang on the track. Sorry to miss a great event, everyone have fun and stay on the pavement!! :thumbsup:

Throw all the parts in the trailer and bring it to the will give us something to do Friday and Saturday night!

03 cobra toy 11-08-2006 11:32 AM

Weather :thumbsup:

Sat 68°/50° 10%

Sun 74°/62° 10%


11/8/06 @ 9:30 AM

97CasperCobra 11-08-2006 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by 03 cobra toy
11/18/06 @ 9:30 AM

you can see into the future???? :eek:

bluethunder 11-08-2006 07:15 PM

you guys have fun, we are going to go to the "other" track and shoot for our first 10 with the turbo car.

8lbs.= 11.49

15lbs. + C-16 = 10.9XX

shomurph 11-08-2006 09:29 PM

Car is on the tow dolly. Damn it I hate those things. Anybody got a car hauler for sale? (Mine got thieved two weeks ago.:mad: )

Heading down for some fishing at the Gulf Thursday/Friday then MSR Saturday and Sunday.


JoeJ 11-09-2006 01:08 AM


Just go down to your local Ford Dealer and rent a 6 cylinder mustang and put your race tires on it and come play with us. That is what I did while the Cobra R was at Houston Performance and I was signed up for the MCA event at Barber. i had a blast pushing those V8 cars thru the should be a great time..Especially seeing everyone again.

SuperG 11-09-2006 09:08 AM

Changed fluids, installed the SS brake lines and flushed all 4 corners, then installed the bolt-in roll bar...I think the car changed shape since the last time and so it took me 3 hours to complete the install!!!

Will sleep at the track or when I am dead, whichever comes first.

Larry95 11-09-2006 09:49 AM

:( :( :( Latest weather report isn't looking quite as good. 30% both days. :( I'm sure it will depend on when that little cold front pushes through. Everybody think sunny thoughts and maybe it'll go away. Pack the street tires just in case.

Admiral 11-09-2006 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by JoeJ

Just go down to your local Ford Dealer and rent a 6 cylinder mustang and put your race tires on it and come play with us. That is what I did while the Cobra R was at Houston Performance and I was signed up for the MCA event at Barber. i had a blast pushing those V8 cars thru the should be a great time..Especially seeing everyone again.

As much as I'd love to be out there I've already achieved a full Saturday schedule - wife is good at that! Will try and swing by the track sometime this weekend to say "Howdy" but can't promise much. You guys stay dry and have a ton of fun! Lotsa pics, mmkay?? :thumbsup:

SuperG 11-09-2006 11:49 AM

I am using the following weather forecast:

Saturday Mostly Sunny 83-degrees 10% chance of showers
Sunday Mostly Sunny 83-degrees 10% chance of showers

It's from Honolulu.

UFO 11-09-2006 12:27 PM

OK, I appear to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I moved a few months back and have still not fully unpacked. I haven't seen my helmet for a while and thought it might be in one of the unpacked boxes in the garage. It isn't.

Obviously, I have no time to order one online so need a local place to pick one up. I would rather purchase a SA rated helmet so want to steer clear of the motorcycle shops. Where in this great city of Houston can I buy a helmet?

Larry95 11-09-2006 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by UFO
OK, I appear to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I moved a few months back and have still not fully unpacked. I haven't seen my helmet for a while and thought it might be in one of the unpacked boxes in the garage. It isn't.

Obviously, I have no time to order one online so need a local place to pick one up. I would rather purchase a SA rated helmet so want to steer clear of the motorcycle shops. Where in this great city of Houston can I buy a helmet?

The only place I have found in Houston that has this type of equipment is ProAm, 6125 Richmond, 713-781-7755.

Levi 11-09-2006 01:03 PM


Competition Sales or Pro Am, may have what you need instock.


Sonic Blue 11-09-2006 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by SuperG
Changed fluids, installed the SS brake lines and flushed all 4 corners, then installed the bolt-in roll bar...I think the car changed shape since the last time and so it took me 3 hours to complete the install!!!

Will sleep at the track or when I am dead, whichever comes first.

Hey Gary
I assume the SS line fit?????

jimmysidecarr 11-09-2006 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by UFO
OK, I appear to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I moved a few months back and have still not fully unpacked. I haven't seen my helmet for a while and thought it might be in one of the unpacked boxes in the garage. It isn't.

Obviously, I have no time to order one on line so need a local place to pick one up. I would rather purchase a SA rated helmet so want to steer clear of the motorcycle shops. Where in this great city of Houston can I buy a helmet?

Yep I used these guys---> <------- because I wanted to be able to try on the helmet... I was unsure of sizing.

I got a pretty good price and walked out that day with one in hand!!!

bluethunder 11-09-2006 07:28 PM

David, Give me a call @ 281-667-5566, I got a couple helmets from this year, and you are welcome to use one. Just let me know.

UFO 11-09-2006 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by bluethunder
David, Give me a call @ 281-667-5566, I got a couple helmets from this year, and you are welcome to use one. Just let me know.

Thanks bro, but I'm going to need a permanant replacement so will just head over to Pro Am tomorrow and grab one. Plus, I have a HUGE head!

jimmysidecarr 11-09-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by UFO
Thanks bro, but I'm going to need a permanant replacement so will just head over to Pro Am tomorrow and grab one. Plus, I have a HUGE head!

You may need an even bigger one after this weekend... :D :p

I saw some of your driving last year and you were rocking pretty damn good out there!!!

Looking forward to hanging out and talking some more... if you get bumped into my run group... please be gentle.... ;) :D :thumbsup:

Twice Bitten 11-09-2006 11:01 PM

The Gt will probalbly not make this event :( , as I do not have enough time to get it ready :mad:

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