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ac427cobra 09-26-2006 05:47 PM

Thanks to Tony, Brian and the rest of the organizers of the event. I know it takes a considerable effort to put on these events and I just want you ALL to know we appreciate it!

It was great seeing all of the old friends and meeting new ones. Special thanks to Tom Gentry for the yummy home brew! :cheers:

Hope to see all of you again soon!


NJ2000R 09-26-2006 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by punk lancelot
Does anybody know how to reach the photographers that were at the event? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

I forgot to go see him also!

trackside photo services

PO Box 3215

St. Charles, IL 60174


Cobra-R 09-26-2006 07:16 PM

Hey all,

I would like to thank everyone from the people that helped register, tech, instructors, ect to the participants. You all are the greatest and are what makes this event so great. You all make my job so easy, that I feel like I get off to easy.

I would also like to thank the Superformance group and the AV8SS group for joining us.

Anybody that has suggestions or comments about this event or how to make future events better, please PM or email me, I would love to hear it.

Brian Groth

PS: A special thanks goes out to Dave Diehl and Hyper-Performance for making and donating the group numbers for the winshields. If you need graphics or numbers, please support a fellow club member. :thumbsup:

97whitevert 09-26-2006 08:48 PM

Oh yeah- tom's home brew YUM!!! that was some Real beeR :thumbsup: :bounce: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

and Brian- ya REALLY want to know MY thoughts??? :eek: :eek: :eek: :rotf: :bounce:

maybe add a bowling event? :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

cobrabitn 09-26-2006 08:53 PM

The photographer's name is Jim Enger and the address is

Trackside Photographic Services
P.O. Box 3215
St Charles, IL 60174
(630) 443-9735

I tried his website but it doesn't seem to work or it has changed from to who knows what??? He usually posts photos of the events he shoots on his site also. It's usually by run group!

I will also need at least a week to "catch up" so please try to be patient as there's a lot of work for me to do this week and I may not get to answer all of my e-mail. This is a very busy week for me at work being the end of the quarter.

Oh, I almost forgot...thanks for getting the food Lisa, it was a big help! :thumbsup:

Cobra-R 09-26-2006 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by cobrabitn
Oh, I almost forgot...thanks for getting the food Lisa, it was a big help! :thumbsup:

I echo that as well, it was great of you and janice to go shopping for the the BBQ. :thumbsup:


PS: Yes, lisa. Give us your thoughts.........I think. lol :bounce:

ac427cobra 09-26-2006 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cobra-R

PS: Yes, lisa. Give us your thoughts.........I think. lol :bounce:


Take it easy on him. He's a "farm boy" remember!??!

97whitevert 09-27-2006 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by ac427cobra

Take it easy on him. He's a "farm boy" remember!??!

Oh darn, that means I can't say all I want then!! :eek::(

I will just type slowly so that he can keep up :p

It was good to finally meet you in person, Bruce! :thumbsup:

ac427cobra 09-27-2006 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by 97whitevert
Oh darn, that means I can't say all I want then!! :eek::(

I will just type slowly so that he can keep up :p

Sounds like a perfect plan!?! :D


Originally Posted by 97whitevert
It was good to finally meet you in person, Bruce! :thumbsup:

Likewise Lisa!! :cool:

cobrabitn 09-27-2006 09:57 PM

For those of you that are interested, here is Jim Enger's e-mail address: and his cell number 630.334.0639

If you e-mail him, he will send you some low res photos and give you pricing on the pictures.



ac427cobra 09-27-2006 11:15 PM

Thanks for posting his contact info Tony! :thumbsup:

Lumpydogs 10-08-2006 10:09 AM

One of Jim's Photos. (Note the Mineral Grey color doesn't photograph well on track) Still, I like the photo. IMO Red, Yellow, Blue and Green cars photograph the best. White cars are so so.

I played tag with these two Cobras behind me for several laps until I decided
to go exploring through the grass at the exit of turn six. :D

nckissfan 10-09-2006 12:00 PM

cool picture. So, you were trying out for the Gingerman Raceway grounds crew?:rotf:

97whitevert 10-09-2006 06:22 PM

ya know jeff-- if it had been even a bit sunny ( and NOT only during the quiet time on Sunday,) Mineral gray would have photo'd nicely!

went off on turn six huh? the grass did n't need to be mowed that badly. :rolleyes:

tgentry 10-10-2006 09:03 AM

Mystic usually doesn't photograph well on track either. It ends up a muddy black in most pics. So I got a black Cobra :rotf:

One question, what was the group 3 Cobra doing out playing with group 2?

Lumpydogs 10-10-2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by tgentry
One question, what was the group 3 Cobra doing out playing with group 2?

Last Run on Sunday was Group 2 & 3 combined. After that it was open
track to all groups.

I think that photo was taken the during the group 2 & 3 combined. :D

tgentry 10-10-2006 03:44 PM

I thought of that after I posted. I knew they did some combined runs at the end Sunday.

I'm already planning for next fall in Texas! :thumbsup: :bounce:

ac427cobra 11-13-2006 12:18 AM

Cobra R Challenge Race/AV8SS Race Video from race #1
If anyone is interested I have some video captured from the 2006 Cobra R Challenge Race/AV8SS Race at the SCMC Gingerman event this past September.

This video is made up of the highlights of the first race I have hosted up on Streetfire. I will have the second race up shortly.



Firme 11-13-2006 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by tgentry
I'm already planning for next fall in Texas! :thumbsup: :bounce:


We has a great event this past weekend. Lots of photos in the South Central Section. :thumbsup:

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