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mkkrs1 10-25-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by stylin99
I second that, I get most of my personal bests at Carolina Dragway. Usually because the 60ft numbers are much better with their traction.

I second that :thumbsup:

mkkrs1 10-25-2006 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by yelsvt03cobra
Can i be first in line :rolleyes:

Heck yeah!!! ABout time we had a little smack talk in the old man forums.

What will you be driving at the event? If you have been there in the past I am sure that we have met but make sure to introduce yourself... We are not competitive people at all but love racing so we will have to get to it for a coke?

For those that do not know us do not hesitate if you need anything that we can help with while at the track. We do not mind at all and are more than happy to help anyone out if we can.

Dang I am already excited![/QUOTE]I'll be in an white 03 cobra

smashedheadcat 10-25-2006 10:27 PM

Alright guys, I'm definately going. Is there going to be a meet point somewhere so we can travel together?? I'll be coming from eastern NC (but I don't mind going out of my way a little ways to meet up with some fellow members.

InfamousSVT 10-25-2006 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by BadMoFo
I'm trying to place a face with the name or stang. only girl I raced last time was the younger girl in the white fox that broke out in the brackets against me. bug man was her dad I beleive.

That's BugMan :thumbsup: His wife and daughter both race :thumbsup: ;)

Josh a bunch of us meet up at the McDonalds in Rock Hill, SC and cruise down from there. I'm not sure how far out of your way that is though.

We also meet a few others up at another gas station about 30 minutes from the track, but Tony will have to tell you were that is cause I'm not sure.

1 More week and 2 days :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

yelsvt03cobra 10-25-2006 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by InfamousSVT
That's BugMan :thumbsup: His wife and daughter both race :thumbsup: ;)

That was our 16 yr old daughter and I'll be dang if she didn't run her best time ever on her first pass and got put out.

My wife was in the burgundy 85 T-top and we had her Gray coupe their running on motor also trying to work out a few bugs.

Our son will be running this time around and they will be very competitive with each other. Both dyno sheets are within 10 rwhp and less than 10 rwtq. Talk about a family feud. :eek:

Mrs. Bugman will be bringing her new ride and it seems to be a lot slower than her previous cars so which do you want to pick on first? ;)

PS. James where are you???
I was thinking that you would
be the first one to call out my
wife and kid's. :thumbsup:

yelsvt03cobra 10-25-2006 11:32 PM

Hey why do I not have a member number again? We re-registered back in March I think? Someone lemme know what the deal is on that please.

I think you just keep kicking us out because I don't bring the snake to join in on the action. :D

BadMoFo 10-26-2006 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by yelsvt03cobra
That was our 16 yr old daughter and I'll be dang if she didn't run her best time ever on her first pass and got put out.

ya that was me she broke out against, I ran my worst time on that one. just tell her this year if she is ahead by alot to get off the gas or tap the break, she would have had me for sure. :thumbsup:

maybe I can get a little rematch for her in T&T. think I am going to run the terminator class this year instead of open class.

smashedheadcat 10-26-2006 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by InfamousSVT
Josh a bunch of us meet up at the McDonalds in Rock Hill, SC and cruise down from there. I'm not sure how far out of your way that is though.

We also meet a few others up at another gas station about 30 minutes from the track, but Tony will have to tell you were that is cause I'm not sure.

1 More week and 2 days :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Let me peak at a map and if it just isn't completely OUT OF MY WAY, I may had that way, I'll let you know shortly.

smashedheadcat 10-26-2006 09:49 AM

Alright, Rock hill is a little "north" for me. I was planning on coming down I-95 to I-20 and taking that towards Jackson, so I could probably meet up with you guys somewhere around the 77/20 intersection or something. Anyone coming from my neck of the woods that wants to travel together??

BadMoFo 10-26-2006 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by smashedheadcat
Alright, Rock hill is a little "north" for me. I was planning on coming down I-95 to I-20 and taking that towards Jackson, so I could probably meet up with you guys somewhere around the 77/20 intersection or something. Anyone coming from my neck of the woods that wants to travel together??

josh there is a group of us leaving from columbia, you have to pass threw here to get to jackson and going down 20 to get to jackson. but the only problem is we are leaving here no later than 7 am so we can get to jackson, eat some breakfast with a bunch of other stangers and then hit the gates before they open. so up to you because you would have to leave there super early.

cobrabitn 10-26-2006 08:42 PM

We will be coming through Columbia by 7:45 a.m. if we leave Rock Hill on time, 7:00 a.m. :) You can hook up with us there on I 20.

cobrabitn 10-26-2006 11:58 PM

Rules Reminders just in case you forgot the format
The SCMC/MGW Fall Drag Day will be on November 4, 2006. We will have the same format as the Spring drag day with the bracket races being grouped into 3 groups. The groups will be as follows:

1. Ladies Open Race (Open to any type vehicle - non-members)
2. Men's/Women's Open Race (Open to any type vehicle - non-member)
3. Terminator King Race (Open to club members only)

Only races number 2 and 3 will be eligible for any cash award. Our goal is to have a $500.00 purse for each category of 2 and 3. Actual purse depends on the number of spectators attending. Fee is $50.00 with a $15.00 discount for early registration. Registration will begin on January 1, 2006 when the registration forms go up.

Concerning category 2 and 3:

Category 3 is for SVT Cobra Club Members only in which members will be running against each other to see who is left standing. SCMC members who participate in the category 3 race cannot participate in the category 2 race. Club members must be driving a manual transmission SVT Cobra to compete.

Participants in the category 2 race cannot participate in the category 3 race so we do not have the same car in both races taking both purses. This is set up to have a little club rivalry while still keeping the same format and giving both members and their friends an equal chance to win a little spending money.

The format is as follows:

Test and tune -

During this time, you can grudge race some of your friends and non-friends.

Top 25 All Ford Show -

25 cars will be selected for the Top 25 award. The judging will be done by select individuals who are not entering the show and will be based on cleanliness, uniqueness, and curb appeal.

Afternoon Bracket Competition -

See how good you are on knowing your driving skills and take home the cash to prove it. Once the competition is over, you will go back to test and tune while the awards are being figured out. There will be 12 awards and the ceremony is usually held around 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Our rental ends at 5:00 p.m., you can stay all night till 11:00 p.m. without any extra fee for the Saturday night grudge races.

We encourage all SVT Cobra owners to join our club and join in on the fun. The SCMC member that wins will be featured on our website and in our quarterly newsletter. (To join SCMC go to and sign up on line.)

If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at, thanks.

smashedheadcat 10-27-2006 12:40 AM

I can meet up with you guys for sure....... I don't mind leaving as butt crack thirty (or the night prior) so I could meet up with y'all and cruise down. I just don't want to drive 100 miles out of my way as I'll be pulling a trailer.

smashedheadcat 10-27-2006 12:42 AM

Is anyone bring a portable dyno to the drag day?? I'd like to make a few pulls before I turn the boost up and I may not be able to do that prior to the 4th.

Big Daddy 10-27-2006 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by smashedheadcat
Is anyone bring a portable dyno to the drag day?? I'd like to make a few pulls before I turn the boost up and I may not be able to do that prior to the 4th.


Pro-Dyno will be there with a Dyno. :thumbsup:

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