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97whitevert 07-17-2004 08:15 PM

What about a cookout July 31, Aug 1 or Aug 15?? Our house- burgers, dogs, drinks, stuff... pool-- R&R...

let me know thoughts here... :thumbsup:

NO 5 OH 07-17-2004 08:46 PM

Any of those dates are fine by me Lisa, as long as I don't have to work on Saturday :( I didn't vote as it really doesn't matter as a general rule I'm off on weekends but orders have been greater this year than any other year before. Crystal and I are going to see Dave Matthews next weekend but that's the 24th.

I thought about stopping by today actually on my way home from having the car tuned but Crystal wanted me back in Hickory by 8:30 and I didn't leave there until almost 7:30 :eek:

See ya soon Bubbette :thumbsup:


Big Daddy 07-17-2004 09:28 PM

Well for me the 15th would be best, I could possibly make the other dates as well. :thumbsup:

nckissfan 07-17-2004 09:39 PM

the 15th would work better for me, as well. This way I have enough time to let work know!

redsnake99 07-17-2004 10:11 PM

15th is good for me. Let us know what to bring.

Red03 07-18-2004 10:34 AM

The 15th would work better for me, I'll be out of town the weekend of the 31st and 1st. Great idea Lisa :thumbsup:

97whitevert 07-18-2004 08:14 PM

loooking like the 15th.... we had a great time last year and i have more(butt different) of the "bugs" that were in the pool from last year, TONY! :D horseshoes, yarddarts, maybe even a mean badmiton tournament could be done.. adult beverages are welcome!!(just no:barf::barf: please)

:thumbsup: i'd like to see abunch of us here again! :hatparty: :hatparty: :grinangel :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :djsmile: :djsmile: :bounce:

nckissfan 07-19-2004 10:31 AM

badmiton? what skool do you teach at? Yard darts, ahhh that could be dangerous.

97whitevert 07-19-2004 11:07 AM

bee nice mike- i no sum secrets about ewe :D

for the rest-- does labor day weekend work?? maybe that sunday?

flynfink 07-19-2004 01:39 PM

no labor day for me, I'll be in the Tetons backpacking and cycling thru Yellowstone.

8/15 or 7/31 works

97whitevert 07-19-2004 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by flynfink
no labor day for me, I'll be in the Tetons backpacking and cycling thru Yellowstone.

8/15 or 7/31 works

sounds like fun!!! :thumbsup:

nckissfan 07-19-2004 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by 97whitevert
bee nice mike- i no sum secrets about ewe :D

for the rest-- does labor day weekend work?? maybe that sunday?

I am going to get Tina for this!!!!

Robbie '96 07-19-2004 09:53 PM

Cook Out
The 15th is fine with us :thumbsup:

cobrabitn 07-19-2004 10:18 PM

Labor Day Sunday looks good! :thumbsup:

97Whitesnake 07-19-2004 10:47 PM

Tomorrow would be good for me. Anyone else? :D

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