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cobrabitn 12-29-2005 08:59 PM

Victory Lane Karting & Judging Certification Class
We'll be doing a Karting event at Victory Lane and a judging Certification Class on January 7, 2006 in Charlotte, NC. The Karting event will begin at 2:00 p.m. and the class will be afterwards. Dinner will be held at Carlo's Italian Restaurant. Please sign up below if you plan to attend.

See you on the 7th, Thanks!

nckissfan 12-29-2005 11:22 PM

what time will the judging class take place? And, do I need to do that Tony, if I want to continue to help judge? I know that schedule has already been made at work, so I don't think I will be able to make that.:(

blk04cobra1 12-29-2005 11:24 PM

I'll be there, no judging class for me though :thumbsup:

cobrabitn 12-30-2005 07:41 AM

We'll probably do it at the room at Carlo's along with dinner around 5ish... or after the karting race. :thumbsup:

03slidewayzSVT 12-30-2005 08:25 AM

victory lane
I'll probley be there too. as long as the weather is somewhat nice. It sounds like alot of fun. :thumbsup:

97whitevert 12-30-2005 09:42 AM

we will both be there!! :thumbsup:

nckissfan 12-30-2005 10:03 AM

I will check my schedule today, and will be able to come to dinner if I am on the morning shift.

Cobra4me 12-30-2005 02:04 PM

tony I am interested in the judging certification but have to work Jan 7 the is there going to be another opportunity to do this? In the future thanks

blk04cobra1 12-30-2005 06:16 PM

Robbie, just get someone to cover for ya :thumbsup:

Cobra4me 12-30-2005 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by blk04cobra1
Robbie, just get someone to cover for ya :thumbsup:

Torrey I wish it was that easy:D

Mr. Ed 12-30-2005 09:28 PM

Certification Class
Add me to the roster!:D :thumbsup: :flag:

nckissfan 12-30-2005 11:08 PM

oh, only if it was that easy to get someone to cover for ya. Robbie, I know how ya feel.:thumbsup:

flynfink 12-31-2005 10:28 AM

Not sure if I can make it. I have a flight out of the country on Sunday.

BTW, Tony, you better call Carlos. I think they closed the doors for good. :(

nckissfan 12-31-2005 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by flynfink
Not sure if I can make it. I have a flight out of the country on Sunday.

BTW, Tony, you better call Carlos. I think they closed the doors for good. :(

oh no, that would not be good.

cobrabitn 12-31-2005 11:11 AM

Need an alternate place to meet and eat then. I'll try to call them tonight and double check on it.

Flagman 12-31-2005 02:26 PM

Hey Tony,

I'm 99% sure I'll be able to attend on the 7th. Will comfirm with you on Monday. Happy New Year everybody! :cheers:

Cobra4me 12-31-2005 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cobra4me
tony I am interested in the judging certification but have to work Jan 7 the is there going to be another opportunity to do this? In the future thanks

tony my question doesn't require a response?? yes or no?

RF Cobra 12-31-2005 07:55 PM

Where's our champion from last year? Is he too scared to defend his title? :p ;)

RF Cobra 12-31-2005 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by flynfink
Not sure if I can make it. I have a flight out of the country on Sunday.

I warned you about those back taxes...:rotf:


Originally Posted by flynfink
BTW, Tony, you better call Carlos. I think they closed the doors for good. :(

I hope that's not the case. :eek:

Maybe the club could buy it and change the name to Tony's. Then we'd always have someplace to meet and eat. :)

cobrabitn 12-31-2005 10:06 PM


Yes, we can set up another judging certification date. This is also a good time for all of us to get together and talk about the 2006 event season. :thumbsup: Please post here if you are definitely going, please don't be's either yes or no I will be there. Don't hint at it, just say Yes or No, thanks. The event is rain or shine...if it rains, you don't have to bring your Cobra with you.


Attendees who said yes:

Lisa and Clarence Milstead - 2003 Sonic Blue Cobra
Rich Riley - 1998 Chrome Yellow Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 2004 Mystichrome Cobra
Burke Dawson - 1997 Rio Red Cobra
Ed Burwell - 2001 Laser Red Cobra
Torrey Tennant - 2004 Black Cobra
Adam Handrick - 2003 Redfire Cobra

nckissfan 01-01-2006 03:14 AM

hey Tony, I will be there, but will be late. I will not be karting, but will be there for the judging deal. I get off of work around 2, so it will be after that. See y'all then:bounce:

cobrabitn 01-01-2006 06:45 AM

Thanks Mike! :thumbsup:

Attendees who said yes:

Lisa and Clarence Milstead - 2003 Sonic Blue Cobra
Rich Riley - 1998 Chrome Yellow Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 2004 Mystichrome Cobra
Burke Dawson - 1997 Rio Red Cobra
Ed Burwell - 2001 Laser Red Cobra
Torrey Tennant - 2004 Black Cobra
Adam Hendrick - 2003 Redfire Cobra
Mike Boyle - 1997 Pacific Green Cobra

Robbie '96 01-01-2006 04:04 PM

Victory lane
Will try to make it , kind of short notice. Tony if you can't go to Carlo's the room will probably be open at Fat Boy's.


RF Cobra 01-01-2006 08:47 PM

Tony, all 4 of us will be there to watch the fun.

Please bring the SCMC Dell, I should have some files to give you.

Any word on Carlos status?

cobrabitn 01-01-2006 09:50 PM

Thanks Allan!

I'm not sure about Carlo's yet so we may have to find somewhere else to go, I'll call them tomorrow.

Attendees who said yes:

Lisa and Clarence Milstead - 2003 Sonic Blue Cobra
Rich Riley - 1998 Chrome Yellow Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 2004 Mystichrome Cobra
Burke Dawson - 1997 Rio Red Cobra
Ed Burwell - 2001 Laser Red Cobra
Torrey Tennant - 2004 Black Cobra
Adam Hendrick - 2003 Redfire Cobra
Mike Boyle - 1997 Pacific Green Cobra
Allan & Leahh scott - 2003 Redfire Cobra

Cobra4me 01-01-2006 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cobra4me
tony I am interested in the judging certification but have to work Jan 7 the is there going to be another opportunity to do this? In the future thanks

tony actually I did post that I had to work. But I have changed my schedule at work to attend. I just really was asking a question for you and wondered what the answer was. So my apologies. Please add me to list for dinner and the judging certification please, please

cobrabitn 01-01-2006 10:33 PM

Glad you can make it Robbie!

Attendees who said yes:

Lisa and Clarence Milstead - 2003 Sonic Blue Cobra
Rich Riley - 1998 Chrome Yellow Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 2004 Mystichrome Cobra
Burke Dawson - 1997 Rio Red Cobra
Ed Burwell - 2001 Laser Red Cobra
Torrey Tennant - 2004 Black Cobra
Adam Hendrick - 2003 Redfire Cobra
Mike Boyle - 1997 Pacific Green Cobra
Allan & Leah Scott - 2003 Redfire Cobra
Robbie Kiser - 2004 Competition Orange Cobra
Bill and Binky Dangerfield - 2003 Redfire Cobra

dawghaus 01-01-2006 10:53 PM


Bill and Binky are now in the house. And we are going to be at the Karting meeting. Thanks Tony for your help.

blk04cobra1 01-03-2006 11:53 AM

cross your fingers and there may be a 800+rwhp car attending, trying to get tuned on Friday :bounce:

03slidewayzSVT 01-03-2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by blk04cobra1
cross your fingers and there may be a 800+rwhp car attending, trying to get tuned on Friday :bounce:

Where at?:bounce:

Cobra4me 01-03-2006 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by blk04cobra1
cross your fingers and there may be a 800+rwhp car attending, trying to get tuned on Friday :bounce:

YoooooHooooo! can't wait

blk04cobra1 01-03-2006 09:02 PM

okay...sorry to get everyone excited...we've decided to bump it back a week, so we can work out any kinks ;) but it will be there, if there's no rain :thumbsup:

cobrabitn 01-04-2006 01:44 AM


Good newsletter material!

I need some ideas for another meeting place with a room for dinner this weekend because Carlo's is closed till next Friday so we missed it by a week. :(


InfamousSVT 01-04-2006 02:01 AM

Won't be able to make it, have fun :D

03slidewayzSVT 01-04-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by cobrabitn

Good newsletter material!

I need some ideas for another meeting place with a room for dinner this weekend because Carlo's is closed till next Friday so we missed it by a week. :(


What kind a room are you looking for Tony? one that can be closed off or what? food places on harris blvd chilis,fridays, red robbin(good burger place), longhorn, apple bees. up 77n@ sunset blvd theres bubbas BBQ (very good bbq) dennys and few others. Let me know I can give direction to all. Thanks Adam :)

RF Cobra 01-04-2006 09:26 PM

It needs to have a separate seating area preferably where we can all sit together. We might get kicked out otherwise for making too much noise. ;)

cobrabitn 01-04-2006 10:30 PM

What allan said...if we can get it, a sealed off room. Carlo's will be opening back up next week. :mad:

blk04cobra1 01-04-2006 10:51 PM

I dont know of any with a sealed off room, but we might be able to get the back corner of Quaker Steak and Lube? Or there's always the reliable Hooter's :D

03slidewayzSVT 01-04-2006 11:09 PM

only place i know for sure is ryans or goldencoral. how about chucky cheese :rotf: hahaha just kidding...

03slidewayzSVT 01-04-2006 11:13 PM

how about have catering to victory lane? they have a room that can seal off..:thumbsup:

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