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spincobra03 03-25-2006 11:46 PM

cooling mods?
maybe someone can answer this. I looked at LFP's heat exchanger and polished resivoir water tank. Do these mods require anything special. Is changing the heat exchanger worth it? Is all that goes in that resivoir tank just plain water. And what about the heat exchanger, does it need to be purged?

Dave B. 03-26-2006 12:44 AM

I have had a Gordsford Heat exchanger on for some time, to be perfectly honest I dont know if I ever got a dang thing from it, I would bet if your drag racing it would do you no good at all, but if you were circuit track racing where over a period of time the coolant would just keep getting hotter and hotter then it would be a worth while thing to do,

spincobra03 03-26-2006 01:35 AM

what else do people think, more so on the fluids and resivoir tank

Dave B. 03-26-2006 02:00 AM

The other thing I can tell you is Sam at Coastal Dyno said a long time ago that hes never seen but very small cooling differances, I chose the Gordsford mainly because of the unique look it has in the car, it has "COBRA" painted in black accross it in high temp paint and makes the front of the car look very exotic,,

ausie 03-26-2006 10:32 AM

There may be something to gain with a larger resivior for the intercooler if it is the one that has the large fuel cell styled cap. The trick is that you can pack it with ice but what that will get you at the track and how long it stays cold may not be all that practical. Some of the heat exchangers may provide a larger degree of cooling but only as long as you have air flow through it. I do recall seeing a dual fan kit for the heat exchanger somewhere.

It may also depend on what fluids you use. For track use (drag stirp or circuit) water is the only effecient means to effectively get a good heat transfer. Coolant on the other hand only prevents boiling and or freezing and the water in the mix is the heat transfer medium and not the coolant or antifreeze. Having reliable air flow through the heat exchanger or radiator is the key ingrediant and how large the core is and if it is designed right, the heat transfer will be more efficient. The other issue is ambient air temperature and the inlet air temperature. If you are drawing in engine heated air that will just compound the issue.

If you wish to reduce inlet temperatures there is always methanol injection.

I would agree with Dave on this one. Inless you are willing to remove the passenger seat and replace that with an industrial sized heat exchanger the effects of the heated air and the stock heat exchanger/intercooler will not be all that dramatic. I wonder if an air to air or water to air precooler would work along with the intercooler or would that just be added weight?

blk04cobra1 03-26-2006 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by spincobra03
maybe someone can answer this. I looked at LFP's heat exchanger and polished resivoir water tank. Do these mods require anything special. Is changing the heat exchanger worth it? Is all that goes in that resivoir tank just plain water. And what about the heat exchanger, does it need to be purged?

yes, it is worth it. you will have to flush the coolant system, or else it'll make a mess :thumbsup: ...

RedfireSVT 03-26-2006 11:31 PM

The stock heat exchanger is more than adequate for the stock boost. When you increase the amount of boost you need to uprade the heat exchanger in order to keep the charge temps in check. Heat is the enemy of these engines and this is definately worth it in my opinion. Just fill it with the same Ford antifreeze that is in the radiator. Using an upgraded reservoir and packing it with ice is good for a quick quartermile pass before it melts. The stock reservoir is otherwise adequate for daily driving.

spincobra03 03-27-2006 08:12 PM

so redfire, in that resvoir intercooler It calls for 50/50 motorcraft, coolant/antifreeze??? I picked up some preston that is supposed to be a direct replacement, the yellow color. So in that resivoir I can pack ice with the preston coolant 50/50?? I guess my question the coolant in the radiator is the same as in the resi tank?? thats what I got from reading the booklet

RedfireSVT 03-28-2006 10:46 PM

That is correct, it is the same stuff. As far as packing ice in the reservoir box that is beneficial for track duty but you'll want to drain the coolant and possibly save it to reuse, then fill with 100 percent water plus leave room for the ice. Nothing cools better than water but water will boil at a lower temp but for 1/4 mile passes that isn't a problem especially with cool down time. Water without coolant will not resist corrosion so after you are done at the track simply drain the system and refill with the 50/50 mix.:thumbsup:

spincobra03 03-28-2006 11:04 PM

ahh thanks thats what I was wondering, knowing me I would have put ice in with the 50/50. thats clears it up

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