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winddy1 02-23-2002 12:26 PM

VICTOR FORD SHOW / Wauconda, Illinois
We have the date for the Victor Ford Show -

it will be July 14th !!

More information coming later !!

Hope y'all can come.

Remember -
this isn't a show show,
it's actually just a day to show off your Cobra, relax and be with friends !!

No competition - just friendship & fun ..

and maybe some killer stories being whispered about in the background !!:bounce: :bounce:

Cobra-R 02-23-2002 11:27 PM

Re: VICTOR FORD SHOW / Wauconda, Illinois

Originally posted by winddy1
We have the date for the Victor Ford Show -

it will be July 14th !!

More information coming later !!

Hope y'all can come.

Remember -
this isn't a show show,
it's actually just a day to show off your Cobra, relax and be with friends !!

No competition - just friendship & fun ..

and maybe some killer stories being whispered about in the background !!:bounce: :bounce:

I might come down to bug you if they allow cars without splashguards in????;) ;) ;) ;)

winddy1 02-23-2002 11:47 PM

Re: Re: VICTOR FORD SHOW / Wauconda, Illinois

Originally posted by Cobra-R

I might come down to bug you if they allow cars without splashguards in????;) ;) ;) ;)



Yup - everyone is allowed.

Long as it is a Ford k?

And, Tim and I are going to be relying on you -
we need support !!

They get allot of people going in and out of there, and it is a busy highway .. it would be nice to give SCMC some "publicity" here ..!!

You know, show 'em what we've got !!

:burnout: :burnout: :run: :run:

:bounce: :bounce:

Cobra-R 02-24-2002 12:56 AM

Re: Re: Re: VICTOR FORD SHOW / Wauconda, Illinois

Originally posted by winddy1



Yup - everyone is allowed.

Long as it is a Ford k?

And, Tim and I are going to be relying on you -
we need support !!

They get allot of people going in and out of there, and it is a busy highway .. it would be nice to give SCMC some "publicity" here ..!!

You know, show 'em what we've got !!

:burnout: :burnout: :run: :run:

:bounce: :bounce:

Where is the show from Rockford? Is it closer or farther for me?

Dean95CobraR 02-24-2002 09:01 AM

Count Annette and I in!
Although the R really won't be looking show worthy by then.:(

winddy1 02-24-2002 02:14 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: VICTOR FORD SHOW / Wauconda, Illinois

Originally posted by Cobra-R

Where is the show from Rockford? Is it closer or farther for me?


I do not know exactly -

but I'm guessing about another hour or two east ??

winddy1 02-24-2002 02:16 PM


Originally posted by Dean95CobraR
Count Annette and I in!
Although the R really won't be looking show worthy by then.:(


that would be really cool Dean !!

Hey, if you decide not to bring the R -
you can show Bully !! She'll be ready !!

Were going to bring Trigger and Flash -
and it seems kind of a shame to leave her (Bully) at home -
she is an SVT ya know !!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :bounce: :bounce:

tgentry 02-27-2002 04:14 PM

July 14 looks like a good date for us! We'll be there!

BTW, two years ago a Camaro pulled in to see what all the fuss was about. My daughter, Kira, pointed it out and said "Look, prey!" :rotf:

winddy1 02-27-2002 11:21 PM


Originally posted by tgentry
July 14 looks like a good date for us! We'll be there!

BTW, two years ago a Camaro pulled in to see what all the fuss was about. My daughter, Kira, pointed it out and said "Look, prey!" :rotf:


I remember that ... !!

Hopefully, we'll all get to park together again this year -
and talk about our kill stories !!

Hopefully, this year the heat index won't be 105 degrees!:eek: :eek:

Dean95CobraR 02-28-2002 07:29 AM


Originally posted by winddy1
Hopefully, this year the heat index won't be 105 degrees!:eek: :eek:

Amen to that! Don't forget the monsoon afterwards. :D

STU 02-28-2002 09:08 AM


Originally posted by Dean95CobraR
Count Annette and I in!
Although the R really won't be looking show worthy by then.:(

We might give you a little company on the drive over.

Dean95CobraR 02-28-2002 12:59 PM


Originally posted by STU

We might give you a little company on the drive over.

:thumbsup: Sounds great Dave!

winddy1 03-01-2002 02:17 PM


Originally posted by Dean95CobraR

Amen to that! Don't forget the monsoon afterwards. :D


oh yea,

you had to remind me didn't you ???

Actually - it was probably worse for you..

Tim and I waited it out at the restaurant after we got back with the trailer ..

then it calmed down just enough for us to load Trigger on the trailer -

we drove home slowly ..

but I could just imagine how awful it was for you....


We do have allot of good memories don't we?:D

winddy1 03-01-2002 02:21 PM


Originally posted by STU

We might give you a little company on the drive over.


Cool Dave - glad your coming too!

Sorry that I no longer have a Rio red Cobra for you to park right next too..

but then again ..

think about it
between Dean and us -
we could have


Let's park together k?

With Flash on the other side of Trigger ofcourse...

making it - RED, White, Blue & Black ...

hmmmm, too bad we can't bring Bully ..

ADD silver to the collection ..

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

STU 03-02-2002 08:59 PM

Good idea Bonny. We'll go with the flow.

Or we could do the "What's white and black and red all over" thing. :D

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