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cobrabitn 07-19-2004 10:26 PM

SCMC Dyno Day at Young Ford (was ATS)
If you plan to come to the SCMC Dyno Day at Young Ford in Charlotte, NC on August 7, 2004 then please post here. Thanks...

Oh, I almost forgot, please post your number. :rotf:

tcrews 07-21-2004 08:34 PM

I plan on it....

Red03 07-22-2004 06:27 AM

I'll be there ......................

flynfink 07-22-2004 07:39 AM

I'll be stopping in and watching for a while. What are the times?

cobrabitn 07-22-2004 08:26 PM

9:00 am till finish Jeff.....

Robbie '96 07-22-2004 09:20 PM

Dyno Day
Tony count me in I want to Dyno my F250

tcrews 07-23-2004 02:18 PM

Tony, add Rich Latham to the list (Lighnting truck) and possibly a new member...he's looking at getting a '95 Cobra this Saturday, (Andy Brown).

So from Columbia it looks like

Tom Crews
Rich Latham
Rob Maurer
Andy Brown

Maybe more....still waiting to hear.

NO 5 OH 07-23-2004 06:44 PM

I will be there most likely... I can't say 100% for sure I'll be there as we've been having to pull some Saturday Detention due to the amount of orders we have :o

If we would have had to work tomorrow (the 24th) I wouldn't be able to go with Crystal to see Dave Matthews in Charlotte. I asked/pleaded... you name it to be off IF we had to work and my supervisor polietely said "no." Since we didn't have to work I'll be getting to go after all :thumbsup:

I will of course be bringing the Cobra ;)


cobrabitn 07-23-2004 09:07 PM

So it looks like we have the following people coming to the dyno day and the "bay for the day" event.

Tom Crews - 1998 Cobra
Rich Latham - Lightning
Rob Maurer - Harley Truck
Andy Brown - 95 Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 2004 Cobra
Ronnie Stokes - 2003 Cobra
Robbie Helton - 2002 F250 Diesel
Greg Peppers - 2003 Cobra
Greg's Friends???


Burke Dawson
Jeff Finkelstein
Lisa & Clarence??

Tom, can you hook up with Ronnie Stokes and give him the meet point so he can run up here with y'all?

His e-mail address is , Thanks! :thumbsup:

venomous 07-23-2004 10:47 PM

I am planning on bringing my 1995 cobra, but don't hold it against me if I can't. I need to get a starting point on future mods! :D

TERMN8OR 07-25-2004 02:05 PM

I`ll be there........

BOSSMAN 07-25-2004 06:40 PM


I am going to try and bring my t-top car over. Do they have a place for me to unload the trailer? Also will they let me use the nitrous on one of the runs. :D

cobrabitn 07-25-2004 07:22 PM

Updated List:

Tom Crews - 1998 Cobra
Rich Latham - Lightning
Rob Maurer - Harley Truck
Andy Brown - 1995 Cobra
Andrew McSwain - 1995 Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 2004 Cobra
Ronnie Stokes - 2003 Cobra
Robbie Helton - 2002 F250 Diesel
Greg Peppers - 2003 Cobra
Mark Outz - 2003 Cobra
Jon Sanders - T-Top Car??? (What kind is it?)
Greg's Friends???


Burke Dawson
Jeff Finkelstein
Lisa & Clarence??

Mark, please get with Tom Crews for the cruise up I77 to Young Ford. Thanks!

Jon, I believe you can turn the NO2 on the dyno and yes, we will have a place for you to unload your trailer.


johnbasf 07-25-2004 07:26 PM

I'm really going to try and bring the Bolt.

BOSSMAN 07-25-2004 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by cobrabitn
Updated List:

Tom Crews - 1998 Cobra
Rich Latham - Lightning
Rob Maurer - Harley Truck
Andy Brown - 1995 Cobra
Andrew McSwain - 1995 Cobra
Tony Sorrentino - 2004 Cobra
Ronnie Stokes - 2003 Cobra
Robbie Helton - 2002 F250 Diesel
Greg Peppers - 2003 Cobra
Mark Outz - 2003 Cobra
Jon Sanders - T-Top Car??? (What kind is it?)
Greg's Friends???


Burke Dawson
Jeff Finkelstein
Lisa & Clarence??

Mark, please get with Tom Crews for the cruise up I77 to Young Ford. Thanks!

Jon, I believe you can turn the NO2 on the dyno and yes, we will have a place for you to unload your trailer.


It's my race car that I normally bring to drag day. I would like to see how close I can come to the 1000 hp mark. :eek:

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