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Old 09-22-2003, 01:38 AM   #108
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Before I report on the event itself let me just say that the SCMC "family" is alive and well. I had a serious brake problem and my ladyfriend, Cathy, even commented that "It's so cool that everybody here will do anything they can to help you." Thanks everyone for your concern and willingness to help whether or not you had the required parts. Thanks especially to Fred Fetzer for your spare rear caliper bracket, Dave Diehl for a caliper slider from your gorgeous but sadly broken Cobra R (and an offer to cannibalize as necessary!), Lew Groth for use of the "official Ford brake bleeding tool" that I forgot, Larry Bolton for help in diagnosing the NEW problem and Tim DelSanto for washers to space out the bracket that inexplicably didn't quite fit right. You guys really saved my a... ummm day!

We had SCMC members from all over the eastern half of the country, and Canada too! The weather was perfect, though a bit cold at night. By mid-morning the sun had the temps in the t-shirt range, but it never got hot. The event itself ran smooth as silk thanks to Dean's leadership, and the very friendly GingerMan staff. I saw some definite improvement in many of the drivers, and I think we have some more track-a-holics in the making. Lunches were excellent, you don't get food like this at most track events, and no one left the lunch room hungry. Even a Sunday power outage barely effected the track activities.

Thanks everybody, for a great weekend! (Oh, I almost forgot something I read... Lew Rules! ;-)

Tom Gentry
Life is too short to forget that SCMC is about the people!
Tom Gentry
Life is too short for boring rides!
'06 Schwinn StingRay Spoiler (3 speed conversion)
'03 Giant Team ONCE (Campy goodness)
'00 Bike E E2 Tandem (too many mods to list)
'98 ProFlex Beast (no more elastomers)
'06 Kustom Kruiser Roadster (8 speed conversion)
'74 PPV (Resto-mod project)
'98 E-150 Starcraft Heritage "Black Bart"
'89 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL "Gunther"
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