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Old 09-23-2003, 01:09 PM   #118
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Re: Special?

Originally posted by Black Horse
ahhh...must be special...I see the "short bus" pulling up now *wink*

You guys were out flogging around the track when I left....I would have waited but with the open seesion you might not have been in until midnight. It was good seeing everyone...yes I met your daughter and the way she makes fabulous cookies!

I hope the GT made it should be like a new car now ~lol~

Take care!


Out until midnight?

no --- not with Miss T -
I had one good run and then I parked it for the day.
Too much rubber and junk on the track .... and it was better to quit while I was ahead.
I wasn't able to drive the GT and I'm not able to "ride" with anyone -- sooooo.....

I think we just plain kept missing each other..

anyway -- here's a hug from Illinois ..... and I'm glad you liked my daughters cookies! she's alot better cook than I am.

The GT made it home safely and YES!
its like a new car -- running beautifully except we need to get the electrical stuff straightened out and get the throw out bearing repaired....

and get those 3.73 gears in ....
and my
Wonderful hubby Tim..
Proud Momma of 2,
daughter in law and son in law

One horse, several birds, two dogs
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