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Old 09-23-2003, 01:17 PM   #119
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Originally posted by NJ2000R
Well, I guess Tom just about said it was definately :

Thanks again to everyone who made it happen

PS: what does Lew Rule???
(ppsssstttt......better check the video tape)

Ken ---

were all glad that you came and that you had a good time !!

Thanks again for the ride for my nephew -- he still has a grin from ear to ear!!

I'd ask for one myself if I could ride -- but I know how very special a Cobra R is, and John said it was "fast and fun", so thats good enough for me.!!

hope ya had a good trip home!

here's a picture of Tim and Dave working on Bandit
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and my
Wonderful hubby Tim..
Proud Momma of 2,
daughter in law and son in law

One horse, several birds, two dogs
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