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Old 11-16-2003, 04:01 PM   #1
colt .45
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I love hearing excuses.

Went to the street races tonight and whooped ass.
First race was a 94-95 Cobra with a built motor. Sucker was camming louder than my car. I was scared. He was on Nitto Drag radials. Took him from the launch and pulled away BAD. His excuse..... I couldnt hook. I told him wtf dude I have bald street tires and your coming to me with the traction exuse?!?! LMAO
So we went at it again. This time we launced about the same. We were side by side for 2 gears. Once I hit 3rd it was over. LMAO

Had a run in with a Modded srt-4 also. ****ER was fast. he said he had a boost controller, different blow off, i think he said downpipe? and a 50 shot of gas. Still put several lengths on him but I thought he did well!
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