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Old 08-04-2004, 04:37 PM   #1
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my 97 scort VS 97 Civic EX

Ok, so im getting on the highway doin about 35 on the ramp and this civic with body kit and rims and exhuast is tailing the fu*k outa me, so i keep my speed. Once you get down the the bottom it slits off into 2 lanes and then merges to high-way. So i keep my speed on 35 (knowing that downshifting to 2nd is sexy at this speed) and he comes to the left of me and matches my speed and starts to take off. I drop it into 2nd and get bout a car infront, get all over third and pull about 3-4 cars, hit 4th at about 80-85 mph and pull some more, not keepin much track anymore cuz his car is worthkless, and finally shut down about 95-100mph.

He followed me off the free-way so i pulled over into a wendys and he followed, got out he said "i just got beat by an escort" and he asked me what i had, told him, he had intake and exhuast on a 1997 Civic EX.

1993 Ford Mustang LX 2.3L Hatchback (RIP)
1997 Ford Escort LX Sport (selling soon)
90-92 Ford Mustang 5.0 (coming soon!)
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