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Old 03-28-2006, 08:09 AM   #2
Don't let the dog drive
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Join Date: Apr 2004
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Have not had any issue in reverse. If you are getting a vibration when in reverse it may be clutch chatter which is usaully associated with vibration. If it just a noise it may be the retainer support housing and throw out bearing or possibly the differential may be having some issues with reverse. Also you may want to inspect the brake pads for uneven wear which may indicate a hanging caliper and that may create some noise as well if the pad is digging into the rotor. Also the damper counter weights on the trans and diff may jostle around some if the bushings have become loose. If the sound or vibration is comming from the rear it may be the differential ring and pinion gears if not shimmed properly. If it begins to howl in reverse then it is definately the rear gears.
2004 SVT Cobra, Silver, February 2004
SVT Build # 2485 out of 3768
SLP Loudmouth Cat-back
UPR double lock firewall adjuster
UPR GMS extreme double hook quadrant
Wheels: Ford SVT 10th anniv. wheels (track duty)
SVE 10th anniv. style 17x9F, 10x10.5R
BBS RK Plasma 18x8.5F, 18x10R (retired)

(retired) 2001 black SVT Cobra, October 2001
missed but not forgotten
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