Dr Jekyll on the street, Mr Hyde on the track
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Rock Hill SC
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Below is the text of remarks by Mark Fields, as prepared for delivery to the United States Chamber of Commerce.
It’s a pleasure to be here this morning at the United States Chamber of Commerce. Any corporate executive who has something to say – to consumers, to business colleagues, to the United States government – is lucky to get the chance to say it here.
The US Chamber was founded – at the request of a US President – because both corporate and government interests understood that the health of our society depends on the health of business in that society.
That’s why societies have a profound interest in the health of their businesses – and the United States has a profound interest in the health of American business.
There is perhaps no business more iconic to America than the automobile industry. Kids sketch cars in their notebooks … musicians sing about them … everyone from Steve McQueen to Pixar have made movies about them. Automobiles move our families and are the backbone of our commerce. And nothing makes the heart race like seeing a Mustang GT tear down the road.
Our cars aren’t just American icons. I’m here because a successful domestic automobile company is a national treasure.
And that imposes a unique responsibility on Ford as well as our partners in government.
Today, I want to talk with you about how Ford Motor Company is fulfilling our obligations, what our partners in government can do to help, and why it matters to America.
First, let me tell you how Ford is taking responsibility for its own future.
And that means first acknowledging that we’ve made mistakes in the past.
Perhaps, in the language of Washington, I should say, “Mistakes were made.”
Too often in the past, our philosophy was to move the metal – to build the vehicles we had the capacity to build and then price them – and often discount them – to get the customer to bite.
We allowed ourselves to get bogged down in the accumulated decisions and systems of the past, getting stuck in old ways of thinking, and producing products that were a reflection of that thinking – vehicles that aimed to be all things to all people, but instead ended up being too little to too few.
Even when we had successes, like with our SUVs, we grew so dependent upon that success that we didn’t look far enough beyond the horizon, tracking the trends, knowing our customers, and seeing the day when they might want something else.
Today, I’m proud to tell you, that’s the Ford of the past – not the Ford of today.
True customer-focus means that our business decisions originate from our knowledge of what the customer wants, both today and tomorrow. “If you build it, they will buy it” – that’s business as usual, and that’s wrong. “If they will buy it, we will build it” is right – and we’re going back to it.
Ford remains an iconic American brand, and we still enjoy economies of scale, loyal customers, great suppliers, committed dealers, productive workers, and visionary designers and engineers.
And, this is a bit of news that doesn’t get reported enough: Even while we face a tough 2006 in North America, we continue to make money around the world. In fact, every one of our operations outside the United States – Asia, Europe, South America – was profitable last year and in the first quarter this year, with a solid foundation for growth in the long-term.
That said, it is our mission – and my intention – to return our North American automotive operations to profitability as well – and to do so no later than 2008.
To that end, we’ve launched a turnaround plan called The Way Forward. It was created by challenging some of the brightest minds in our business to question everything we did and then to draw up a blueprint for our success.
This plan has been characterized by some in the media as job cuts and plant closings. It does include those things, and they are painful to acknowledge and enact. But that’s not the heart of the plan. We can’t cut our way to growth. We have to innovate.
That means innovating under the hood... in design… in quality… in safety… in environmental impact… and in production. But innovation for its own sake won’t work. We have to innovate for a purpose – and that purpose is building bold, relevant vehicles that people want to buy.
The United States is the most open and competitive automotive market in the world. By the end of the decade, there will be more than 300 models competing for customers’ attention. If you miss the mark on what consumers want, they’ll go somewhere else, fast.
That’s the reality, and it’s also a huge opportunity.
Because if you do hit that sweet spot – with vehicles that excite people and meet their needs – you can profit just as quickly, too.
Although it’s still in its early days, we’re already seeing The Way Forward at work.
Our new products – especially our fuel-efficient cars – are selling well. The Ford Fusion, Mercury Milan, and Lincoln Zephyr, all had their best months ever, and are gaining share at the expense of our Japanese competitors.
The new Ford Fusion in particular is our way of saying that the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry’s reign at the top of the American sedan market are no longer unchallenged. And people are responding – Fusion buyers are younger than our average buyers, and 93% of them would recommend it to a friend.
We’re also playing to our existing product strengths. The F-Series trucks are up in both sales and share this year – while Chevy, Nissan and Toyota have all stagnated or lost share in that segment.
In addition, we’re developing new strengths, with the new Ford Edge coming later this year poised to satisfy a growing demand for crossover vehicles, and with the Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner hybrids posting record sales of late.
Finally, we’re looking beyond just the next quarter, or even the next year, but to the next generation of transportation. As we developed the hybrid engine that powers the Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner, our innovations led to more than 130 patents, with additional patents still pending. We’re now applying those engineering insights to the hybrid hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles we’re currently testing.
And we’re putting 250,000 flex-fuel E-85 vehicles on the road this year, while working on new alternatives, such as clean diesel and hydrogen internal combustion engines.
Our name is the Ford Motor Company. Nowhere does it say that we’re the “Ford traditional gasoline-powered internal combustion Motor Company.”
As a result of our new products, we’ve slowed our decline in market-share, our quality continues to improve, and we’re on pace to convert three quarters of our North American assembly plants to flexible manufacturing by 2008 -- enabling us to switch between models and deliver more products faster based on changing demand.
We’re also on schedule with plant idlings, we’ve completed our promised 10 percent reduction in salaried costs, we’re making faster-than-expected progress on our hourly reductions, and our retiree health agreement is close to completion.
This is what Ford Motor Company can and must do to return to profitability in North America – and we’re committed to it. But this is just part of the equation.
It’s just as important that our partners in government work with us to ensure an even playing field as we compete with our automotive rivals from around the world.
In any export business, you hear the words “level playing field” quite a bit. In all my time in the auto industry, I’m not sure I’ve ever had the opportunity to play on one.
In my 17 years with Ford Motor Company, I've worked in auto markets around the world. Last September, I returned to the US after having spent the previous ten years abroad, including time in South America running Ford of Argentina, in Japan as CEO of Mazda, and in the United Kingdom as the head of Ford of Europe and President of Ford’s Premier Automotive Group, which includes Volvo, Land Rover, Jaguar, and Aston Martin.
These experiences have given me a good perspective on how government can partner with – or stand in the way of – its manufacturing industries.
In Europe, manufacturing generally – and the automobile industry specifically – struggles to operate under a crushing burden of regulation imposed at the local, national, and European Union levels. By 2010, EU regulation already on the books – or those being speculated about -- could add approximately 5,000 Euros – 6,300 dollars – to the cost of vehicle we make in Europe.
How are companies responding to such regulatory and tax burdens? They’re leaving. During my time in Europe, I witnessed a steady exodus of automotive jobs from every major automotive manufacturer, including ours.
During my time in Asia, I saw a different approach. Governments saw export industries as strategically important, vital to the national interest, and therefore deserving of crucial assistance from their government partners. So the government of Japan, whose automakers already enjoyed the competitive advantage of nationalized health care and pensions, also gave its automakers the further advantage of R&D assistance and significant trade support, including a willingness to distort their currency – something I saw first hand.
It’s not just Japan. Over the last two decades, the Korean government – as a matter of national policy – enacted a series of steps to close their market to imports while boosting its own automobile exports. The results are striking. Last year, less than 4,000 US-made vehicles were permitted to be sold in Korea – while Korean brands exported more than 730,000 vehicles to the United States
These trade and economic policies, while offering some advantages to their national manufacturers and exporters, come at a cost. In Europe, it’s a shrinking automotive manufacturing industry. In Japan, it’s an economy that has stagnated due to excessive government intervention. In Korea, it’s a lack of public faith among consumers due to the cozy – and even corrupt – relationship between government and industry.
There is a reason why governments around the world pay close attention to their domestic automobile industries. As an industry, automakers represent the single greatest engine of economic activity in the world. Automobile manufacturers drive raw materials development, financial systems, advanced materials and manufacturing development, safety innovations, and environmental controls.
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