07-22-2006, 10:15 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 79
Originally Posted by mojosvt
Well as of right now, for sure we have
Mike M
Mark M
Mike R
Chris A
Mark P
so we will have a pretty good caravan heading south. Tony M might still be going, he will be a last minute call. Can't wait to run the 411 again, I might even be on some new r compound. Not usre if I can get another event out the the current hoosiers, cut one of them, not too bad, might mount it on the car, and drive around a little, make sure she still holds air. We will see! Can't wait to see you all soon, and a little note to Mike R....JUST DO IT!!! Mark P. just purchased a 4-point autopower roll bar, and hopefully will get it in prior to the 411...SO SHOULD YOU!!! Rick Mcnutt offered to help install the sat before the 411. Just something to think about. 
Hey Mike! I hate to admit it but I haven't put the roll bar in yet, how long did it take you to put yours in?  C'ya.....Mark.