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Old 08-02-2006, 12:34 AM   #5
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Thanks for the responses. I am still pondering the Bassani X-pipe. To answer your question ggrab, I was talking about adding long tube headers. Most people that add headers on the 03-04 Cobra are adding the long tube headers. I think Bassani makes some mid-length, but I don't know if I have even seen shorties for these cars. The reason I am steering away from the long tubes is first because of the complicated installation, or I could pay somebody around $800 to install & that isn't going to happen. Second from what I have read unless you are planning on adding a Kenne Bell or Whipple & making 550-600 rwhp than the stock headers are sufficient & basically you will be wasting about $500 (BBK Headers) & about a day to install. Remember these cars came supercharged from the factory, & 390hp at the flywheel, so I am sure that the stock headers are sufficient for the Eaton and can handle the 450-460 you will get out of this blower with some basic mods. Where SVT starved these cars of air-flow was at the intake, so thats why by adding a simple CAI you will see gains of 20-25 rwhp. I have also read when installing the headers you might see a little increase in horsepower, but you will see a decrease in your RWTQ. So in a nutshell ggrab the bang for the $$$ & time spent doesn't add up. Oh yeah don't forget about the headache you will have when you go to replace your clutch. Anybody else have a take on this? Also anymore takes on the X-Pipe with Borla I am ordering the parts on Thursday, so any input would be appreciated. Thanks
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