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Old 09-02-2006, 10:13 PM   #4
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Harriman, TN
Posts: 823
Well we had a great time at Barber. The track and facility look more like a golf course country club that a racing facility!!! The track itself is challenging and a blast to drive. Diving into the down hill esses in 4th, braking over the gator, downshifting to third and then cranking it hard right onto the back straight at WOT and then up and over the hill or hitting the late apex just right and going WOT over the blind hill of the tunnel turn were my two favorites.

Larry Bolton, Brett Marshall, Brian West, Jayne and I had a great time. We got through tech Wed. evening and were ready for some track time Thursday morning. We were all in group B with D being beginners upto A being mostly full track cars. It was a big step for Jayne and I to go out on a new technical track without an instructor!! We were more than a little nervous however by the third session of the day we had somewhat of a line figured out and were not handing out to many point bys.

I did spend part of two sessions Thursday sitting off the track watching the action. My car was shredding belts!! Finally I removed the offending AC delete pulley, replaced the tensioner and went with a 11.5 inch shorter belt. That seemed to work until the last 6th session of the day. I then adjusted the alternator position and managed to last through Friday. I guess three belts sacraficed to the track gods was sufficient.

Late Thursday a friend of ours David who ran with us at TGP showed up. He has several thousand miles on track at Barber and gave us some pointers to improve our lines and really bump us up a notch. Well it worked very well with Jayne and I getting bumped to A group! Jayne more than held her own even driving a lowly Mustang Cobra instead of her usual Z06. Brett would have been there with us but A group required rollover protection and a harness.

I had a blast in the new track car and got to run with some good drivers. I did have 4 wheel off late Friday chasing a really quick fox body but I just let the car drift off at the back chicane went around the track out cone and right back on track and only lost about 4 car lengths on him but even though I had not gotten the black flag yet I went in any way to take my medicine and the session ended while I was in.

All in all it was a great couple of days with some SCMC friends. We were flying the club logos and windshield banners with pride and hopefully represented the club well.

Now to get the cars ready for the Cobra Nationals!!!
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