Black SVT Cobra clean shine and wax advice needed
Purchased a 96 SVT Cobra about a week ago. It is Black with Black leather interior. Previous owner pampered it, kept it in a heated garage, put an average of 1.5-2K miles on a year. It has 39K miles and the pain looks about showroom new. Not one dent. He never dove it in rain. I hope to treat it the same, but right now I have a 63 Pontiac Catalina in non -running condition in the garage that must go first. We live with my Mother-in-law and the car was her husband's who passed away a few years ago and it now belongs to my brother-in-law. So until he gets it out of there I'm using a covercraft NOAH model for protection. Cobra will be garaged before winter if I have to rent a garage.
Question is with today's products what is the best way to go to clean, polish, and wax an all black vehicle? He used all Meguiars products. But looking around I see some products that say they are especially formulated for Black and the Wax has Black pigment so it leaves no white residue. I'd love to hear from other owners of all Black cars. It is due for a start from fresh cleaning and wax from me. I own a Sears random orbit buffer but I'm told by previous owner to get a better buffer and learn on another vehicle before I tackle the Cobra. Thanks, Spiney-Dave