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Old 05-26-2002, 08:50 AM   #4
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What I would like to do, and it is only a suggestion, is stop in Kentucky. There's a KOA campground at exit 62 which is 2 miles north of Mount Vernon. I would assume that there would be a hotel or something at the exit or at least close by for those not very fond of campground bath houses.

Here's the website for the KOA campground...

I can probably leave work early on Thursday. Probably not any earlier than 12:00 or 1:00 though. When I leave work, I'll be packed up and ready to go though, so I can be near Ashville by 3:00 or so.

From my house, the best route is I-26 to Asheville, then through Knoxville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Inianapolis, etc. Is that preety much what you guys had planned?
Tom Lewis

Nothing fun to drive...
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