Thread: Gingerman
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Old 05-30-2002, 07:28 AM   #38
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Originally posted by smashedheadcat
Hello there everyone. Well, the way it's looking...... i won't be able to participate in Gingerman with my car. I'm trying to plan some stuff out financially... and i just don't think i'll be able to swing the $$ for it. But that's not the only reason either. I can't get off of work til 5pm on the 7th. So i'm gonna have to drive about 900 miles home. I'll probably sleep the majority of the day on the 8th. So, it's gonna be the 9th by the time i can get there.


You know, you can still make it for Sunday.

At least come and meet everyone. Make sure you bring your helmet and take a few rides.
2012 Boss LS #39 Black/Red
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