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Old 01-29-2003, 07:56 PM   #10
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Re: indy

Originally posted by 1-QIK-SNK
I sent you a email before I new of this. sorry: lol

I have been to down indy many times and have found a place or too to eat.

Like I said there is some racing going on at the RCA dome Sat. 8 and that where I hope to be. Noting is set in stone though. If you go to Indy and plan and staying the night get on and get a room down town. You can save some money on I have used every time I have been to Indy and was staying the night. Kerry

Kerry -

let us know if you and your wife would like to join up with us for the Go Karting !!

were still on for lunch !!
and my
Wonderful hubby Tim..
Proud Momma of 2,
daughter in law and son in law

One horse, several birds, two dogs
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