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Old 02-07-2003, 01:05 PM   #32
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Originally posted by Dean95CobraR
Something has come up.

I found someone that is selling a HO Fibertrend hood that I would love for my AI car. He lives in Cincy and I need to go pick it up. I am suppose to meet him at the Ohio/Indiana border on 74 at 10:00am. That means I might not get to KB right at 11:00. Hopefully I can get there before they close. This kinda stinks but I really don't have any choice.


good for you Dean !!

Same here --- we found an enclosed trailer that we need to go see. It's a little bit out of the way -- but then again, we won't have to go thru Gary !!!!

we will keep in touch via cell phone k Dean?
see you soon!
and my
Wonderful hubby Tim..
Proud Momma of 2,
daughter in law and son in law

One horse, several birds, two dogs
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