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Old 03-21-2005, 11:31 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by casey99COBRA
oh man that is gay.
I'd like to think that he's talking about the situation.....not ausie's response to it.......but if not....yea....
2010 Mazdaspeed3
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Old 03-22-2005, 04:15 AM   #17
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Probably a bunch of punk kids? They deserved it no matter what age...
Way too many Idiots on the road these days
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Old 03-22-2005, 07:26 AM   #18
Don't let the dog drive
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perhaps this thread should have been placed in the lounge instead of kill stories since nobody died... I am not worried about it. It sounds like more of you in here have had similar situations with drive through fuel pump idiots. I know I did the right thing and I do not regret it. Perhaps they will think twice before pulling a stunt like that again to some one else. I think what sunk in was what I said "What the #$%& is your problem? keep driving like that and you will wind up dead". My choice of words is what had me concerned but I made no direct threats to any of the occupants in the vehicle. just a warning. Due to their assumed age, and at 1:30am, 4 minors in a vehicle I can think of two or three violations already. PA law mandates: no more than one passenger, no driving after 10pm. (weather that would hold up since WAWA is considered private property). Had the kid hit the cobra, he would have been busted assuming he even had a drivers licence to begin with.
2004 SVT Cobra, Silver, February 2004
SVT Build # 2485 out of 3768
SLP Loudmouth Cat-back
UPR double lock firewall adjuster
UPR GMS extreme double hook quadrant
Wheels: Ford SVT 10th anniv. wheels (track duty)
SVE 10th anniv. style 17x9F, 10x10.5R
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(retired) 2001 black SVT Cobra, October 2001
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Old 03-23-2005, 02:00 AM   #19
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Well, you COULD have killed them. That would have made it more fun, and you definitely would have trounced them had they attempted to race. But that's about the best a neon driver will ever do, cut off a Cobra.

Maglite makes a GREAT little gadget called the 4D flashlight. It's about 16 inches of cold hard steel packed with... yep you guessed it... 4 D-cell batteries.

Such lights are "tools of the trade" of policemen, bouncers, security, etc... for their handiness in situations such as the one w/ the neon. Brings new meaning to the word jaw breaker.

Not that I would ever advicate such behavior. Just merely hinting at another way to reach a resolution.

97 SVT Cobra
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Old 03-23-2005, 07:51 AM   #20
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Perhaps I killed their ego's. That is all that was necessary. I could have pointed out the obvious, but issueing an insult about what they are driving is not as effective as insulting their driving skill. That was more direct. Some people just have to learn that there is a time to show off and a time to respect others. It is one thing to burn doughnuts in an empty mall parking lot, and quite another thing to speed through a fueling station when it is full of vehicles and people returning to their vehicles after paying for the fuel. I was young too, but at least I did not do stupid stunts like that when there was a potential of harming others.
2004 SVT Cobra, Silver, February 2004
SVT Build # 2485 out of 3768
SLP Loudmouth Cat-back
UPR double lock firewall adjuster
UPR GMS extreme double hook quadrant
Wheels: Ford SVT 10th anniv. wheels (track duty)
SVE 10th anniv. style 17x9F, 10x10.5R
BBS RK Plasma 18x8.5F, 18x10R (retired)

(retired) 2001 black SVT Cobra, October 2001
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Old 03-25-2005, 10:04 AM   #21
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Ausie, not to forego the MOST obvious point... brainless stunt in FUELING station... could have taken out a city block w/ major combustion...

So, the next time I travel back up north to visit the family in NJ... we'll have to meet up for dinner at Olive Garden out there on Rt. 22 & hunt down Mr. Neon in our Cobras.

I'll bring my dopey ex girlfriend along as an added attraction to laugh at. (ahh, jersey girls).

I still say you should have killed him, or at least cut of a pinkey or 2...
(j/k of course)
97 SVT Cobra
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Old 03-26-2005, 10:32 AM   #22
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you may have a point there, but some how I disagree about the blowing up part. I have never heard of a gas station going up in a big blast like the BP refinery in Texas not too long ago. The engineering involved in the fuel delivery system is quite extensive and I am sure that WAWA or other inconvienence fuel stations will not wind up on Discovery "Engineering Disaster". The kids were not suicidal, just stupid. Had I been driving my Exploder (96 explorer) I would have crushed that vehicle since the 5200lb tank does not stop on a dime when the roads are wet. The way the Cobra handles and stops on a dime is a life saver. I was only moving through the parking lot at 15mph since I am used to idiots that drive like idiots. On second thought, WAWA should have focus on "engineering stupidity" since whoever desinged the layout of the traffic flow was not thinking when they did it. That has presidence over those dumb circles that wind up replacing 4 way intersections which seem to plague NJ just about every where. That may explain why 8 out of 10 NJ tagged cars I see on the streets of PA are banged up. I am tempted to enter one of those things and just go around in circles. I choose not to simply because I don't want to wind up looking like a fuel pump racer. Call that a hole shot, since that is where you will wind up if you make a mistake.

Phillipsburg or Bethlehem? Rt 78 is a great road for speed and so is the recent rt 33 bypass that connects 22 to 78. PennDOT made a nice race track 22E to 33S to 78W merge with 309 N back to 22. It is almost as fun as the PA turnpike. My ex-wife can stay where she is, since she has a tendency to wreck vehicles when she is behing the wheel, especially on the highway. She took out three cars plus her Acura Integra due to road rage. She must have had rice on the brain since she was trying to race a northstar Caddy and lost. I practically laughed my butt off since the insurance company rebuilt the car and did not total it $10,509 worth of damage to the vehicle not to mention the damages done to the other three cars (which was minor and basically secondary impact after ramming her car into the barrier).
2004 SVT Cobra, Silver, February 2004
SVT Build # 2485 out of 3768
SLP Loudmouth Cat-back
UPR double lock firewall adjuster
UPR GMS extreme double hook quadrant
Wheels: Ford SVT 10th anniv. wheels (track duty)
SVE 10th anniv. style 17x9F, 10x10.5R
BBS RK Plasma 18x8.5F, 18x10R (retired)

(retired) 2001 black SVT Cobra, October 2001
missed but not forgotten

Last edited by ausie; 03-26-2005 at 10:52 AM. Reason: added something
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